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CVS Commit History:

   2009-09-13 00:19:56 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Remove an unused patch.
   2009-09-13 00:14:17 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (15)
Log message:
Update rails packages to 2.3.4.

Changes since 2.3.2:
* I18n support for plugins.
   2009-07-16 13:00:25 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Security fix for:

From rails git commit 056ddbdcfb07f0b5c7e6ed8a35f6c3b55b4ab489.
   2009-06-15 00:00:42 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (316)
Log message:
Convert @exec/@unexec to @pkgdir or drop it.
   2009-04-07 19:13:27 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (17) | Package updated
Log message:
Update rails packages to 2.3.1.

Changes since 2.1.1:
* Allow metal to live in plugins #2045 [Matthew Rudy]
* Added metal [Josh Peek]
* Remove script/performance/request in favour of the performance
  integration tests. [Pratik Naik]
* Add a rake task to apply a template to an existing application :
  rake rails:template LOCATION=~/template.rb [Pratik Naik]
* Add "-m/--template" option to Rails generator to apply a template to
  the generated application. [Jeremy McAnally]
* Extracted the process scripts (inspector, reaper, spawner) into the
  plugin irs_process_scripts [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* Changed Rails.root to return a Pathname object
* Added view path support for engines [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* Added that config/routes.rb files in engine plugins are
  automatically loaded (and reloaded when they change in dev mode)
  [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* Added app/[models|controllers|helpers] to the load path for plugins
  that has an app directory (go engines ;)) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* Add config.preload_frameworks to load all frameworks at
  startup. Default to false so Rails autoloads itself as it's
  used. Turn this on for Passenger and JRuby. Also turned on by
  config.threadsafe!  [Jeremy Kemper]
* Add a rake task to generate dispatchers : rake
  rails:generate_dispatchers [Pratik Naik]
* "rails <app>" will not generate public/dispatch.cgi/fcgi/rb \ 
files by
  default now. Please use "--with-dispatchers" option if you need
  them. [Yaroslav Markin, Pratik Naik]
* Added rake rails:update:application_controller to renamed
  application.rb to application_controller.rb -- included in rake
  rails:update so upgrading to 2.3 will automatically trigger it #1439
* Added Rails.backtrace_cleaner as an accessor for the
  Rails::BacktraceCleaner instance used by the framework to cut down
  on backtrace noise and config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb to
  add your own (or turn them all off) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* Switch from Test::Unit::TestCase to ActiveSupport::TestCase.  [Jeremy Kemper]
* Added config.i18n settings gatherer to config/environment,
  auto-loading of all locales in config/locales/*.rb,yml, and
  config/locales/en.yml as a sample locale [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Renamed application.rb to
  application_controller.rb and removed all the special casing that
  was in place to support the former. You must do this rename in your
  own application when you upgrade to this version [David Heinemeier
* Fixed plugin generator so that generated unit tests would subclass
  ActiveSupport::TestCase, also introduced a helper script to reduce
  the needed require statements #1137 [Mathias Meyer]
* Update Prototype to [sam]
* Fixed that sqlite would report "db/development.sqlite3 already
  exists" whether true or not on db:create #614 [Antonio Cangiano]
* Added config.threadsafe! to toggle allow concurrency settings and
  disable the dependency loader [Josh Peek]
* Turn cache_classes on by default [Josh Peek]
* Added configurable eager load paths. Defaults to app/models,
  app/controllers, and app/helpers [Josh Peek]
* Introduce simple internationalization support.  [Ruby i18n team]
* Make script/plugin install <plugin> -r <revision> option work with
  git based plugins. #257. [Tim Pope Jakub Kuźma]. Example:
* Added Rails.initialized? flag [Josh Peek]
* Make rake test:uncommitted work with Git. [Tim Pope]
* Added Thin support to script/server.  #488 [Bob Klosinski]
* Fix script/about in production mode.  #370 [Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier
  Noria, David Krmpotic]
* Add the gem load paths before the framework is loaded, so certain
  gems like RedCloth and BlueCloth can be frozen.
* Fix discrepancies with loading rails/init.rb from gems.
* Plugins check for the gem init path (rails/init.rb) before the
  standard plugin init path (init.rb) [Jacek Becela]
* Changed all generated tests to use the test/do declaration style
  [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* Wrapped Rails.env in StringInquirer so you can do
  Rails.env.development? [David Heinemeier Hansson]
* Fixed that RailsInfoController wasn't considering all requests local
  in development mode (Edgard Castro) [#310 state:resolved]
   2008-09-15 07:50:42 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-actionpack to 2.1.1.


* All 2xx requests are considered successful [Josh Peek]

* Deprecate the limited follow_redirect in functional tests.  If you
  wish to follow redirects, use integration tests. [Michael Koziarski]

* Fixed that AssetTagHelper#compute_public_path shouldn't cache the
  asset_host along with the source or per-request proc's won't run

* Deprecate define_javascript_functions, javascript_include_tag and
  friends are much better [Michael Koziarski]

* Fix polymorphic_url with singleton resources.  #461 [Tammer Saleh]

* Deprecate ActionView::Base.erb_variable. Use the concat helper
  method instead of appending to it directly.  [Jeremy Kemper]

* Fixed Request#remote_ip to only raise hell if the HTTP_CLIENT_IP and
  HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR doesn't match (not just if they're both
  present) [Mark Imbriaco, Bradford Folkens]
   2008-06-20 06:30:33 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-actionpack to 2.1.0.

Too many changes since 2.0.2.  See CHANGELOG for the complete list.
   2008-04-04 17:30:02 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (98)
Log message:
Install as a gem using the pkgsrc framework instead of
directly into site_ruby.
   2008-02-09 07:23:30 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Update ruby-actionpack to 2.0.2.

There have been too many changes.  Please see CHANGELOG for the complete list:
   2007-12-10 06:47:03 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update ruby-actionpack to 1.13.6.

* Correct Broken Fix for session_fixation attacks
* Ensure that cookies handle array values correctly.  Closes #9937 [queso]

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