2018-08-22 11:48:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3558) |
Log message:
Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0
2017-11-01 06:27:44 by Maya Rashish | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
imapsync: switch homepage/master sites fedorahosted -> pagure
2016-10-09 22:32:12 by David A. Holland | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
PR 51547 Randolf Richardson: add missing deps p5-IO-Tee and p5-Unicode-String
2016-07-09 08:39:18 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1068) |
Log message:
Bump PKGREVISION for perl-5.24.0 for everything mentioning perl.
2015-11-04 00:27:24 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (312) |
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for mail category
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package mutt: missing distfile patch-1.5.24.rr.compressed.gz
Package p5-Email-Valid: missing distfile Email-Valid-1.198.tar.gz
Package pine: missing distfile fancy.patch.gz
Package postgrey: missing distfile targrey-0.31-postgrey-1.34.patch
Package qmail: missing distfile badrcptto.patch
Package qmail: missing distfile outgoingip.patch
Package qmail: missing distfile qmail-1.03-realrcptto-2006.12.10.patch
Package qmail: missing distfile qmail-smtpd-viruscan-1.3.patch
Package thunderbird24: missing distfile enigmail-1.7.2.tar.gz
Package thunderbird31: missing distfile enigmail-1.7.2.tar.gz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-06-12 12:52:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3152) |
Log message:
Recursive PKGREVISION bump for all packages mentioning 'perl',
having a PKGNAME of p5-*, or depending such a package,
for perl-5.22.0.
2015-01-16 10:56:27 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to 1.607:
revision 1.607 locked by: gilles;
date: 2014/11/14 16:25:06; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +46 -40
Added several checks if IsUnconnected. Goal avoid imap commands while disconnected.
revision 1.606
date: 2014/11/14 14:49:13; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +16 -13
Added total size transferred after each message copied.
Added number of total to be synced as a denominator dddd after each message \
copied, nnn/dddd, where nnn is the number of messages copied.
revision 1.605
date: 2014/11/11 00:00:37; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +40 -10
Bugfix. On Windows file path with brackets [] are special. [a] must be written \
revision 1.604
date: 2014/11/08 00:29:26; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +36 -9
Added --skipemptyfolders to skip empty host1 folders. They are not created on host2.
revision 1.603
date: 2014/11/07 22:06:33; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +26 -26
Typo from previous save with gedit and ¤
revision 1.602
date: 2014/11/07 21:57:57; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +82 -19
Added utf8 output for folder names that use special characters in utf7imap
revision 1.601
date: 2014/10/28 10:48:07; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +22 -22
Moved foldersizes call after folders lists print.
revision 1.600
date: 2014/10/27 10:41:52; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8
Remove /x from regex applied with --include and --exclude. Blanks no longer have \
to be explicit with \ or [ ].
revision 1.599
date: 2014/10/26 23:42:12; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +14 -10
Added help usage for --nomixfolders
revision 1.598
date: 2014/10/21 00:27:07; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +20 -7
Added tests to check --regextrans2 's,(.*),\L$1,'
Exchange issue with folders with same name and --delete2.
revision 1.597
date: 2014/10/06 10:48:26; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +12 -11
Changed --nomixdiffcasefolders to --nomixfolders.
Bugfix. --nomixdiffcasefolders was not parsed in command line so it did not work.
revision 1.596
date: 2014/09/04 17:17:36; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6
Added --logfile in help output.
Added --nolog in help output.
revision 1.595
date: 2014/09/01 19:39:16; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7
Changed output, no examine anymore, only select.
revision 1.594
date: 2014/08/16 22:40:02; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9
Fixed "imapsync doesn't see created folders in stats phase". Second time.
revision 1.593
date: 2014/07/08 11:19:43; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +18 -7
Added --nomixdiffcasefolders to avoid merging folders that are considered \
different on host1 but the same on destination host2 because of case \
sensitivities and insensitivities.
revision 1.592
date: 2014/05/22 10:03:17; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +23 -12
Bugfix. Make TLS works with last IO::Socket::SSL default value (SSL_verify_mode \
=> 'SSL_VERIFY_NONE') in tls.
revision 1.591
date: 2014/05/22 01:32:52; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +30 -19
Bugfix. IO::Tee and Open3 in backstic() were incompatible.
FailedBugFix. Tried to fix Tls issue "ERROR: Unable to start TLS: SSL \
connect attempt failed with unknown error error:14090086:SSL \
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed at \
c:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Mail/IMAPClient.pm line 455." No success.
revision 1.590
date: 2014/05/20 23:07:14; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +12 -6
Added option --disarmreadreceipts to fix resending read receipts with Exchange \
as host2.
revision 1.589
date: 2014/05/20 21:35:16; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +93 -37
Added logging by default in subdirectory LOG_imapsync/.
Added option --log. --log is on by default. --nolog to disable logging.
Added option --logfile. Default is like LOG_imapsync/YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_user2.txt
where YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS is the current date and time like 2014_05_20_23_45_10
Use IO::Tee Perl module for logging.
Fixed bug when creating folders on host2 with sep2 to \\ (Lotus Notes).
Updated the code to easily switch on --noreleasecheck by default.
revision 1.588
date: 2014/05/15 10:36:10; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +18 -11
Added FTGate support (no EXAMINE).
revision 1.587
date: 2014/05/09 17:03:27; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +14 -7
Typo when advising about prefix.
Easy way to switch releasecheck of by default.
revision 1.586
date: 2014/04/10 16:02:39; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7
Just a test for good_date and pop2imap
revision 1.585
date: 2014/02/17 15:24:34; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +39 -34
Warn syncing messges will not be simulated when --dry mode is on and folder on \
host2 does not exist yet.
Try to get folder size when a folder on host2 has the same name but with a \
different case like OLD_MAIL -> old_mail. Avoid "does not exist" \
2014-05-30 01:38:20 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3049) |
Log message:
Bump for perl-5.20.0.
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
2014-04-22 10:18:46 by David Brownlee | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Updated mail/imapsync to 1.584
revision 1.584
date: 2014/02/05 00:40:59; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +77 -50
Debug. Print separator given by NAMESPACE even when --sep1 oe --sep2 is used.
Debug. Prints prefix given by NAMESPACE even when --prefix1 or --prefix2 is used.
(Preparation for advising not to use --prefix unless suggested)
revision 1.583
date: 2014/02/04 03:04:35; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +15 -11
Bug fix. --ssl1 --tls2 was buggy because of default SSL_VERIFY_PEER. "Can \
not go to tls encryption on [localhost]:Unable to start TLS: Cannot determine \
peer hostname for verificationerror:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)"
revision 1.582
date: 2014/01/24 01:43:19; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +20 -12
Bugfix. Check if going to tls is ok, exit otherwise with explicit error message.
Thanks to Dennis Schridde for reporting this ugly bug.
revision 1.581
date: 2014/01/15 02:42:06; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +41 -15
Added --debugmaxlinelength
Added --minmaxlinelength to select messages with long lines only.
revision 1.580
date: 2013/12/25 02:52:36; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +51 -27
Added --skipcrossduplicates to avoid copying messages that are already copied in \
another folder.
Added --debugcrossduplicates to print which messages (UIDs) are skipped with \
--skipcrossduplicates (and in what other folders they are).
revision 1.579
date: 2013/12/18 13:53:19; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +9 -8
--maxmessagespersecond, value can be float like 3.2
revision 1.578
date: 2013/12/17 02:14:09; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +73 -9
Added --maxbytespersecond to limit byte transfer rate.
Added --maxmessagespersecond to limit messages tranfer rate (office365 throttle \
revision 1.577
date: 2013/12/05 05:57:51; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +28 -10
Added tests to play with win32 \\?\C:\TEMP syntax and try to solve long path bug.
revision 1.576
date: 2013/11/19 14:37:24; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +19 -14
Added --debugmemory option that prints memory consumption after each message is \
revision 1.575
date: 2013/11/06 13:55:38; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +12 -7
Do not append message if the fetch failed.
revision 1.574
date: 2013/10/28 16:22:04; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +16 -8
Added --create_folder_old in case users want the old behavior of create_folder().
revision 1.573
date: 2013/10/28 14:44:10; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +48 -7
Bugfix. Applied patch for create_folder() and nested folders. Thanks to Erik Torsner.
revision 1.572
date: 2013/10/27 02:04:01; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +13 -8
Bug fix. Final statistics were avoided for newly created folders.
revision 1.571
date: 2013/10/25 14:34:27; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +58 -20
Added --folderfirst <string> : Sync this folder first. --folderfirst \
Added --folderlast <string> : Sync this folder last. --folderlast \
"[Gmail]/All Mail"
--folderlast <string> : then this one, etc.
revision 1.570
date: 2013/10/25 12:52:02; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7
--delete2foldersonly Junk example.
revision 1.569
date: 2013/10/16 21:58:17; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +125 -39
Fixed bug on Windows with --tmpdir "E:\TEMP". The colon was badly \
converted to _, ending with "E_\TEMP".
The fix also automatically moves the old cache to the new one if the new does \
not exist yet.
Fix. Example for --delete2foldersonly "/Junk$/" in help message.
revision 1.568
date: 2013/09/28 02:43:51; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +25 -13
Bug fix. On Win32 trailing blanc in cache dir name raized an error. Blanc now \
move to underscore _.
revision 1.567
date: 2013/09/18 20:38:10; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7
Fixed a warning when RFC822.SIZE is null or undef.
revision 1.566
date: 2013/09/13 13:23:41; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +11 -12
Added --authmech EXTERNAL. Not tested yet.
revision 1.565
date: 2013/09/13 01:16:20; author: gilles; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6
Fusemail success.
RackSpace success.
2014-01-27 19:41:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (72) |
Log message:
Do not set FETCH_USING, should not be set in a package Makefile.