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CVS Commit History:

   2023-07-18 17:15:26 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 8.2.0


Major Changes

- win_chocolatey - add options for specifying checksums
- win_chocolatey_facts - add filter / gather_subset option

- vmware_vasa - added a new module to register/unregister a VASA provider
- vmware_vasa_info - added a new module to gather the information about existing \ 
VASA provider(s)

- Addition of Grafana Server role by @gardar
- Configurable agent user groups by @NormanJS
- Grafana Plugins support on-prem Grafana installation by @ishanjainn
- Updated Service for flow mode
   2023-06-26 18:16:45 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 8.1.0


Major Changes
- Bump minimum required Ansible version to 2.13.0

- Support all FortiManager versions in 6.2, 6.4, 7.0, 7.2 and 7.4. 139 new modules.
- Support token based authentication.

- Improve the `no_log` feature in some modules;
- Improve the documentation and example for `seq_num` in `fortios_router_static`;
- Improve the documentation for `member_path` in all the modules;
- Support new FOS versions.
   2023-05-24 12:42:51 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 7.6.0


Major Changes

- postgresql_privs - the ``password`` argument is deprecated and will be removed \ 
in community.postgresql 4.0.0, use the ``login_password`` argument instead \ 

- Added Grid Master Candidate feature
- Added Member Assignment to network and ranges
- Added NIOS Range module with Create, Update and Delete features
- Fixes issue unable to update/delete EAs using Ansible plugin
- Fixes static and dynamic allocation of IPV4 address of A Record
- Fixes to Update host name of  NIOS member
- Updates default WAPI version to 2.9
   2023-04-26 15:33:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 7.5.0


Minor Changes


- Add jsonl callback plugin to ansible.posix collection
- firewalld - add `protocol` parameter


- Add aci_access_span_dst_group module for fabric access policies span \ 
destination group support
- Add aci_access_span_filter_group and aci_access_span_filter_group_entry \ 
modules for access span filter group support
- Add aci_config_export_policy module
- Add aci_igmp_interface_policy module
- Add aci_interface_config module for new interface configuration available in \ 
ACI v5.2(5)+
- Add aci_interface_policy_spanning_tree  module


- accesspoint_configuration_details_by_task_id_info - new module
- authentication_policy_servers_info - new module
- credential_to_site_by_siteid_create_v2 - new module
- device_interface_info - attributes `lastInputTime` and `lastOutputTime` were added.
- device_reboot_apreboot_info - new module
- dnac_packages_info - new module
- eox_status_device_info - new module
- eox_status_summary_info - new module
- event_email_config - new module
- event_email_config_info - new module
- event_snmp_config_info - new module
- event_syslog_config - new module
- event_syslog_config_info - new module
- execute_suggested_actions_commands - new module
- global_credential_v2 - new module
- global_credential_v2_info - new module
- integration_settings_instances_itsm - new module
- integration_settings_instances_itsm_info - new module
- lan_automation_log_by_serial_number_info - new module
- network_device_user_defined_field - new module
- network_device_user_defined_field_info - new module
- network_v2 - new module
- network_v2_info - new module
- pnp_device_claim_to_site - attributes `removeInactive` and `hostname` were removed.
- role_permissions_info - new module
- roles_info - new module
- sda_fabric_border_device - attributes `routeDistributionProtocol` and \ 
`borderPriority` were added.
- sda_fabric_control_plane_device attribute `routeDistributionProtocol` was added.
- sda_fabric_edge_device - attribute `siteNameHierarchy` was added.
- sda_fabric_site - attribute `fabricType` was added.
- sda_port_assignment_for_user_device - attribute `interfaceNames` was added.
- sda_virtual_network - attribute `vManageVpnId` was added.
- sda_virtual_network_ip_pool - attribute `isBridgeModeVm` was added.
- sda_virtual_network_v2 - attribute `isBridgeModeVm` was added.
- service_provider_v2 - new module
- service_provider_v2_info - new module
- sp_profile_delete_v2 - new module
- user - new module
- user_info - new module
- users_external_servers_info - new module
- wireless_accespoint_configuration - new module
- wireless_accesspoint_configuration_summary_info - new module


- ios_bgp_address_family - add option redistribute.ospf.include_connected when \ 
redistributing OSPF in IPv6 AFI
- ios_bgp_address_family - add option redistribute.ospf.match.externals.type_1 \ 
to allow
- ios_bgp_address_family - add option redistribute.ospf.match.externals.type_2 \ 
to allow
- specification of OSPF E1 routes
- specification of OSPF E2 routes


- Add ip_data_plane_learning and preferred_group arguments to \ 
mso_schema_template_vrf module
- Add module mso_schema_site_anp_epg_bulk_staticport
- Add route_reachability attribute to mso_schema_site_external_epg module


- `nxos_route_maps` - add support for 'set ip next-hop <>' command in \ 
- `nxos_vxlan_vtep` - add support for 'advertise virtual-rmac' command under nve \ 


- get_certificate - add ``asn1_base64`` option to control whether the ASN.1 \ 
included in the ``extensions`` return value is binary data or Base64 encoded \ 


- cpanm - minor change, use feature from ``ModuleHelper`` \ 
- dconf - be forgiving about boolean values: convert them to GVariant booleans \ 
automatically \ 
- dconf - minor refactoring improving parameters and dependencies validation \ 
- deps module utils - add function ``failed()`` providing the ability to check \ 
the dependency check result without triggering an exception \ 
- dig lookup plugin - Support multiple domains to be queried as indicated in \ 
docs (
- gitlab_project - add new option ``topics`` for adding topics to GitLab \ 
projects (
- homebrew_cask - allows passing ``--greedy`` option to ``upgrade_all`` \ 
- idrac_redfish_command - add ``job_id`` to ``CreateBiosConfigJob`` response \ 
- ipa_hostgroup - add ``append`` parameter for adding a new hosts to existing \ 
hostgroups without changing existing hostgroup members \ 
- keycloak_authentication - add flow type option to sub flows to allow the \ 
creation of 'form-flow' sub flows like in Keycloak's built-in registration flow \ 
- mksysb - improved the output of the module in case of errors \ 
- nmap inventory plugin - added environment variables for configure ``address`` \ 
and ``exclude`` \ 
- nmcli - add ``macvlan`` connection type \ 
- pipx - add ``system_site_packages`` parameter to give application access to \ 
system-wide packages \ 
- pipx - ensure ``include_injected`` parameter works with ``state=upgrade`` and \ 
``state=latest`` \ 
- puppet - add new options ``skip_tags`` to exclude certain tagged resources \ 
during a puppet agent or apply \ 
- terraform - remove state file check condition and error block, because in the \ 
native implementation of terraform will not cause errors due to the non-existent \ 
file (
- udm_dns_record - minor refactor to the code \ 


- httpapi plugin - updated to work with Zabbix 6.4.
- zabbix_action, zabbix_authentication, zabbix_discovery_rule, zabbix_mediatype, \ 
zabbix_user, zabbix_user_directory, zabbix_usergroup - updated to work with \ 
Zabbix 6.4.
- zabbix_agent role - Add support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP \ 
Applications ("SLES_SAP").
- zabbix_host - add missing variants for SNMPv3 authprotocol and privprotocol \ 
introduced by Zabbix 6
- zabbix_proxy role - Add variable zabbix_proxy_dbpassword_hash_method to \ 
control whether you want postgresql user password to be hashed with md5 or want \ 
to use db default. When zabbix_proxy_dbpassword_hash_method is set to anything \ 
other than md5 then do not hash the password with md5 so you could use \ 
postgresql scram-sha-256 hashing method.
- zabbix_server role - Add variable zabbix_server_dbpassword_hash_method to \ 
control whether you want postgresql user password to be hashed with md5 or want \ 
to use db default. When zabbix_server_dbpassword_hash_method is set to anything \ 
other than md5 then do not hash the password with md5 so you could use \ 
postgresql scram-sha-256 hashing method.
- zabbix_usergroup module - userdirectory, hostgroup_rights and \ 
templategroup_rights parameters added (Zabbix >= 6.2)
- zabbix_web role - possibility to add custom includes in apache vhost config


- Info module is enhanced to support the listing of replication pairs.


- Add synchronous replication support for filesystem.
- Support addition of host from the Host List to NFS Export in nfs module.
- Support enable/disable advanced dedup in volume module.


- hcloud_image_info - Add cpu architecture field to return value.
- hcloud_image_info - Allow filtering images by cpu architecture.
- hcloud_server - Select matching image for the cpu architecture of the server \ 
type on create & rebuild.
- hcloud_server_type_info - Add cpu architecture field to return value.
- inventory plugin - Add cpu architecture to server variables.


- na_ontap_cifs - new options ``browsable`` and ``show_previous_versions`` added \ 
in REST.
- na_ontap_cifs - removed default value for ``unix_symlink`` as its not \ 
supported with ZAPI.
- na_ontap_cifs - updated documentation and examples for REST.
- na_ontap_file_security_permissions - updated module examples.
- na_ontap_ipspace - improved module fail error message in REST.
- na_ontap_rest_info - improved documentation for ``parameters`` option.
- na_ontap_security_config - updated documentation for ``supported_cipher_suites``.
- na_ontap_user - option ``vserver`` is not required with REST, ignore this \ 
option to create cluster scoped user.


- netbox_aggregate - Add tenant as parameter to module
- netbox_asn - Add module
- netbox_fhrp_group - Add module
- netbox_journal_entry - Add module


- purefb_info - Added `encryption` and `support_keys` information.
- purefb_info - Added bucket quota and safemode information per bucket
- purefb_info - Added security update version for Purity//FB 4.0.2, or higher
- purefb_info - Updated object store account information
- purefb_inventory - Added `part_number` to hardware item information.
- purefb_policy - Added support for multiple rules in snapshot policies
- purefb_proxy - Added new boolean parameter `secure`. Default of true (for \ 
backwards compatability) sets the protocol to be `https://`. False sets \ 
- purefb_s3acc - Added support for default bucket quotas and hard limits
- purefb_s3acc - Added support for object account quota and hard limit


- added Python package dependency checks in
- fusion_hap - added missing 'windows' personality type


- content_export_library, content_export_repository, content_export_version - \ 
add ``format`` option to control the export format
- content_view_filter - add support for creating modulemd filters
- content_view_publish role - also accept a list of dicts as the \ 
``content_views`` role for publishing \ 
- setting - document how to obtain valid setting names \ 

Deprecated Features


- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.external with \ 
redistribute.ospf.match.externals which enables attributes for OSPF type E1 and \ 
E2 routes
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.nssa_external with \ 
redistribute.ospf.match.nssa_externals which enables attributes for OSPF type N1 \ 
and N2 routes
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.type_1 with \ 
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.type_2 with \ 
   2023-03-29 10:45:48 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 7.4.0


Major Changes


- firewall - Hetzner added output rules support to the firewall. This change \ 
unfortunately means that using old versions of the firewall module will always \ 
set the output rule list to empty, thus disallowing the server to send out \ 
packets (, \


- Use true/false (lowercase) for boolean values in documentation and examples \ 


- Add annotations of member operation for every module.
- Update ```` for higher performance;
- supports temporary session key and pre/post login banner;
- update the examples on how to use member operation in Q&A.


- Patching of resource properties was brought to parity with underlying Python \ 
SDK, meaning the collection can create/update/delete all resource properties the \ 
SDK can
- fusion_volume - fixed and reorganized, arguments changed
   2023-03-02 13:06:58 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 7.3.0


Major Changes


- refactor K8sAnsibleMixin into module_utils/k8s/ \ 

Minor Changes


- Make using blocks as handlers a parser error \ 
- ansible-test - Specify the configuration file location required by test \ 
plugins when the config file is not found. This resolves issue: \
- ansible-test - Update error handling code to use Python 3.x constructs, \ 
avoiding direct use of ``errno``.
- ansible-test acme test container - update version to update used Pebble \ 
version, underlying Python and Go base containers, and Python requirements \ 


- Add Node Profile BGP Peer and Route Control Profile functionalities to \ 
aci_l3out_bgp_peer module
- Add SVI auto state support (auto_state attribute) to aci_l3out_interface
- Add aci_aaa_domain, aci_aaa_role and aci_custom_privilege modules
- Add aci_fabric_pod_policy_group module
- Add aci_interface_policy_leaf_profile_fex_policy_group module and add FEX \ 
support to aci_access_port_to_interface_policy_leaf_profile
- Add aci_tenant_span_src_group_src module
- Add action_groups for module_defaults
- Add support for filter direction in aci_contract_subject and \ 
- Update modules to assign roles and permissions to a user


- `nxos_acls` - Support ICMPv6 option. Please refer to module doc for all new \ 
options (
- `nxos_facts` - Update facts gathering logic to ensure that \ 
`gather_network_resources: all` does not fail for NX-OS on MDS switches.
- `nxos_l2_interfaces` - Add new mode dot1q-tunnel \ 


- get_certificate - adds ``ciphers`` option for custom cipher selection \ 


- dnsimple - set custom User-Agent for API requests to DNSimple \ 
- flatpak_remote - add new boolean option ``enabled``. It controls, whether the \ 
remote is enabled or not \ 
- gitlab_project - add ``releases_access_level``, ``environments_access_level``, \ 
``feature_flags_access_level``, ``infrastructure_access_level``, \ 
``monitor_access_level``, and ``security_and_compliance_access_level`` options \ 
- jc filter plugin - added the ability to use parser plugins \ 
- keycloak_group - add new optional module parameter ``parents`` to properly \ 
handle keycloak subgroups \ 
- keycloak_user_federation - make \ 
```` the default value for \ 
mappers ``providerType`` \ 
- ldap modules - add ``xorder_discovery`` option \ 
(, \
- lxd_container - add diff and check mode \ 
- mattermost, rocketchat, slack - replace missing default favicon with \ favicon \ 
- modprobe - add ``persistent`` option \ 
(, \
- osx_defaults - include stderr in error messages \ 
- proxmox - suppress urllib3 ``InsecureRequestWarnings`` when ``validate_certs`` \ 
option is ``false`` \ 
- redfish_command - adding ``EnableSecureBoot`` functionality \ 
- redfish_command - adding ``VerifyBiosAttributes`` functionality \ 
- sefcontext - add support for path substitutions \ 


- able to set `uid` for datasources in grafana via module grafana_datasource


- 491 mongodb_shell - Add feature to detect if mongo or mongosh is available.
- 494 mongodb_auth - Removes module_defaults from role.
- 494 mongodb_shutdown - Fix examples block.
- 511 mongodb_auth - Adds support for deletion of users.
- 514 mongodb_linux - Remove extended FQCN for pam_limits.
- 524 mongodb_auth - Add supports for Amazon Linux 2.
- 528 multiple roles - Use first ip address when multiple bind IPs provided.
- 530 mongodb_role - Adds new module to manage MongoDB roles.
- 536 mongodb_auth - Add user after enabling authentication.
- 544 mongodb_replicaset - Module documentation improvements.
- 547 mongodb_repository - Bump default of MongoDB to 6.0.


- mysql_info - add ``connector_name`` and ``connector_version`` to returned \ 
values (
- mysql_role - enable auto_commit to avoid MySQL metadata table lock \ 
- mysql_user - add plugin_auth_string as optional parameter to use a specific \ 
pam service if pam/auth_pam plugin is used \ 
- mysql_user - add the ``session_vars`` argument to set session variables at the \ 
beginning of module execution \ 
- mysql_user - display a more informative invalid privilege exception. Changes \ 
the exception handling of the granting permission logic to show the query \ 
executed , params and the exception message granting privileges fails` \ 
- mysql_user - enable auto_commit to avoid MySQL metadata table lock \ 
- setup_mysql - update MySQL tarball URL \ 


- vmware_guest_disk - Add support for IDE disk add, remove or reconfigure, and \ 
change to gather same VM disk info as in vmware_guest_disk_info \ 
- vmware_guest_disk - Extend return value documentation for vmware_guest_disk \ 
- vmware_guest_disk_info - Move gather VM disk info function to \ \ 
- vmware_vmotion - New parameter timeout in order to allow vmotions running \ 
longer than 1 hour \ 


- Updated the return message in grafana.grafana.folder module


- hcloud_server - add private_networks_info containing name and private ip in \ 
- hcloud_server_info - add private_networks_info containing name and private ip \ 
in responses
- inventory plugin - Add list of all private networks to server variables.
- inventory plugin - Add new connect_with setting public_ipv6 to connect to \ 
discovered servers via public IPv6 address.
- inventory plugin - Add public IPv6 address to server variables.
- inventory plugin - Log warning instead of crashing when some servers do not \ 
work with global connect_with setting.


- Change the ansible-test.yml application file version.
- Change the description of the edit_bios module file_url field.
- Modify the description information of the backup module item field.
- Modify the description of the media_attach, retry_count, and \ 
retry_time_interval fields of the edit_kvm module.
- Modify the description of the secure_channel field of the edit_media_instance \ 
- Modify the description of the slot and vname fields of the add_ldisk module.
- Modify the edit_ntp module example.
- Modify the edit_snmp_trap module version field description information.
- Modify the mode field description information of update_fw module.
- Modify the name field description of the user_group module.
- Modify the restore module example.
- Modify the supporting properties and description information of the edit_ncsi \ 
module edit_ncsi field.
- The edit_power_budget module adds the except_action field.


- Adjust k8s_user_impersonation tests to be compatible with Kubernetes 1.24 \ 
- add support for dry run with kubernetes client version >=18.20 \ 
- added ignore.txt for Ansible 2.14 devel branch.
- fixed module_defaults by removing routing hacks from runtime.yml \ 
- helm - add support for -set-file, -set-json, -set and -set-string options when \ 
running helm install \ 
- helm - add support for helm dependency update \ 
- helm - add support for post-renderer flag \ 
- helm - add support for timeout cli parameter to allow setting Helm timeout \ 
independent of wait \ 
- helm - add support for wait parameter for helm uninstall command. \ 
- helm - support repo location for helm diff \ 
- helm - when ansible is executed in check mode, return the diff between what's \ 
deployed and what will be deployed.
- helm, helm_plugin, helm_info, helm_plugin_info, kubectl - add support for \ 
in-memory kubeconfig. \ 
- helm_info - add hooks, notes and manifest as part of returned information \ 
- helm_info - add release state as a module argument \ 
- helm_info - added possibility to get all values by adding get_all_values \ 
parameter (
- helm_plugin - Add plugin_version parameter to the helm_plugin module \ 
- helm_plugin - Add support for helm plugin update using state=update.
- helm_repository - Ability to replace (overwrite) the repo if it already exists \ 
by forcing (
- helm_repository - add support for pass-credentials cli parameter \ 
- helm_repository - added support for ``host``, ``api_key``, ``validate_certs``, \ 
and ``ca_cert``.
- helm_repository - mark `pass_credentials` as no_log=True to silence false \ 
warning (
- helm_template - add name (NAME of release) and disable_hook as optional module \ 
arguments (
- helm_template - add show_only and release_namespace as module arguments \ 
- helm_template - add support for -set-file, -set-json, -set and -set-string \ 
options when running helm template \ 
- k8s - add no_proxy support to k8s* \ 
- k8s - add support for server_side_apply. \ 
- k8s - add support for user impersonation. \ 
- k8s - allow resource definition using metadata.generateName \ 
- k8s lookup plugin - Enable turbo mode via environment variable  \ 
- k8s, k8s_scale, k8s_service - add support for resource definition as manifest \ 
via. (
- k8s_cp - remove dependency with 'find' executable on remote pod when \ 
state=from_pod \ 
- k8s_drain - Adds ``delete_emptydir_data`` option to \ 
``k8s_drain.delete_options`` to evict pods with an ``emptyDir`` volume attached \ 
- k8s_exec - select first container from the pod if none specified \ 
- k8s_exec - update deprecation warning for `return_code` \ 
- k8s_json_patch - minor typo fix in the example section \ 
- k8s_log - add the ``all_containers`` for retrieving all containers' logs in \ 
the pod(s).
- k8s_log - added the `previous` parameter for retrieving the previously \ 
terminated pod logs \ 
- k8s_log - added the `tail_lines` parameter to limit the number of lines to be \ 
retrieved from the end of the logs \ 
- k8s_rollback - add support for check_mode. \ 
- k8s_scale - add support for check_mode. \ 
- kubectl - wait for dd command to complete before proceeding \ 
- - replace distutils.spawn.find_executable with shutil.which in the \ 
kubectl connection plugin \ 


- na_ontap_aggregate - new option ``allow_flexgroups`` added.
- na_ontap_cifs - new options ``access_based_enumeration``, ``change_notify``, \ 
``encryption``, ``home_directory``, ``oplocks``, ``show_snapshot``, \ 
``allow_unencrypted_access``, ``namespace_caching`` and \ 
``continuously_available`` added in REST.
- na_ontap_dns - ``skip_validation`` option requires 9.9.1 or later with REST \ 
and ignored for cluster DNS operations.
- na_ontap_dns - support cluster scope for modify and delete.
- na_ontap_interface - do not attempt to migrate FC interface if desired \ 
``home_port``, ``home_node`` and ``current_port``, ``current_node`` are same.
- na_ontap_license - support for NLF v2 license files.
- na_ontap_nfs - new options ``root``, ``windows`` and ``security`` added in REST.
- na_ontap_user_role - ``command_directory_name`` is required if ``privileges`` \ 
not set in REST.
- na_ontap_user_role - ``path`` is required if ``privileges`` set in REST.
- na_ontap_volume_efficiency - REST support for ``policy`` requires 9.7 or \ 
later, ``path`` requires 9.9.1 or later and ``volume_efficiency`` and \ 
``start_ve_scan_old_data`` requires 9.11.1 or later.
- na_ontap_volume_efficiency - ``schedule``, ``start_ve_scan_all``, \ 
``start_ve_build_metadata``, ``start_ve_delete_checkpoint``, \ 
``start_ve_queue_operation``, ``start_ve_qos_policy`` and \ 
``stop_ve_all_operations`` options are not supported with REST.
- na_ontap_volume_efficiency - new option ``volume_name`` added.
- na_ontap_volume_efficiency - updated private cli with REST API.


- nb_inventory - Add serial and asset tag to extracted attributes


- purefa_network - Added support for NVMe-RoCE and NVMe-TCP service types
- purefa_user - Added Ops Admin role to choices
- purefa_vlan - Added support for NVMe-TCP service type

Breaking Changes / Porting Guide


- inventory plugin - Python v3.5+ is now required.

Deprecated Features

- Since the collection seems to be maintained again, we `cancelled \ 
the removal process \ 
<>`__. \ 
So contrary to an earlier announcement, this collection is NOT deprecated and \ 
will NOT be removed from Ansible 8 \ 


- gitlab_runner - the option ``access_level`` will lose its default value in \ 
community.general 8.0.0. From that version on, you have set this option to \ 
``ref_protected`` explicitly, if you want to have a protected runner \ 
   2023-02-11 08:52:47 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 7.2.0


Major Changes


- ansible-test - Docker Desktop on WSL2 is now supported (additional \ 
configuration required).
- ansible-test - Docker and Podman are now supported on hosts with cgroup v2 \ 
unified. Previously only cgroup v1 and cgroup v2 hy
brid were supported.
- ansible-test - Podman now works on container hosts without systemd. Previously \ 
only some containers worked, while others requi
red rootfull or rootless Podman, but would not work with both. Some containers \ 
did not work at all.
- ansible-test - Podman on WSL2 is now supported.
- ansible-test - When additional cgroup setup is required on the container host, \ 
this will be automatically detected. Instructio
ns on how to configure the host will be provided in the error message shown.

- Set the minimum Ansible version supported by this collection to Ansible 2.12


- win_chocolatey - Allow users to select the TLS versions used for bootstrapping \ 
Chocolatey installation.
   2023-01-12 20:35:24 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 7.1.0


Added Collections
- grafana.grafana (version 1.1.0)

Ansible 7.1.0 contains Ansible-core version 2.14.1.
This is a newer version than version 2.14.0 contained in the previous Ansible \ 

Major Changes

- meraki_mr_l7_firewall - New module
- meraki_webhook_payload_template - New module

- all modules are opting away from zabbix-api and using httpapi \ 
ansible.netcommon plugin. We will support zabbix-api for backwards compatibility \ 
until next major release. See our for more information about how to \ 
- zabbix_agent and zabbix_proxy roles are opting away from zabbix-api and use \ 
httpapi ansible.netcommon plugin. We will support zabbix-api for backwards \ 
compatibility until next major release. See our for more information \ 
about how to migrate

- New become plugin - podman_unshare
- Podman generate systemd module

- Support FortiOS v7.0.6, v7.0.7, v7.0.8, v7.2.1, v7.2.2.
   2022-11-14 10:57:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 6.6.0


Added Collections
- lowlydba.sqlserver (version 1.0.4)

Major Changes

- newrelic_deployment - removed New Relic v1 API, added support for v2 API \ 
   2022-10-14 13:27:42 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ansible: updated to 6.5.0


Major Changes


- Feature for extra layer security , with `cert` and `key` parameters in \ 
playbooks for authenticating using certificate and key *.pem file absolute path
- Fix to remove issue causing due to template attr in deleting network using \ 
Ansible module nios network

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