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CVS Commit History:

   2007-04-19 01:25:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to 1.2.4:

Version 1.2.4:
 * campaigns:
   * Heir to the Throne
     * updated images for Delfador
   * Tutorial
     * merged all unit images used in the tutorial from httt
 * graphics:
   * fixed a missing frame for the white mage
   * improved the mage of light melee animation and changed its melee attack to
     "morning star"
   * improved the look of the main menu and tips of the day boxes in the
     title screen
   * tiles with overlays are also properly shown if compiled with
     --enable-tinygui (bug #8720 patch #697)
 * language and i18n:
   * updated manual: French
   * updated translations: Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, French, German,
     Greek, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
   * updated DejaVuSans font to version 2.16
 * multiplayer maps:
   * revised maps: Blitz, Wilderlands
 * WML:
   * fixed the fire dragon die sound in TROW
   * fixed many agression->aggression typos
   * fixed [special_filter] not working properly (#8212)
 * Python AI:
   * backported safe AI from 1.3, so you can no longer use import, builtin
     statements, or access to internal variables in AI scripts
   * fixed bugs where movement maps weren't updated after recruiting (bug #8802)
     and where some unit type properties where always false (like regenerate or
 * misc:
   * observer can save a replay of the game again
   * fixed beginning-of-scenario saves containing scenario WML (bug #8698)
   * fixed autosaves not getting deleted for last campaign scenario and
     multiplayer (bug #8762)
   * fixed reload from mp savegame problem (bug #8796)
   * used valgrind to find some memory problems fixes bug #8715, bug #8756 and
     bug #8839
   * fixed Ethiliel not showing up in the scenario "Vengeance" of TSG
   * with a move attack action if the moveto event moves the defender Wesnoth
     would crash (part 1 of bug #8882)
   2007-04-08 19:59:41 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to 1.2.3:

Version 1.2.3:
 * campaigns:
   * Heir to the Throne:
     * The Elvish Lord and Elvish High Lord have halo's again (patch #682)
 * graphics
   * items with a halo have their halo hidden when under a shroud (bug #8523)
   * updates the invisible icon of an unit when moving or moving the mouse
     over the unit, then selecting the location to move to there are still
     glitches (partial fix for bug #8107)
   * fixed some cases where fog was updated without being redrawn
 * user interface:
   * made some tooltips visible again (bug #6702 and bug #8380)
 * multiplayer maps:
   * revised maps: Castle Hopping Isle
   * Wesbowl: the respawned units are fully healed again (bug #7776)
 * language and i18n:
   * udated translations: Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, French, German,
     Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Serbian, Slovak
   * new translations: Indonesian
 * WML engine
   * fixed era events not working on non hosts

Version 1.2.2:
 * campaigns:
   * Eastern Invasion:
     * The Crossing, fixed a bug which prevented the undead leader spawned
       at turn 8 to have a keep
   * The South Guard:
     * fixed some pink unit images being shown in some scenario texts
   * Two Brothers
     * updated the portrait of Bjarn to match the new mage colors
 * editor
   * added the paste option to the edit menu
 * graphics
   * new attack icons: undead axe, undead crossbow, pick axe, glaive, elven
   * new baseframes: Mage line, Footpad
   * new new death animations: Orcish Assassin, Grunt, Undead Ghoul, Ancient
     Wose, Elder Wose, Thieves
   * updated portraits: Troll
 * language and i18n:
   * fixed spelling mistakes in the en_US version
   * updated translations: Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Esperanto, French,
     German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Serbian,
     Slovak, Swedish
   * updated DejaVuSans font to 2.15
 * multiplayer maps:
    * new maps: The Manzivan Traps, 4p Hamlets
    * revised maps: Blitz, Charge, Den of Onis, Hamlets, Meteor Lake, Sablestone
      Delta, Sulla's Ruins
 * multiplayer
    * sped up the lobby, the lag is much lower now (patch #676 and patch #677)
 * units:
    * fixed a bug which prevented a Mermaid Siren picking up a storm trident
    * Complete rewrite of saurian and poacher line descriptions, as well as
      some minor edits to a few other human units.
    * fixed a bug which caused the slow effect being applied twice (bug #8458)
    * death animations for Wose Ancient and Elder, Human Outlaw Thief Male
      and Female
 * user interface:
    * smarter focus handling when user input is irrelevant to the current focus
      but relevant to another widget
    * menus can now stay scrolled to the bottom if they were already scrolled
      to the bottom
    * scrolling performance improved
    * selecting a units is faster now, especially switching between two units
    * overall game performance improved when many units are visible
    * better performance when mouse is over a unit that sees many enemy units
    * show side and team in the status table
    * animations draw faster now and the speed is independent of the resolution
    * fog/shroud is cleared after attack-move (bug #7131)
 * WML engine
    * fixed a bug which returned wrong values if a random number was negative
   2007-02-22 20:30:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (33)
Log message:
pkglint USE_LANGUAGES cleanup. Patch from Sergey Svishchev.
   2007-02-02 22:42:37 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Modular Xorg support. As it wouldn't compile without fribidi, add
it and bump revision.
   2007-01-26 12:40:36 by Dieter Baron | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
On NetBSD 3, turn off optimization for unit_types.cpp, since it
causes gcc to segfault with -O2.
   2007-01-15 23:26:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
Update to 1.2.1:

What's New in Wesnoth 1.2

The single player mode has a new tutorial, and 3 new campaigns: Two
Brothers, The South Guard, and Under the Burning Suns. The first one was
intentionally designed to be easy for beginning players. The last one is
set in an environment quite different from that of the typical Wesnoth
campaign, and includes a few changes to game rules. The existing campaigns
include new scenarios, dialogue, items, and optional bonus victory
objectives. Replay of saved games has been improved considerably, allowing
one to show single turns at a time, navigate through the replay, and
toggle fog-of-war at will.

Battle for Wesnoth

Multiplayer has new features, making the internet or LAN mode a more
pleasant experience. It allows setting a per-turn time limit, sending
private messages to allies, and banning unwelcome users by IP address. The
multiplayer lobby interface now displays detailed information about
existing games. A few new multiplayer maps were also added.

Other changes in game content include new units, new terrain types, and
further balancing of unit stats and abilities. We have added progress bars
to major loading points in the game. We have also added some great new
music, and a host of new sound effects. There have also been some
rearrangements and improvements to the in-game help.

One major change is that we have undertaken a heavy revision of our sprite
imagery; affecting almost all units except the drakes, mermen, and naga,
intended to bring most of the units into consistent style and correct
size. A result of this is that units (which we've revised) that belong to
different teams, now show their team color on clothes and banners. We have
also completely replaced the icons representing the attacks of units.
There are a few new portraits and story pictures, some major improvements
to terrain graphics (especially the new mountains, cave,
castles/encampments, swamp, canyons, and tropical forests, not to mention
a few others).

Battle for Wesnoth

Developers and Modders can enjoy new WML (Wesnoth markup language)
features, including custom abilities, unit stat modification, more
detailed events, and the ability to script a custom AI in Python.
Additionally, we have added basic code support for the animation of
walking, swimming, dying, and other special actions; in doing so we've
done a major cleanup of the WML that describes said animations, making it
much more consistent.

Battle for Wesnoth now supports right-to-left languages. There are new
Polish and Norwegian translations, and many other incomplete ones. In
total, there are 35 translations being worked on; please join us to help
finish the incomplete translations for future releases.

Version 1.2 includes a gameplay feedback mechanism. Players can allow the
program to send anonymous statistics of their performance in single-player
campaigns to our server - this gives campaign authors the information they
need to balance the difficulty of their campaigns.
   2006-06-25 21:50:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Include wctype.h for towupper and towlower.
Fixes build with gcc4 on NetBSD-3.99.21.
   2006-06-15 14:24:12 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Fix freetype2-2.2.1 breakage.
   2006-06-12 18:28:13 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (156)
Log message:
for SDL shlib changes.
   2006-05-22 22:17:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:

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