Log message:
Update to 2.0.3
Upstream changes for 2.0.0 follow. (2.0.[123] are bugfixes)
* New GDAL drivers:
- BPG: read-only driver for Better Portable Graphics format (experimental, \
no build support)
- GPKG: read/write/update capabilities in the unified raster/vector driver
- KEA: read/write driver for KEA format
- PLMosaic: read-only driver for Planet Labs Mosaics API
- ROI_PAC: read/write driver for image formats of JPL's ROI_PAC project (#5776)
- VICAR: read-only driver for VICAR format
* New OGR drivers:
- Cloudant: read/write driver for Cloudant service
- CSW: read-only driver for OGC CSW (Catalog Service for the Web) protocol
- JML: read/write driver for OpenJUMP .jml format
- PLScenes: read-only driver for Planet Labs Scenes API
- Selaphin: read/write driver for the Selaphin/Seraphin format (#5442)
* Significantly improved drivers: CSV, GPKG, GTiff, JP2OpenJPEG, MapInfo file, \
PG, SQLite
* RFC 31: OGR 64bit Integer Fields and FIDs (trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc31_ogr_64)
In OGR core, OGR SQL, Shapefile, PG, PGDump, GeoJSON, CSV, GPKG, SQLite, MySQL,
* RFC 46: GDAL/OGR unification ( \
- GDAL and OGR PDF drivers are unified into a single one
- GDAL and OGR PCIDSK drivers are unified into a single one
* RFC 49: Add support for curve geometries \
In OGR core, and GML, NAS, PostgreSQL, PGDUMP, GPKG, SQLite, VFK, VRT, \
Interlis drivers
* RFC 50: Add support for OGR field subtypes \
In OGR core, OGR SQL, swig bindings, CSV, FileGDB, GeoJSON, GML, GPKG, \
OpenFileGDB, PG, PGDump, SQLite, VRT
* RFC 51: RasterIO() improvements : resampling and progress callback \
* RFC 52: Stricter SQL quoting \
* RFC 53: OGR not-null constraints and default values \
In OGR core, OGR SQL, PG, PGDump, CartoDB, GPKG, SQLite, MySQL, OCI, VRT, \
GML, WFS, FileGDB, OpenFileGDB and MSSQLSpatial
* RFC 54: Dataset transactions \
In PG, GPKG, SQLite, FileGDB and MSSQLSpatial
* RFC 55: refined SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() semantics.
In GPKG, Shape, MySQL, OCI, SQLite, FileGDB, PG, CartoDB, MITAB and MSSQL
* RFC 56: OFTTime/OFTDateTime millisecond accuracy ( \
https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc56_millisecond_precision )
* RFC 57: 64bit histogram bucket count ( \
https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc57_histogram_64bit_count )
* Upgrade to EPSG v8.5 database
* Fix locale related issues when formatting or reading floating point numbers \