Log message:
Update ruby-chef-zero to 3.2.
3.2 (9/26/2014)
- removed 'json' gem dependency, replaced it with 'ffi-yajl'
3.1.3 (9/3/2014)
- fixes for running Chef local mode in multi-org mode
3.1.2 (8/29/2014)
- add default to rspec for cookbooks
- add /organizations/NAME/organization/_acl as an alias for
3.1.1 (8/28/2014)
- fix minor bug with unknown container acls
3.1 (8/28/2014)
- New rspec data directives: organization, acl, group, container
- Fix organizations POST to honor full_name
- Fixes for enterprise rspec data loading
- Fix invites not removing the invite when user is forcibly added to an org
3.0 (7/22/2014)
- Enterprise Chef support (organizations, ACLs, groups, much more)
- SSL support (@sawanoboly)
2.2 (6/18/2014)
- allow port ranges to be passed in as enumerables, which will be tried
in sequence until one works: ChefZero::Server.new(:port => 80.upto(100))
2.1.5 (6/2/2014)
- fix issue with :single_org => not being honored
2.1.4 (5/27/2014)
- fix issue with global Thread.exit_on_exception being set
2.1.3 (5/27/2014)
- rspec: default port to 8900 to not conflict with normal default port
- rspec: when chef_zero_opts is set, check if current server has those
options before continuing
2.1.2 (5/27/2014)
- fix build_uri (and thus cookbook downloads)
2.1.1 (5/26/2014)
- flip defaults off in V1ToV2Adapater, allowing most chef tests
to pass against 2.1.1
2.1 (5/26/2014)
- Multi-tenancy! If you set :single_org => nil when starting the server,
you will gain /organizations/* at the beginning of all URLs. Internally,
all endpoints are rooted at /organizations/ORG anyway, there is just
a translation that goes on to add /organizations/single_org to the URL
when someone hits chef-zero.
- Fixes to support chef-zero local mode passing pedant
Log message:
Import sysutils/ruby-chef-zero into pkgsrc.
Chef Zero is a simple, easy-install, in-memory Chef server that can be
useful for Chef Client testing and chef-solo-like tasks that require a
full Chef Server. It IS intended to be simple, Chef 11 compliant, easy
to run and fast to start. It is NOT intended to be secure, scalable,
performant or persistent. It does NO input validation, authentication
or authorization (it will not throw a 400, 401 or 403). It does not
save data, and will start up empty each time you start it.
Because Chef Zero runs in memory, it's super fast and lightweight.
This makes it perfect for testing against a "real" Chef Server without
mocking the entire Internet.