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CVS Commit History:

   2022-10-31 11:26:46 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 9.3.0

9.3.0 (2022-10-29)
- Limit SAMPLESPERPIXEL to avoid runtime DOS
- Initialize libtiff buffer when saving
- Inline fname2char to fix memory leak
- Fix memory leaks related to text features
- Use double quotes for version check on old CPython on Windows
- Remove backup implementation of Round for Windows platforms
- Fixed set_variation_by_name offset
- Fix malloc in _imagingft.c:font_setvaraxes
- Release Python GIL when converting images using matrix operations
- Added ExifTags enums
- Do not modify previous frame when calculating delta in PNG
- Added support for reading BMP images with RLE4 compression
- Decode JPEG compressed BLP1 data in original mode
- Added GPS TIFF tag info
- Added conversion between RGB/RGBA/RGBX and LAB
- Do not attempt normalization if mode is already normal
- Fixed seeking to an L frame in a GIF
- Consider all frames when selecting mode for PNG save_all
- Don't reassign crc on ChunkStream close
- Raise a warning if NumPy failed to raise an error during conversion
- Show all frames in ImageShow
- Allow FLI palette chunk to not be first
- If first GIF frame has transparency for RGB_ALWAYS loading strategy, use RGBA mode
- Round box position to integer when pasting embedded color
- Removed EXIF prefix when saving WebP
- Pad IM palette to 768 bytes when saving
- Added DDS BC6H reading
- Added support for opening WhiteIsZero 16-bit integer TIFF images
- Raise an error when allocating translucent color to RGB palette
- Added reading of TIFF child images
- Improved ImageOps palette handling
- Defer parsing of palette into colors
- Apply transparency to P images in ImageTk.PhotoImage
- Use rounding in ImageOps contain() and pad()
- Fixed GIF remapping to palette with duplicate entries
- Allow remap_palette() to return an image with less than 256 palette entries
- Corrected BMP and TGA palette size when saving
- Do not call load() before draft() in Image.thumbnail
- Copy palette when converting from P to PA
- Allow RGB and RGBA values for PA image putpixel
- Removed support for tkinter in PyPy before Python 3.6
- Do not use CCITTFaxDecode filter if libtiff is not available
- Fallback to not using mmap if buffer is not large enough
- Fixed writing bytes as ASCII tag
- Open 1 bit EPS in mode 1
- Removed support for tkinter before Python 1.5.2
- Allow default ImageDraw font to be set
- Save 1 mode PDF using CCITTFaxDecode filter
- Added support for RGBA PSD images
- Parse orientation from XMP tag contents
- Added support for reading ATI1/ATI2 (BC4/BC5) DDS images
- Do not clear GIF tile when checking number of frames
- Support saving multiple MPO frames
- Do not double quote Pillow version for setuptools >= 60
- Added ABGR BMP mask mode
- Fixed PSDraw rectangle
- Raise ValueError if PNG sRGB chunk is truncated
- Handle missing Python executable in ImageShow on macOS
   2022-08-01 16:51:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
py-Pillow: improve zlib detection workaround

It started failing for me, I don't understand why - improve the existing
   2022-07-15 01:46:28 by David A. Holland | Files touched by this commit (86)
Log message:
Bump everything affected by the fix.
   2022-07-12 11:20:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 9.2.0

9.2.0 (2022-07-01)
- Deprecate ImageFont.getsize and related functions
- Fixed null check for fribidi_version_info in FriBiDi shim
- Added GIF decompression bomb check
- Handle PCF fonts files with less than 256 characters
- Improved GIF optimize condition
- Reverted to __array_interface__ with the release of NumPy 1.23
- Pad PCX palette to 768 bytes when saving
- Fixed bug with rounding pixels to palette colors
- Use gnome-screenshot on Linux if available
- Fixed loading L mode BMP RLE8 images
- Fixed incorrect operator in ImageCms error
- Limit FPX tile size to avoid extending outside image
- Added support for decoding plain PPM formats
- Added apply_transparency()
- Fixed behaviour change from endian fix
- Allow remapping P images with RGBA palettes
- Fixed drawing translucent 1px high polygons
- Pad COLORMAP to 768 items when saving TIFF
- Fix P -> PA conversion
- Once exif data is parsed, do not reload unless it changes
- Only try to connect discontiguous corners at the end of edges
- Improve transparency handling when saving GIF images
- Do not update GIF frame position until local image is found
- Netscape GIF extension belongs after the global color table
- Only write GIF comments at the beginning of the file
- Separate multiple GIF comment blocks with newlines
- Always use GIF89a for comments
- Ignore compression value from BMP info dictionary when saving as TIFF
- If font is file-like object, do not re-read from object to get variant
- Raise ValueError when trying to access internal fp after close
- Support more affine expression forms in im.point()
- Populate Python palette in fromarray()
- Raise ValueError if PNG chunks are truncated
- Use durations from each frame by default when saving GIFs
- Adjust BITSPERSAMPLE to match SAMPLESPERPIXEL when opening TIFFs
- Search pkgconf system libs/cflags
- Raise ValueError for invalid PPM maxval
- Corrected screencapture argument in ImageGrab.grab()
- Deprecate support for Qt 5 (PyQt5 and PySide2)
- Increase wait time of temporary file deletion on Windows
- Deprecate FreeTypeFont.getmask2 fill parameter
- Round lut values where necessary
- Load before getting size in resize()
- Load image before performing size calculations in thumbnail()
- Deprecated PhotoImage.paste() box parameter
   2022-05-18 13:23:52 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 9.1.1

- When reading past the end of a TGA scan line, reduce bytes left. CVE-2022-30595
- Do not open images with zero or negative height
   2022-04-26 19:50:11 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 9.1.0

9.1.0 (2022-04-01)
- Fix loading FriBiDi on Alpine
- Added setting for converting GIF P frames to RGB
- Allow 1 mode images to be inverted
- Raise ValueError when trying to save empty JPEG
- Always save TIFF with contiguous planar configuration
- Connected discontiguous polygon corners
- Ensure Tkinter hook is activated for getimage()
- Use screencapture arguments to crop on macOS
- Do not mark L mode JPEG as 1 bit in PDF
- Added support for reading I;16R TIFF images
- If an error occurs after creating a file, remove the file
- Fixed calling DisplayViewer or XVViewer without a title
- Retain RGBA transparency when saving multiple GIF frames
- Save additional ICO frames with other bit depths if supplied
- Handle EXIF data truncated to just the header
- Added support for reading BMP images with RLE8 compression
- Support Python distributions where _tkinter is compiled in
- Added support for PPM arbitrary maxval
- Added BigTIFF reading
- When converting, clip I;16 to be unsigned, not signed
- Fixed loading L mode GIF with transparency
- Improved handling of PPM header
- Reset size when seeking away from "Large Thumbnail" MPO frame
- Replace requirements.txt with extras
- Added PyEncoder and support BLP saving
- Handle TGA images with packets that cross scan lines
- Added FITS reading
- Added rawmode argument to Image.getpalette()
- Fixed BUFR, GRIB and HDF5 stub saving
- Do not automatically remove temporary ImageShow files on Unix
- Correctly read JPEG compressed BLP images
- Merged _MODE_CONV typ into ImageMode as typestr
- Consider palette size when converting and in getpalette()
- Added enums
- Ensure image is opaque after converting P to PA with RGB palette
- Attach RGBA palettes from putpalette() when suitable
- Added get_photoshop_blocks() to parse Photoshop TIFF tag
- Drop excess values in BITSPERSAMPLE
- Added unpacker from RGBA;15 to RGB
- Enable arm64 for MSVC on Windows
- Keep IPython/Jupyter text/plain output stable
- Raise an error when performing a negative crop
- Deprecated show_file "file" argument in favour of "path"
- Fixed SPIDER images for use with Bio-formats library
- Ensure duplicated file pointer is closed
- Added specific error if path coordinate type is incorrect
- Return an empty bytestring from tobytes() for an empty image
- Remove readonly from Image.__eq__
   2022-02-24 15:11:35 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-Pillow: update to 9.0.1.

9.0.1 (2022-02-03)

- In show_file, use os.remove to remove temporary images. CVE-2022-24303 #6010
- Restrict builtins within lambdas for ImageMath.eval. CVE-2022-22817 #6009

9.0.0 (2022-01-02)

- Restrict builtins for ImageMath.eval(). CVE-2022-22817 #5923
- Ensure JpegImagePlugin stops at the end of a truncated file #5921
- Fixed ImagePath.Path array handling. CVE-2022-22815, CVE-2022-22816 #5920
- Remove consecutive duplicate tiles that only differ by their offset #5919
- Improved I;16 operations on big endian #5901
- Limit quantized palette to number of colors #5879
- Fixed palette index for zeroed color in FASTOCTREE quantize #5869
- When saving RGBA to GIF, make use of first transparent palette entry #5859
- Pass SAMPLEFORMAT to libtiff #5848
- Added rounding when converting P and PA #5824
- Improved putdata() documentation and data handling #5910
- Exclude carriage return in PDF regex to help prevent ReDoS #5912
- Fixed freeing pointer in ImageDraw.Outline.transform #5909
- Added ImageShow support for xdg-open #5897
- Support 16-bit grayscale ImageQt conversion #5856
- Convert subsequent GIF frames to RGB or RGBA #5857
- Do not prematurely return in ImageFile when saving to stdout #5665
- Added support for top right and bottom right TGA orientations #5829
- Corrected ICNS file length in header #5845
- Block tile TIFF tags when saving #5839
- Added line width argument to polygon #5694
- Do not redeclare class each time when converting to NumPy #5844
- Only prevent repeated polygon pixels when drawing with transparency #5835
- Add support for pickling TrueType fonts #5826
- Only prefer command line tools SDK on macOS over default MacOSX SDK #5828
- Drop support for soon-EOL Python 3.6 #5768
- Fix compilation on 64-bit Termux #5793
- Use title for display in ImageShow #5788
- Remove support for FreeType 2.7 and older #5777
- Fix for PyQt6 #5775
- Removed deprecated PILLOW_VERSION, command parameter, Image._showxv \ 
and ImageFile.raise_ioerror #5776
   2022-01-04 21:55:40 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1595)
Log message:
*: bump PKGREVISION for users

They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
   2021-11-04 14:50:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 8.4.0


- Prefer global transparency in GIF when replacing with background color
- Added "exif" keyword argument to TIFF saving
- Copy Python palette to new image in quantize()
- Read ICO AND mask from end
- Actually check the framesize in FliDecode.c
- Determine JPEG2000 mode purely from ihdr header box
- Fixed using info dictionary when writing multiple APNG frames
- Allow saving 1 and L mode TIFF with PhotometricInterpretation 0
- For GIF save_all with palette, do not include palette with each frame
- Keep transparency when converting from P to LA or PA
- Copy palette to new image in transform()
- Added "transparency" argument to EpsImagePlugin load()
- Corrected pathlib.Path detection when saving
- Added WalImageFile class
- Consider I;16 pixel size when drawing text
- If default conversion from P is RGB with transparency, convert to RGBA
- Speed up rotating square images by 90 or 270 degrees
- Add support for reading DPI information from JPEG2000 images
- Catch TypeError from corrupted DPI value in EXIF
- Do not close file pointer when saving SGI images
- Deprecate ImagePalette size parameter
- Prefer command line tools SDK on macOS
- Added tags when saving YCbCr TIFF
- PSD layer count may be negative
- Fixed ImageOps expand with tuple border on P image
- Fixed error saving APNG with duplicate frames and different duration times
   2021-10-26 12:47:26 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (800)
Log message:
graphics: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

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