2023-06-17 20:58:43 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: update to 0.4.2
Happy Summer (or Winter to our Southern Hemisphere friends), Fellow Adventurers!
A tiny bit delayed, here comes a minor version bump to 0.4.2 with multiple
changes. For one, the main driver of this issue is for fixing the git macro
install error, however, there have been a multitude of other changes since
0.4.1 also:
✨ Features
- The new ignore_empty and ignore_used options in FocusNext/Previous Tag
- Command SwapWindowToTop introduced
🐞 Fixes and Improvements
- Fixes to ordering of windows after exiting from full screen mode
- Basic theme and documentation fixes
- Improved performance for set_layout , event_loop, and Xscreens
- Improved error messages for leftwm-state and leftwm-check
- Cursors now snap to the bottom right of a window when resizing
🦀 Minimum Supported Rust Version
- The currently supported MSRV is 1.65.0
🐧 Future
There has been considerable new interest in leftwm and several new contributors
and pull requests, we can't wait to see momentum in leftwm continue to grow.
One of the most intriguing things is the beginning of Wayland support with
leftway in #1073.
2022-12-26 23:10:22 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: update to 0.4.1
- Temp fix for MainWidth inconsistency until layout-lib
- Fix crash when swapping tag at startup
- Swap for new copr repo
- Using args[0] instead of current_exe() under OpenBSD. current_exe() is not
supported in this OS.
- replace `<module-name>/mod.rs` with `<module-name>.rs`
- Fix manual install instructions
- Change default layout mode to `Tag`
- Exclude NetBSD in `build.rs` and avoid build-hangs
- Print `lefthk` warning only when no binary present
- use `implicit_some` extension in ron deserializer
- small update to readme
- Make help pages work
- better clap and fix broken `workspace` flag for `leftwm-state`
- Fix binary arguments (clap)
- Some fixes for the `Makefile` and `flake.nix`
- Make `test-full` fail on warnings
- bump several depedencies
- Make `leftwm --version` work
- Improve output of `leftwm-check --verbose`
- Fix `--no-default-features` build failing
- Refactor: Move xlib display server to it's own crate
- Add link to `leftfwm.desktop` to the README
- Fix new windows always getting stacked topmost
- Also a bunch of little papercuts and code cleanup
- feat(config): allow regexps in window_rules for window_class,
- Option to hide border when only one window is visible
- added lefthk feature checks and errors
- add features log to leftwm-check.
- handle theme templates within Makefile
- Add optimized build profile
- Add leftwm config subcommand
- Add `background_color` to theme config
- update theme examples to ron
- update eww example
- Feature: Multiple `up` scripts
- Add install-linked-dev to Makefile
- feat: Add a `spawn_as_type` to the `window_rules` configuration
- Added nix tests to Makefile.
- Added a few options to the pr template
- Add a few window rules
Minimum Supported Rust Version
- The currently supported MSRV is 1.60.0
2022-10-10 09:18:36 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: Fix broken build
See, \
Caused by regenerated 'Cargo.lock'.
Fetch the correct versions of dependencies.
While here, add a conflict with 'lefthk'.
The daemon is built-in the WM and the standalone package is only
intended to be used with other WMs.
2022-10-04 11:39:19 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: regenerate checksums
Somehow this got the wrong checksums.
2022-10-02 08:15:59 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: update to 0.4.0
IMPORTANT NOTE: LeftWM has changed the config language from TOML to RON with
the 0.4.0 release. Please use 'leftwm-check --migrate-toml-to-ron' to migrate
your config and visit the wiki, https://github.com/leftwm/leftwm/wiki for more
- Fixed again a lot of small papercuts
- Command parity between keybinds and external aka `leftwm-command` commands
- Improved window snapping
- Improved behaviour of floating windows
- `dock` windows not recieving `click` after some window was `fullscreen`
- Commands `AttachScratchpad`, `ReleaseScratchpad`, `NextScratchpadWindow`,
- Commands `MoveWindowToNextTag`, `MoveWindowToPreviousTag`
- Window rules by `WINDOW_CLASS` or `WINDOW_TITLE`
- `test-full` to `Makefile` using padantic clippy as well
- Introduced `lefthk` as default daemon to handle keybinds
- Changed config language from `TOML` to `RON`
- Journald logging is default for AUR packages and when building from source
- Tags support `urgent` flag
- `sloppy_mouse_follows_focus`
- `disable_window_snap`
Minimum Supported Rust Version
- The currently supported MSRV is 1.59.0
2022-04-25 21:05:34 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: update to 0.3.0
-fix RightWiderLeftStack and LeftWiderRightStack
-feature: implement FocusWindowTop command (#605)
-Rotate grid horizontal (#620)
-Fix build errors on architectures with u8 (#623)
-Refactor: remove disable_current_tag_swap from Config trait (#617)
-Implement layouts per workspace (#636)
-fix order of setting XDG Autostart env (#646)
-fix: include display id in command pipe name (#643)
-leftwm(leftwm-check): Add note about commands.pipe deprecation, closes …
-Make workspace layouts an option (#671)
-Allow array for mousekey and single value for modifiers (#675)
-Avoid heap allocation in keyboard::grab_keys (#686)
-Avoid heap allocation in missing_expected_file (#687)
-fix: dialogue windows getting cut-off (#668) (#683)
-fix(641): focus the last window in the workspace (#642)
-fix(416): focus empty workspace on click (#693)
-Reduce xlib calls and other optimisations (#690)
-Fixes cursor jumping on things like steam and brave (#703)
-FocusWindow command (#694)
-fix: workspace id validation (#711)
-Fix spacing and else statements on liquid templates (#728)
-Allow disabling swap for MoveWindowTop (#713)
-Fixed basic_polybar theme for multi-monitor setup (#714)
-Attempt to fix #275, #575; if accepted, supersedes #697 (#723)
-Configurable new window behavior (#710)
-update edition to 2021, update dependencies (#594)
-Layout CenterMainFluid (leftwm-core) (#638)
-Dirty clickto fix (#696)
-use correct border-color for previous window in window_take_focus. pa…
-fix parsing issues in command_pipe.rs (#734)
-Add ReturnToLastTag feature to unconditionally go to last visited tag (…
-CloseAllOtherWindows command (#737)
2022-02-27 21:36:26 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: fix build
Fix build errors on architectures with u8
2022-02-18 18:43:48 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: fix typo in Makefile
2021-12-13 20:04:02 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: update to 0.2.11
-make dialogs resizable and fix steam
-Remove commented code and fix polkit windows
-Improve dialog sizing
-Focus the parent of the parent when closed
2021-12-06 23:08:27 by pin | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
wm/leftwm: import package
Left is a tiling window manager written in rust for stability and performance.
The core of left is designed to do one thing and one thing well. Be a window
Because you probably want more than just a black screen LeftWM is built around
the concept of theming. With themes you can choose between different
bar/compositor/background/colors, whatever makes you happy.
LeftWM has been built from the very beginning to support multiple screens and
has been built around ultrawide monitors. You will see this with the default
key bindings.