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CVS Commit History:

   2014-04-08 18:40:35 by Emile iMil Heitor | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Updated irclib to version 8.5.4


    Issue #32: Add logging around large DCC messages to facilitate
    Issue #31: Fix error in connection wrapper for SSL example.


    Issue #28: Fix TypeError in version calculation in CTCP version.


    Updated DCC send and receive scripts (Issue #27).


    Fix timestamp support in schedule.DelayedCommand construction.


    irc.client.NickMask is now a Unicode object on Python 2. Fixes issue
    reported in pull request #19.
    Issue #24: Added DCCConnection.send_bytes for transmitting binary data.
    privmsg remains to support transmitting text.


    Code base now runs natively on Python 2 and Python 3, but requires six to
    be installed.
    Issue #25: Rate-limiting has been updated to be finer grained (preventing
    bursts exceeding the limit following idle periods).


    Issue #22: Catch error in on NAMREPLY when nick is not in any visible


    Fixed encoding errors in server on Python 3.


    Added a set_keepalive method to the ServerConnection. Sends a periodic PING
    message every indicated interval.


    Added support for throttling send_raw messages via the ServerConnection
    object. For example, on any connection object:


    That would set the rate limit to 30 Hz (30 per second). Thanks to Jason \ 
Kendall for the suggestion and bug fixes.


    Fix typo in client.NickMask.


    Fix typo in


    Issue #15: Added client support for ISUPPORT directives on server \ 
connections. Now, each ServerConnection has a features attribute which reflects \ 
the features supported by the server. See the docs for irc.features for details \ 
about the implementation.


    Issue #14: Fix errors when handlers of the same priority are added under \ 
Python 3. This also fixes the unintended behavior of allowing handlers of the \ 
same priority to compare as unequal.


This release brings several backward-incompatible changes to the scheduled commands.

    Refactored implementation of schedule classes. No longer do they override \ 
the datetime constructor, but now only provide suitable classmethods for \ 
construction in various forms.
    Removed backward-compatible references from irc.client.
    Remove 'arguments' parameter from scheduled commands.

Clients that reference the schedule classes from irc.client or that construct \ 
them from the basic constructor will need to update to use the new class \ 

- DelayedCommand -> DelayedCommand.after
- PeriodicCommand -> PeriodicCommand.after

Arguments may no longer be passed to the 'function' callback, but one is \ 
encouraged instead to use functools.partial to attach parameters to the \ 
callback. For example:

DelayedCommand.after(3, func, ('a', 10))


func = functools.partial(func, 'a', 10)
DelayedCommand.after(3, func)

This mode puts less constraints on the both the handler and the caller. For \ 
example, a caller can now pass keyword arguments instead:

func = functools.partial(func, name='a', quantity=10)
DelayedCommand.after(3, func)

Readability, maintainability, and usability go up.

    Issue #13: TypeError on Python 3 when constructing PeriodicCommand (and thus \ 


    Fixed regression created in 7.0 where PeriodicCommandFixedDelay would only \ 
cause the first command to be scheduled, but not subsequent ones.


    Moved scheduled command classes to irc.schedule module. Kept references for \ 


    PeriodicCommand now raises a ValueError if it's created with a negative or \ 
zero delay (meaning all subsequent commands are immediately due). This fixes \ 

    Renamed the parameters to the IRC object. If you use a custom event loop and \ 
your code constructs the IRC object with keyword parameters, you will need to \ 
update your code to use the new names, so:

    IRC(fn_to_add_socket=adder, fn_to_remove_socket=remover, \ 


    IRC(on_connect=adder, on_disconnect=remover, on_schedule=timeout)

    If you don't use a custom event loop or you pass the parameters \ 
positionally, no change is necessary.


    Fixed some unhandled exceptions in server client connections when the client \ 
would disconnect in response to messages sent after select was called.


    Moved LineBuffer and DecodingLineBuffer from client to buffer module. \ 
Backward-compatible references have been kept for now.
    Removed daemon mode and log-to-file options for server.
    Miscellaneous bugfixes in server.


    Fix error in 2to3 conversion on irc/ (issue #11).


The IRC library is now licensed under the MIT license.

    Added irc/, based on hircd by Ferry Boender.
    Added support for CAP command (pull request #10), thanks to Danneh Oaks.


Another backward-incompatible change. In irc 5.0, many of the unnecessary getter \ 
functions have been removed and replaced with simple attributes. This change \ 
addresses issue #2. In particular:

        Connection._get_socket() -> Connection.socket (including subclasses)
        Event.eventtype() -> Event.type
        Event.source() -> Event.source ->
        Event.arguments() -> Event.arguments

The nm_to_* functions were removed. Instead, use the NickMask class attributes.

These deprecated function aliases were removed from irc.client:

- parse_nick_modes -> modes.parse_nick_modes
- parse_channel_modes -> modes.parse_channel_modes
- generated_events -> events.generated
- protocol_events -> events.protocol
- numeric_events -> events.numeric
- all_events -> events.all
- irc_lower -> strings.lower

Also, the parameter name when constructing an event was renamed from eventtype \ 
to simply type.

    Removed deprecated arguments to ServerConnection.connect. See notes on the \ 
3.3 release on how to use the connect_factory parameter if your application \ 
requires ssl, ipv6, or other connection customization.


    Filter out disconnected sockets when processing input.


    Created two new exceptions in irc.client: MessageTooLong and InvalidCharacters.
    Use explicit exceptions instead of ValueError when sending data.


    SingleServerIRCBot now accepts keyword arguments which are passed through to \ 
the ServerConnection.connect method. One can use this to use SSL for \ 

    factory = irc.connection.Factory(wrapper=ssl.wrap_socket)
    bot =, connect_factory = factory)
   2012-12-22 14:34:50 by Emile iMil Heitor | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Fixed install for python 2.7, seems buggy and does  not create
requires.txt when version is > 2.6. There's room for improvement, that's
a quick fix.
   2012-11-18 03:25:38 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.
   2012-11-03 15:18:06 by Emile iMil Heitor | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Initial import of py-irclib, version 3.4.2, into the NetBSD Packages Collection.

This library is intended to encapsulate the IRC protocol at a quite low level.
It provides an event-driven IRC client framework. It has a fairly thorough
support for the basic IRC protocol, CTCP and DCC connections.

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