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CVS Commit History:

   2021-10-07 17:09:00 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1033)
Log message:
www: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-04-03 09:33:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.12.4


Revert use of deque instead of list for tracking throttling .history. (Due to \ 
incompatibility with DjangoRedis cache backend.


Properly handle ATOMIC_REQUESTS when multiple database configurations are used.
Bypass COUNT query when LimitOffsetPagination is configured but pagination \ 
params are not included on the request.
Respect allow_null=True on DecimalField.
Allow title cased "Yes"/"No" values with BooleanField.
Add PageNumberPagination.get_page_number() method for overriding behavior.
Fixed rendering of timedelta values in OpenAPI schemas, when present as default, \ 
min, or max fields.
Render JSONFields with indentation in browsable API forms.
Remove unnecessary database query in admin Token views.
Raise validation errors when bools are passed to PrimaryKeyRelatedField fields, \ 
instead of casting to ints.
Don't include model properties as automatically generated ordering fields with \ 
Use deque instead of list for tracking throttling .history.
   2021-01-20 11:57:01 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.12.2

Fix issue if rest_framework.authtoken.models is imported, but \ 
rest_framework.authtoken is not in INSTALLED_APPS.
Ignore subclasses of BrowsableAPIRenderer in OpenAPI schema.
Narrower exception catching in serilizer fields, to ensure that any errors in \ 
broken get_queryset() methods are not masked.
   2020-10-02 21:27:47 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.12.1

Add TokenProxy migration.

Add --file option to generateschema command.
Support tags for OpenAPI schema generation. See the schema docs.
Support customising the operation ID for schema generation. See the schema docs.
Support OpenAPI components for schema generation. See the schema docs.
The following methods on AutoSchema become public API: get_path_parameters, \ 
get_pagination_parameters, get_filter_parameters, get_request_body, \ 
get_responses, get_serializer, get_paginator, map_serializer, map_field, \ 
map_choice_field, map_field_validators, allows_filters. See the schema docs
Add support for Django 3.1's database-agnositic JSONField.
SearchFilter now supports nested search on JSONField and HStoreField model fields.
SearchFilter now supports searching on annotate() fields.
The authtoken model no longer exposes the pk in the admin URL.
Add __repr__ for Request instances.
UTF-8 decoding with Latin-1 fallback for basic auth credentials.
CharField treats surrogate characters as a validation failure.
Don't include callables as default values in schemas.
Improve ListField schema output to include all available child information.
Allow default=False to be included for BooleanField schema outputs.
Include "type" information in ChoiceField schema outputs.
Include "type": "object" on schema objects.
Don't include component in schema output for DELETE requests.
Fix schema types for DecimalField.
Fix schema generation for ObtainAuthToken view.
Support passing context=... to view .get_serializer() methods.
Pass custom code to PermissionDenied if permission class has one set.
Include "example" in schema pagination output.
Default status code of 201 on schema output for POST requests.
Use camelCase for operation IDs in schema output.
Warn if duplicate operation IDs exist in schema output.
Improve handling of decimal type when mapping ChoiceField to a schema output.
Disable YAML aliases for OpenAPI schema outputs.
Fix action URL names for APIs included under a namespaced URL.
Update jQuery version from 3.4 to 3.5.
Fix UniqueTogether handling when serializer fields use source=....
HTTP HEAD requests now set self.action correctly on a ViewSet instance.
Return a valid OpenAPI schema for the case where no API schema paths exist.
Include tests in package distribution.
Allow type checkers to support annotations like ModelSerializer[Author].
Don't include invalid charset=None portion in the request Content-Type header \ 
when using APIClient.
Fix \Z/\z tokens in OpenAPI regexs.
Fix PrimaryKeyRelatedField and HyperlinkedRelatedField when source field is \ 
actually a property.
Token.generate_key is now a class method.
@action warns if method is wrapped in a decorator that does not preserve \ 
information using
   2020-08-20 13:37:06 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update django restframework to 3.11.1:

- Make get_extra_action less permissive
   2019-12-15 22:38:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.11.0

Django REST framework 3.11

The 3.11 release adds support for Django 3.0.

Our supported Python versions are now: 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.
Our supported Django versions are now: 1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0.
This release will be the last to support Python 3.5 or Django 1.11.

* OpenAPI Schema Generation Improvements
* Validator / Default Context
   2019-11-14 18:27:16 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.10.3

Include API version in OpenAPI schema generation, defaulting to empty string.
Add pagination properties to OpenAPI response schemas.
Add missing "description" property to OpenAPI response schemas.
Only include "required" for non-empty cases in OpenAPI schemas.
Fix response schemas for "DELETE" case in OpenAPI schemas.
Use an array type for list view response schemas.
Use consistent lowerInitialCamelCase style in OpenAPI operation IDs.
Fix minLength/maxLength/minItems/maxItems properties in OpenAPI schemas.
Only call FileField.url once in serialization, for improved performance.
Fix an edge case where throttling calcualtions could error after a configuration \ 

Various OpenAPI schema fixes.
Ability to specify urlconf in include_docs_urls.

Don't include autocomplete fields on TokenAuth admin, since it forces \ 
constraints on custom user models & admin.
Require uritemplate for OpenAPI schema generation, but not coreapi.

Switch to OpenAPI schema generation.
Drop Python 2 support.
Add generateschema --generator_class CLI option
Updated PyYaml dependency for OpenAPI schema generation to pyyaml>=5.1
Resolve DeprecationWarning with markdown.
Use user.get_username in templates, in preference to user.username.
Fix for cursor pagination issue that could occur after object deletions.
Fix for nullable fields with source="*"
Always apply all throttle classes during throttling checks.
Updates to jQuery and Markdown dependencies.
Don't strict disallow redundant SerializerMethodField field name arguments.
Don't render extra actions in browable API if not authenticated.
Strip null characters from search parameters.
   2019-05-13 17:52:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.9.4

This is a maintenance release that fixes an error handling bug under Python 2.
   2019-04-30 09:57:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.9.3

This is the last Django REST Framework release that will support Python 2. Be \ 
sure to upgrade to Python 3 before upgrading to Django REST Framework 3.10.
Adjusted the compat check for django-guardian to allow the last guardian version \ 
(v1.4.9) compatible with Python 2
   2019-03-04 09:29:25 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-djangorestframework: updated to 3.9.2

Routers: invalidate _urls cache on register()
Deferred schema renderer creation to avoid requiring pyyaml.
Added 'request_forms' block to base.html
Fixed SchemaView to reset renderer on exception.
Update Django Guardian dependency.
Ensured support for Django 2.2.
Made templates compatible with session-based CSRF.
Adjusted field validators to accept non-list iterables.
Added SearchFilter.get_search_fields() hook.
Fix DeprecationWarning when accessing classes via collections
Allowed Q objects in limit_choices_to introspection.
Added lazy evaluation to composed permissions.
Add negation ~ operator to permissions composition
Avoided calling distinct on annotated fields in SearchFilter.
Introduced RemovedInDRF…Warning classes to simplify deprecations.

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