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CVS Commit History:

   2015-09-17 09:46:35 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add missing py-cython dependency, as noted by joerg.
   2015-09-01 13:51:00 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 2.7.1.


Bug Fixes
- Explicitly include extension source files in Manifest


Cython is introduced, providing compiled extensions for core modules,
and extensions for optimized results deserialization.

- General Performance Improvements for Throughput
- Improve synchronous request performance with Timers
- Enable C Extensions for PyPy Runtime
- Refactor SerDes functionality for pluggable interface
- Cython SerDes Extension
- Accept iterators/generators for execute_concurrent()
- cythonize existing modules
- Pure Python murmur3 implementation
- Make driver tolerant of inconsistent metadata

Bug Fixes
- Drop Events out-of-order Cause KeyError on Processing
- DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy doesn't check response count on write
- Blocking connect does not use connect_timeout
- Properly protect partition key in CQL export
- Trigger error callbacks on timeout


Bug Fixes
- Output proper CQL for compact tables with no clustering columns


- Automatic Protocol Version Downgrade
- cqlengine Python 2.6 compatibility
- Double-dollar string quote UDF body
- Set models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE when calling set_session

Bug Fixes
- Avoid stall while connecting to mixed version cluster
- Make SSL work with AsyncoreConnection in python 2.6.9
- Fix Murmur3Token.from_key() on Windows
- Fix cqlengine TimeUUID rounding error for Windows
- Avoid invalid compaction options in CQL export for non-SizeTiered


This release adds support for Cassandra 2.2 features, including
version 4 of the native protocol.

- Default load balancing policy to TokenAware(DCAware)
- Configuration option for connection timeout
- Support User Defined Function and Aggregate metadata in C* 2.2
- Surface request client in QueryTrace for C* 2.2+
- Implement new request failure messages in protocol v4+
- Metadata model now maps index meta by index name
- Support new types in C* 2.2: date, time, smallint, tinyint
- cqle: add Double column type and remove Float overload
- Use partition key column information in prepared response for protocol v4+
- Support message custom payloads in protocol v4+
- Deprecate refresh_schema and replace with functions for specific entities
- Save trace id even when trace complete times out
- Warn when registering client UDT class for protocol < v3
- Support client warnings returned with messages in protocol v4+
- Ability to distinguish between NULL and UNSET values in protocol v4+
- Expose CQL keywords in API

Bug Fixes
- IPv6 address support on Windows
- Convert exceptions during automatic re-preparation to nice exceptions
- cqle: Quote keywords properly in table management functions
- Don't default to GeventConnection when gevent is loaded, but
  not monkey-patched
- Pass dynamic host from SaslAuthProvider to SaslAuthenticator
- Make protocol read_inet work for Windows
- cqle: Correct encoding for nested types
- Update list of CQL keywords used quoting identifiers
- Make ConstantReconnectionPolicy work with infinite retries
- Accept UUIDs with uppercase hex as valid in cqlengine
   2015-06-09 13:07:13 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 2.5.1.

- Fix thread safety in DC-aware load balancing policy (PYTHON-297)
- Fix race condition in node/token rebuild (PYTHON-298)
- Set and send serial consistency parameter (PYTHON-299)
   2015-04-13 14:44:07 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update py-cassandra-driver to 2.5.0

- Integrated cqlengine object mapping package
- Utility functions for converting timeuuids and datetime (PYTHON-99)
- Schema metadata fetch window randomized, config options added (PYTHON-202)
- Support for new Date and Time Cassandra types (PYTHON-190)
- Fix index target for collection indexes (full(), keys()) (PYTHON-222)
- Thread exception during GIL cleanup (PYTHON-229)
- Workaround for rounding anomaly in datetime.utcfromtime (Python 3.4)
- Normalize text serialization for lookup in OrderedMap (PYTHON-231)
- Support reading CompositeType data (PYTHON-234)
- Preserve float precision in CQL encoding (PYTHON-243)

- SaslAuthenticator for Kerberos support (PYTHON-109)
- Heartbeat for network device keepalive and detecting failures on idle
  connections (PYTHON-197)
- Support nested, frozen collections for Cassandra 2.1.3+ (PYTHON-186)
- Schema agreement wait bypass config, new call for synchronous schema
  refresh (PYTHON-205)
- Add eventlet connection support (PYTHON-194)
- Schema meta fix for complex thrift tables (PYTHON-191)
- Support for 'unknown' replica placement strategies in schema meta
- Resolve stream ID leak on set_keyspace (PYTHON-195)
- Remove implicit timestamp scaling on serialization of numeric
  timestamps (PYTHON-204)
- Resolve stream id collision when using SASL auth (PYTHON-210)
- Correct unhexlify usage for user defined type meta in Python3 (PYTHON-208)
   2015-01-16 18:12:23 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Import cassandra_driver as py-cassandra-driver.

Python client driver for Apache Cassandra. This driver works exclusively
with the Cassandra Query Language v3 (CQL3) and Cassandra's native protocol.
Cassandra versions 1.2 through 2.1 are supported.

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