Log message:
p5-Finance-Quote: update to 1.53.
1.53 2022-10-08 12:26:55-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
* dist.ini - changed bugtracker.web to
* DWS.pm - Set $info{$symbol, 'symbol'} to $symbol.
* Union.pm - #231 - reworked for a different CSV file.
* CurrencyRates/AlphaVantage.pm - API CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE
no longer accepts free API keys. Changed to use FX_DAILY API.
Issue #229 PR #230
* Set minimum version for LWP::UserAgent in dist.ini to
honor redirects.
* CurrencyRates/AlphaVantage.pm - Added logic to account
for empty JSON returned from currency exchange fetch.
* Bourso.pm - Added Europe and France back as failover
methods. These were removed some time ago in commit e26484b.
* Tradeville.pm - Changed hostname in URL to tradeville.ro.
Added logic to better account for the symbol not being
* YahooJSON.pm - #202 - Account for symbols with '&'.
* Minor change to isoTime function in Quote.pm.
* Updated TSP.pm - PR #227 - update URL and handling of dates.
1.52 2022-07-03 15:15:38-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
* Quote.pm - Fixed logic for FQ_LOAD_QUOTELET starting with \
reported in issue #197. PR #199.
* AlphaVantage currency module: Don't recurse infinitely when exchange
rate is less than .001 (PR 193)
* Bourso.pm - Fixed data bug reported in issue #174 with PR #194.
* TSP.pm - Minor fix for URL used to retrieve data. PR #195.
Note: URL was changed after the PR was merged.
Module remains in a non-working status.
* TesouroDireto.pm - New module for Brazilian's National Treasury
public bounds. PR #198.
* Bloomberg.pm - Update Bloomberg class names #205. Correct html
parsing errors.
* MorningstarCH.pm - Re-enabled and fixed in #207.
* ZA.pm - Change to return price from sharenet in major denomination.
PR #208.
* Changes to SourceForge project website HTML files.
* Add [Prereqs] to dist.ini. #215
1.51 2021-07-04 14:41:59-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
* Fix bugs in t/fq-object-methods.t
* Add code to hide warning in t/currency_lookup.t
1.50 2021-06-26 20:52:16-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
* New modules: CurrencyRates
* Updated modules: ASX, TIAA-CREF, Fool, Currencies
* Corrected some POD issues (thanks to the Debian Perl Group)
Log message:
p5-Finance-Quote: update to 1.49.
Fix dependencies.
1.49 2019-06-30 12:20:58+02:00 Europe/Brussels
* Alphavantage: Removed Time::HiRes dependency due to mswin32
not supporting clock_gettime calls.
1.48 2019-06-30 01:19:14+02:00 Europe/Brussels
* Alphavantage: Add a waiting mechanism to comply to
alphavantage use terms
* Alphavantage: Added several stock exchange support and
* Updated modules: Union, Deka, Indiamutual, ASX, Yahoojson,
TSP, AEX, Fool
* New modules: IEXTrading, MorningstarAU, MorningstarCH,
* Yahoo: removed modules referring to yahoo API, which yahoo
* BUGFIX: 'use of uninitialized value' returned by perl could
make gnucash fail when more than 15 quotes where requested
* BUGFIX: MS Windows does not support %T in strftime call
* Added new documentation files: Release.txt, Hackers-Guide,
* We started moving known failing tests into TODO blocks
* This release is the result of hard work by Bruce Schuck,
Vincent Lucarelli, Pieter-Jan Vandormael, Manuel Friedli,
Jalon Avens, Chris Good, Mark J. Cox, Eelco Dolstra, Henrik
Ahlgren, Vinay Shastry, Mike Alexander, Erik Colson.
* Special thanks go to Bruce Schuck and Vincent Lucarelli
which joined the maintainers team!