Log message:
taskwarrior: update to 2.6.2.
------ current release ---------------------------
2.6.2 -
- TW #502 Sequence of IDs doesn't work with attribute "depends"
Thanks to Andreas Kalex and Reg for reporting.
- TW #2648 xdg-open is not available on Mac OS-X
Thanks to chapterjson for reporting.
- TW #2655 The bulk removal of depends: and tags: is ignored
Thanks to angelus2014 for reporting.
- TW #2664 Tag exclusion should be detected as invalid write context
Thanks to bentwitthold for reporting.
- TW #2671 The value of soww named date is incorrect
Thanks to Lennart Kill for reporting.
- TW #2689 Corruption of the depends attribute upon syncing with taskd 1.1.0
Thanks to Klaus Ethgen for reporting, Dusting J. Mitchell for
- TW #2707 Assigning dependencies via ID ranges
Thanks to jaker-dotcom for reporting.
- TW #2748 Recurring report does not include parent tasks
Thanks to Klaus Ethgen for reporting.
2.6.1 (2021-10-19) - a696b6b155f9c8af87a6a496c0d298c58e6fe369
- TW #2619 Fish autocompletion fails when completing tag removal
Thanks to Alexandre Provencio for reporting, Tin Lai and Alexandre
Provencio for contributing.
- TW #2620 Old-style context definition should only be interpreted as read
Thanks to bongoman and Tom Dörr for reporting.
- TW #2622 Tags and dependencies appear as orphaned UDAs.
Thanks to Scott Mcdermott for reporting.
- TW #2626 Waiting report lists deleted and/or completed tasks.
Thanks to Don Harper for reporting.
- TW #2629 New-style context definition should take precedence over old-style
even if the new-style is an empty string.
Thanks to Denis Kasak for reporting.
- TW #2632 Cannot build on Cygwin
Thanks to Michael Esemplare for contributing.
- TW #2639 Unable to use ranges for some tasks with IDs above 1000.
Thanks to Manuel Haussmann for reporting.
2.6.0 (2021-10-03) - 8174287f917a3b24c19a6601ba36fca9bdaa78c9
- TW #1654 "Due" parsing behaviour seems inconsistent
Thanks to Jim B for reporting.
- TW #1788 When deleting recurring task all tasks, including completed tasks,
are marked as deleted
Thanks to Alan Young for reporting.
- TW #1804 Importing malformed annotation (without entry timestamp) causes
segmentation fault.
Thanks to David Badura for reporting.
- TW #1840 Countdown (date format) is not working properly
Thanks to Eric Hymowitz for reporting, Sebastian Uharek for
- TW #1847 Allow including files relative to $PREFIX/share/
Thanks to Georg Sauthoff for suggesting, oxalica for contributing.
- TW #1896 Parser cannot handle empty parentheses
- TW #1908 Cannot create task with explicit description 'start ....'
Thanks to Matt Chun-Lum for reporting.
- TW #1911 Support holidays longer then 1 day
Thanks to Daniel Mowitz for contributing.
- TW #1913 Project names with dashes and attribute names fail to parse
Thanks to Yanick Champoux for reporting.
- TW #1914 Non-cumulative burndown report
Thanks to Daniel Mowitz for contributing.
- TW #1938 Missing annotation on import if entry is duplicated
Thanks to Florian for reporting.
- TW #1945 Support of environment variables for configuration options
Thanks to Sebastian Uharek for contributing.
- TW #1953 Setting rc.verbose=new-uuid override works only if given as first argument
Thanks to Paul Fenwick for reporting.
- TW #1955 Adding tasks in context.
Thanks to Jean-Francois Joly, Matt Smith for suggesting.
- TW #1960 Fixed bug with double escaped single quotes.
Thanks to Ben Kelly for reporting, Sebastian Uharek for
- TW #2004 "shell" should not be expand to "exec tasksh"
Thanks to Arvedui for reporting.
- TW #2007 Compute number of current tasks correctly
Thanks to Janik Rabe for contributing.
- TW #2017 Support 64-bit datetime values
Thanks to Evgeniy Vasilev for suggesting.
- TW #2023 Layout breaks if report does not fit in the available width
Thanks to Adrian Sieber and Kaushik Gopal for reporting.
- TW #2060 Review timestamp is displayed as unix time, not formatted
Thanks to JavaZauber for reporting.
- TW #2093 wrong order under projects command
Thanks to Beka, Max Rossmannek for reporting.
- TW #2101 Numeric UDA values above 2,147,483,647 overflow without warning
Thanks to Adam Monsen for reporting.
- TW #2136 Configuration options can be overwritten for current context
Thanks to Sebastian Uharek for contributing.
- TW #2160 Upper-case named dates are not supported
Thanks to Scott Kostyshak for reporting, Max Rossmannek for
- TW #2163 Nagging computation should be based on the urgency before completion
Thanks to korrat for contributing.
- TW #2208 Support highlighting dates with scheduled tasks in calendar
Thanks to justf0rfun for suggesting, Sebastian Uharek for
- TW #2247 Configuration override rc.verbose:off not respected
Thanks to Vignesh Prabhu for reporting.
- TW #2257 UDA string fields can't start with certain keywords
Thanks to Michael Russell for reporting.
- TW #2283 Support multi-line annotations in task edit without JSON encoding
Thanks to Jochen Sprickerhof for contributing.
- TW #2287 Speed up fish autocompletion and more completion options.
Thanks to Tin Lai for contributing.
- TW #2290 Support moving the config file to XDG_CONFIG_HOME
Thanks to Julien Rabinow for contributing.
- TW #2292 CmdEdit: Interruption should remove lock file
Thanks to Martin Michlmayr for reporting, indev12 for contributing.
- TW #2333 Width determination of Unicode characters now works for up to
Unicode 12 (from Unicode 5). Emojis are correctly displayed.
Thanks to Adam Monsen for reporting.
- TW #2373 Year 2038 Problem
Thanks to Stephan Rieche for reporting.
- TW #2386 Filtering project:someday broken
Thanks to FRebbel for reporting.
- TW #2388 Filtering for attribute values with spaces is broken
Thanks to angelus2014 for reporting.
- TW #2389 For certain terminal widths, annotations with utf-8 chars can lead
task to hang
Thanks to arooni for reporting.
- TW #2390 Regression: Relative dates should be implicitly anchored around 'now'
Thanks to Dominik Russo for reporting.
- TW #2392 Filtering for project-names containing hyphen and zero-leading number
Thanks to Nicola Chiapolini for reporting.
- TW #2393 Highlight due dates for waiting tasks in the calendar
Thanks to emkamau for reporting.
- TW #2403 Undefined symbols (with -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON)
Thanks to Jan Palus for contributing.
- TW #2422 "eow" and "eonw" seem to use different week day \
as reference
Thanks to bgravato for reporting.
- TW #2428 The "edit" command should respect "bulk" \
configuration option
Thanks to Evan Edmond for reporting.
- TW #2442 Bulk completions generate nagging message even if highest urgency
task was completed
Thanks to Daniel Mowitz for contributing.
- TW #2451 Command task $month doesn't behave correctly
Thanks to Matias Laporte for reporting.
- TW #2502 Two GCC warnings on 2.6.0.
Thanks to Scott Kostyshak for reporting.
- TW #2503 Warn against executing an empty execute command.
Thanks to heinrichat for reporting.
- TW #2514 Duration values can be mis-reported in the task info output
Thanks to reportaman for reporting.
- TW #2519 Named date eod should be last minute of today and not first of
Thanks to Pablo Vizcay for reporting.
- TW #2530 Taskwarrior 2.5.3 time based filtering regression
Thanks to Matthias Tafelmeier for reporting.
- TW #2532 Show number of tasks to be modified in bulk updates
Thanks to jaker-dotcom for suggesting, Sebastian Uharek for
- TW #2536 Feature: inclusive range-end attribute modifier 'by' so 'end of'
named dates can be filtered inclusively
Thanks to Scott Mcdermott for contributing.
- TW #2549 Write context with complex expressions should not be allowed
Thanks to Sebastian Fricke for reporting.
- TW #2550 Write context skipped if description contains an identifier
Thanks to Sebastian Fricke for reporting.
- TW #2554 Remove the waiting state, and consider any task with wait>now to be
Thanks to Dustin J. Mitchell for contributing.
- TW #2560 Add report.<name>.context configuration variable
Thanks to Jake C for suggesting.
- TW #2461 The legend in calendar does not respect the calendar.holidays setting
- TW #2569 The `json.depends.array` configuration option is now ignored.
Dependencies are always represented as an array in JSON output.
Thanks to Dustin J. Mitchell for contributing.
- TW #2575 Support exporting given report as JSON, including sort order
Thanks to Dheepak Krishnamurthy for contributing.
- TW #2580 Importing malformed JSON task crashes TW
Thanks to bharatvaj for contributing.
- TW #2581 Config entry with a trailing comment cannot be modified
Log message:
time/taskwarrior: update to taskwarrior-2.5.3
** Announcement:
Taskwarrior 2.5.3 Released 2021-01-03
The TaskWarrior team is happy to announce a new release! This
bugfix-only release ships a critical fix for issue #2375, which
can make your task report commands hang and eventually die in
certain scenarios.
There were no other critical issues reported specifically for the
2.5.2 release, which either means we did an exceptional job in
backporting bugfixes from 2.6.0, or nobody tested the 2.5.2 release
and we're talking to ourselves here. Going forward, we're going to
tweet more. We can get hearts there.
While most developments happen on the 2.6.0 branch, the 2.5.3 also
proudly features refactored CI system which gave its stamp of
approval for this release.
This is a recommended upgrade.
** Changelog:
2.5.3 () -
- #2375 task hangs then dies when certain tasks are present in a report
Thanks to Max Rossmannek, Tomáš Janoušek and Chad Phillips.
------ current release ---------------------------
2.5.2 (2020-12-05) - b0c17d11639dc6e783befd89c8508f2abb9b4287
- TD-64 sync conflict deleted all annotations of the task
Thanks to Markus Beppler, Konstantin Vorobyev
- TI-91 Timewarrior does not compile on DragonFly
Thanks to Michael Neumann
- TW #1 URL formating
Thanks to buhtz
- TW #2 Update to markdown and rename DEVELOPER to DEVELOPER.md
Thanks to Lynoure Braakman
- TW-54/#115 Reduce output for timesheet
Thanks to Aikido guy
- TW-61 Extract only tasks with annotations
Thanks to Aikido Guy
- TW-213 Align countdown column on boundary between number and text.
Thanks to Eric Fluger
- TW-1572 Alternative approach to urgency inheritance
Thanks to Jens Erat, Wim Schuermann
- TW-1667 hooks: upon failure indicate which hook failed
Thanks to Daniel Shahaf
- TW-1785 Purge command to remove deleted tasks
Thanks to Paul Beckingham
- TW-1772 Implementation of circular dependency detection is inefficient
Thanks to Michael Meier
- TW-1778 Unicode strings are truncated in task description
Thanks to Andrew, bjonnh, OKOMPer, Vladimir
- TW-1788 Closing a reopened task does not update the end time
Thanks to Ralph Bean
- TW-1791 taskrc(5) manpage: spurious "pri." in rule.precedence.color
Thanks to Sebastien Badia
- TW-1792 The info command uses '0' to reference dependencies on non-
pending tasks.
- TW-1795 Calendar underline on Day padding
Thanks to Renato Alves
- TW-1805 project:ide is not allowed
Thanks to Slaven ʙanovic
- TW-1807 dateformat lacks a flag to display day of week
Thanks to Ellington Santos
- TW-1813 Range filter doesn't work
Thanks to george js
- TW-1820 Install with -DLANGUAGE=2 flag not work.
Thanks to E. Manuel Cerr'on Angeles
- TW-1823 Incorrect unicode text wrapping / justifying.
Thanks to Sergey Trofimov
- TW-1827 Extract annotations from a task
Thanks to Ryan
- TW-1855 "Well-known" CA certificates not properly auto-loaded
Thanks to Flavio Poletti
- TW-1857 Change Task::get call to the more efficient Task::has
Thanks to Zachary Manning
- TW‐1858 Change signature for dependencyGetBlocked
- TW-1859 Change signature of Task::getTags
- TW-1860 Change signature of Task::getAnnotations
- TW-1861 Truncated description when adding annotation
Thanks to eezewaek
- TW-1869 segmentation fault (on unusual installation)
Thanks to Eric Hymowitz
- TW-1873 Specify different path to extensions/hooks directory
Thanks to Eli
- TW-1877 task done, task edit, task is now pending
Thanks to Eric Hymowitz
- TW-1878 uuids subcommand produces a space-delimited list, not comma-delimited
Thanks to Scott Kostyshak
- TW-1881 Missing last character(s) in Description field
Thanks to Hubert Toullec
- TW-1881 default.scheduled seems not to work
Thanks to Onion
- TW-1885 Task Sync does not send TLS SNI headers
Thanks to Dan Callahan
- TW-1903 grammar error -- There are 1 local changes.
Thanks to Eric Hymowitz
- TW-1906/#1919 sync sub-command is missing from task(1) manual page
Thanks to rjc
- TW-1910 unreachable statement
Thanks to Martin Strunz
- TW-1917/#1930 "above" does a string comparison, even when the value \
is numeric
Thanks to Dirk Deimeke
- TW-1930 Typo in help
Thanks to Kai HTML
- TW-1935 Separate verbosity category for rc overrides
Thanks to Paul J. Fenwick
- TW-1936 Tweak tests to have fuller TAP compliance
Thanks to Paul J. Fenwick
- TW-1938 Adjust behaviour of new-uuid and new-id verbosity levels
Thanks to Paul J. Fenwick
- TW-1947 "urgency.over" filter seems to not work correct
Thanks to Marc Richter
- TW #1964 task burndown shows extra brackets #1964
Thanks to php-coder
- TW #1966 Tests: Don't hardcode errno constants #1966
Thanks to Jakub Wilk
- TW #1973 Don't nag when no tasks are READY
Thanks to Martin F. Krafft
- TW #1986 [Nit] Update DEVELOPER.md after migration to Github
Thanks to Kirill Bobyrev
- TW #1922 Can't find export scripts
Thanks to tom-doerr
- TW #2020 reserved.lines is not affecting the burndown height
Thanks to ad₋si
- TW #2047 Exiting the task editor with an error code doesn't remove the lock file
Thanks to coaxial
- TW #2051 doc/man: ready tasks sorted with started tasks 1st
Thanks to Simon Désaulniers
- TW #2053 Do not set CMP0037 on CMake 3.11.0 and above
Thanks to Janik Rabe
- #2077 Change taskrc override priority, respect verbose override, refactor.
Thanks to taiyu-len
- #2108 CmdHistory: repeat unit if a larger unit changes
Thanks to Janik Rabe
- #2132 JSON encode/decode string UDAs
Thanks to Chad Phillips
- #2176 How to get the full list of tags ?
Thanks to Adrien Lemaire
- #2091 duration of task is set to a wrong and extremely big value
Thanks to Wray Zheng
- Added 'juhannus' as a synonym for 'midsommarafton'
Thanks to Lynoure Braakman
- Deprecated the 'DUETODAY' virtual tag, which is a synonym for the 'TODAY'
virtual tag.
- Removed deprecated 'alias._query' setting.
- Fixed ambiguity in the esp-ESP localization
Thanks to Fidel Mato
- Deprecated the 'new-uuid' verbosity option, since its functionality can be
removed by merging with 'new-id'.
- Correct a false-positive warning when a due date is removed and a wait is
- Added 'QUARTER' virtual tag.
- Fixed unquoted glob in bash completion script
Thanks to Ran Benita
- Deprecated use of alternate Boolean configuration settings. Use values \
"0" for
off, and "1" for on. Avoid used of "on", "off", \
"true", "t", "false", "f",
"yes", "y", "no", "n".
- Fixed test harness for Python 3.x.
Thanks to jrabbit
- Improved certificate validation diagnostics
Thanks to Jelle van der Waa
- Improved portability for SunOS-like OSes.
Thanks to Antonio Huete Jimenez
- Updated the 'timesheet' command with a more compact report that accepts a
filter, and has a default filter showing the last four weeks of completed and
started tasks.
- Added 'history.weekly', 'history.daily', 'ghistory.weekly', 'ghistory.daily'
report variations, with code refactoring.
Thanks to Lukas Barth
- New DOM references: annotations.count, tw.syncneeded, tw.program, tw.args,
tw.width, tw.height, tw.version.
- The message telling you to sync now indicates how many local changes will be
- Removed compile-time language settings and I18N.
- Workaround for alias grep=rg in fish
Thanks to Lionel Miller.
- Do not set CMP0037 on CMake 3.11.0 and above
Thanks to Janik Rabe