Log message:
py-bleach: updated to 3.0.2
Version 3.0.2:
Bug fixes
Merge Characters tokens after sanitizing them. This fixes issues in the
LinkifyFilter where it was only linkifying parts of urls.
Version 3.0.1:
Support Python 3.7. It supported Python 3.7 just fine, but we added 3.7 to
the list of Python environments we test so this is now officially supported.
Bug fixes
Fix list object has no attribute lower in clean.
Fix abbr getting escaped in linkify.
Version 3.0.0:
Backwards incompatible changes
A bunch of functions were moved from one module to another.
These were moved from bleach.sanitizer to bleach.html5lib_shim:
These functions and classes weren't documented and aren't part of the
public API, but people read code and might be using them so we're
considering it an incompatible API change.
If you're using them, you'll need to update your code.
Bleach no longer depends on html5lib. html5lib==1.0.1 is now vendored into
Bleach. You can remove it from your requirements file if none of your other
requirements require html5lib.
This means Bleach will now work fine with other libraries that depend on
html5lib regardless of what version of html5lib they require.
Bug fixes
Fixed tags getting added when using clean or linkify. This was a
long-standing regression from the Bleach 2.0 rewrite.
Fixed <isindex> getting replaced with a string. Now it gets escaped or
stripped depending on whether it's in the allowed tags or not.
Log message:
py-bleach: update to 2.1.1
Version 2.1.1:
**Bug fixes**
* Fix ``setup.py`` opening files when ``LANG=``.
Version 2.1:
**Security fixes**
* Convert control characters (backspace particularly) to "?" preventing
malicious copy-and-paste situations.
See `<https://github.com/mozilla/bleach/issues/298>`_ for more details.
This affects all previous versions of Bleach. Check the comments on that
issue for ways to alleviate the issue if you can't upgrade to Bleach 2.1.
**Backwards incompatible changes**
* Redid versioning. ``bleach.VERSION`` is no longer available. Use the string
version at ``bleach.__version__`` and parse it with
* clean, linkify: linkify and clean should only accept text types
* clean, linkify: accept only unicode or utf-8-encoded str
**Bug fixes**
* ``bleach.clean()`` no longer unescapes entities including ones that are missing
a ``;`` at the end which can happen in urls and other places.
* linkify: fix http links inside of mailto links
* clarify security policy in docs
* fix dependency specification for html5lib 1.0b8, 1.0b9, and 1.0b10
* add Bleach vs. html5lib comparison to README
* fix KeyError exceptions on tags without href attr
* add test website and scripts to test ``bleach.clean()`` output in browser
Log message:
Version 1.5 (November 4th, 2016)
**Backwards incompatible changes**
- clean: The list of ``ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS`` now defaults to http, https and
mailto. Previously it was a long list of protocols something like ed2k, ftp,
http, https, irc, mailto, news, gopher, nntp, telnet, webcal, xmpp, callto,
feed, urn, aim, rsync, tag, ssh, sftp, rtsp, afs, data.
- clean: Added ``protocols`` to arguments list to let you override the list of
allowed protocols. Thank you, Andreas Malecki!
- linkify: Fix a bug involving periods at the end of an email address. Thank you,
Lorenz Schori!
- linkify: Fix linkification of non-ascii ports. Thank you Alexandre, Macabies!
- linkify: Fix linkify inappropriately removing node tails when dropping nodes.
- Fixed a test that failed periodically.
- Switched from nose to py.test.
- Add test matrix for all supported Python and html5lib versions.
- Limit to html5lib ``>=0.999,!=0.9999,!=0.99999,<0.99999999`` because 0.9999
and 0.99999 are busted.
- Add support for ``python setup.py test``.