2019-08-11 12:16:12 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (5) | |
Log message:
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.73
Fixed \include.
Improved memoir, koma-script, caption, datatool, threeparttable, xy, fancyvrb.
Updated intopdf, tocdata, quotchap, versonotes, backnaur, musicography.
Added stackengine, lyluatex (music scores).
2019-08-05 13:33:55 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (5) | |
Log message:
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.72
Fixed \multicolumn, xr, xr-hyper, soulutf8.
Updated for boxedminipage2e, zhlineskip.
Added fontaxes, slantsc, tabfigures.
Added nfssext-cfr, thus supporting cfr-lm and several other font
Added backnaur, hypbmsec, minibox, pdfcrypt, shapepar.
2019-05-12 13:39:20 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (5) | |
Log message:
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.71
Improved error handling.
Fixes for \makebox, \parbox.
MathJax updated, allows custom scripts, works with mhchem.
textcomp, xunicode: Fix for \textinterrobang.
Updated the changes package.
Added autonum, changelayout, inputtrc, mathtools, metalogox.
Added support for tabular '*' columns.
Updated chemfig, endfloat, textpos.
Added media9, movie15, multimedia.
2019-05-07 14:17:48 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (5) | |
Log message:
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.67
Added options to set image directory and prefix.
Improved support for multiple projects in the same directory.
Added support for xr and xr-hyper.
Improved filename generation when special characters or macros
are used in section names.
Added a user-adjustable limit to the filename length.
Fixed floats, indexing, minipages.
Improved HTML output formatting, CSS for definition lists and
table notes.
Fixed, improved, or updated caption, subcaption, multicol,
multicolrule, tocbasic, acronym, kotexutf, extramarks, fancyhdr.
Added ar, ed, indentfirst, nameauth, truncate, and verified
works as-is with changelog.
Prevented the use of several obsolete packages.
Improved filename generation for symbols in section names.
Added academicons, bbding, dingbat, eurosym, fontawesome, fontawesome5,
marvosym, pifont, typicons.
Added changes, easyReview, fitbox, foreign, gloss, karnaugh-map, multicap,
nomencl, notes, struktex, umoline, xfakebold.
Tested to work as-is with askmaps, curves, euro, karnaughmap, tikz-karnaugh.
2019-01-29 07:58:06 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (5) | |
Log message:
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.65
Tested and added support for numerous classes and packages for CJK:
Chinese: cjkpunct, upzhkinsoku, xpinyin, zhspacing, zhlineskip.
Japanese: pLATEX, upLATEX, bxjsarticle and related, ltjsarticle and
related, luatexja, luatexja-fontspec, ujarticle and related,
Korean: kotex, luatexko, xetexko.
Japanese: Added utarticle and related classes. Improved ujarticle and
related classes.
Chinese: Fix for biblatex with CTEX.
Koma-Script: Fixes for scrlayer, scrlayer-scrpage. Added scrpage2.
Updated addlines.
Added bsheaders, gmeometric, marginal, rmpage, scrpage2.
Added numerous Japanese classes and packages.
Improved page layout.
Added an \includegraphics alt tag option.
Added an error if detects a duplicate HTML file name.
Fixes for tabular*.
Improved HTML validation for \quad, \enskip, figure captions.
Added support for fontspec \textsi and \sishape.
Added multicols \docolaction.
Added embrac, footnoterange, multicolrule, versonotes.
2018-05-12 05:33:45 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (5) | |
Log message:
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.55
Improves SVG math baseline and sizing.
Fixes for SVG math in captions, subcaptions, and \nameref.
Adds packages endheads, multitoc, sectionbreak, blowup, xurl.
Updated compatibility for cleveref v0.21.
Improved SVG math, siunitx.
Numerous minor fixes.
Added colortbl, chapterbib, acro, acronym, hypernat, hypcap,
stfloats, vmargin, fancyheadings, fancyref.
Added xcolor \rowcolors.
Added vwcol, vertbars, hyphenat, lineno, fnlineno, figsize, hypdestopt,
pagegrid, pdfrender, luacolor, resizegather.
Several bug fixes.
2017-10-23 11:43:37 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (5) | |
Log message:
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.41
Improved title page and titling package support. Added authblk.
\multirow now supports the new vpos argument. Added a way to combine
\multicolumn and \multirow. Handles several other tabular special cases.
Added supertabular, xtab, bigstrut, bigdelim.
Added fullwidth.
Added addlines, anysize, a4, a4wide, a5comb, textarea, zwpagelayout,
typearea, ebook.
Improved \graphicspath, grffile.
Improved LaTeX and textcomp symbols.
Fixes for bigdelim with improved HTML output, additional objects inside
a lateximage, xltxtra with XeLaTeX, tocbibind, multicolumnrow with
older versions of xparse and multirow, underline.
Added support for adjmulticol, cuted, midfloat, pfnote, fnpos,
dblfnote, stabular, tabls, sectsty, anonchap, quotchap.
Adds tabular vertical rules.
Adds booktabs width and trim.
2017-07-06 04:41:46 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
Add some dependencies
2017-06-24 01:23:56 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (8) |
Log message:
Add tex-lwarp{,-doc} 0.32
The package causes LaTeX to directly produce HTML5 output,
using external utility programs only for the final conversion
of text and images. Math may be represented by SVG files or
MathJax. Documents may be produced by LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, or
XeLaTeX. A texlua script removes the need for system utilities
such as make and gawk, and also supports xindy and latexmk.
Configuration is automatic at the first manual compile. Print
and HTML versions of each document may coexist, each with its
own set of auxiliary files. Support files are self-generated on
request. Assistance is provided for HTML import into EPUB
conversion software and word processors.