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CVS Commit History:

   2020-05-16 10:47:54 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-redis: pytest from versioned depends
   2020-05-16 09:09:57 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.5.2

* Tune the locking in ConnectionPool.get_connection so that the lock is
  not held while waiting for the socket to establish and validate the
  TCP connection.
   2020-05-13 16:45:26 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.5.1

Fix for HSET argument validation to allow any non-None key.
   2020-04-30 11:36:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.5.0

* Removed exception trapping from __del__ methods. redis-py objects that
  hold various resources implement __del__ cleanup methods to release
  those resources when the object goes out of scope. This provides a
  fallback for when these objects aren't explicitly closed by user code.
  Prior to this change any errors encountered in closing these resources
  would be hidden from the user.
* Expanded support for connection strings specifying a username connecting
  to pre-v6 servers.
* Optimized Lock's blocking_timeout and sleep. If the lock cannot be
  acquired and the sleep value would cause the loop to sleep beyond
  blocking_timeout, fail immediately.
* Added support for passing Python memoryviews to Redis command args that
  expect strings or bytes. The memoryview instance is sent directly to
  the socket such that there are zero copies made of the underlying data
  during command packing.
* HSET command now can accept multiple pairs. HMSET has been marked as
  deprecated now.
* Don't manually DISCARD when encountering an ExecAbortError.
* Reset the watched state of pipelines after calling exec. This saves
  a roundtrip to the server by not having to call UNWATCH within
* Added the KEEPTTL option for the SET command.
* Added the MEMORY STATS command.
* Lock.extend() now has a new option, `replace_ttl`. When False (the
  default), Lock.extend() adds the `additional_time` to the lock's existing
  TTL. When replace_ttl=True, the lock's existing TTL is replaced with
  the value of `additional_time`.
* Add testing and support for PyPy.
   2020-02-04 17:38:23 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.4.1

* Move the username argument in the Redis and Connection classes to the
  end of the argument list. This helps those poor souls that specify all
  their connection options as non-keyword arguments.
* Prior to ACL support, redis-py ignored the username component of
  Connection URLs. With ACL support, usernames are no longer ignored and
  are used to authenticate against an ACL rule. Some cloud vendors with
  managed Redis instances (like Heroku) provide connection URLs with a
  username component pre-ACL that is not intended to be used. Sending that
  username to Redis servers < 6.0.0 results in an error. Attempt to detect
  this condition and retry the AUTH command with only the password such
  that authentication continues to work for these users.
* Removed the __eq__ hooks to Redis and ConnectionPool that were added
  in 3.4.0. This ended up being a bad idea as two separate connection
  pools be considered equal yet manage a completely separate set of
   2020-02-01 13:25:25 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.4.0

* Allow empty pipelines to be executed if there are WATCHed keys.
  This is a convenient way to test if any of the watched keys changed
  without actually running any other commands.
* Removed support for end of life Python 3.4.
* Added support for all ACL commands in Redis 6.
* Pipeline instances now always evaluate to True. Prior to this change,
  pipeline instances relied on __len__ for boolean evaluation which
  meant that pipelines with no commands on the stack would be considered
* Client instances and Connection pools now support a 'client_name'
  argument. If supplied, all connections created will call CLIENT SETNAME
  as soon as the connection is opened.
* Added the 'ssl_check_hostname' argument to specify whether SSL
  connections should require the server hostname to match the hostname
  specified in the SSL cert. By default 'ssl_check_hostname' is False
  for backwards compatibility.
* Slightly optimized command packing.
* Added support for the TYPE argument to SCAN.
* Better thread and fork safety in ConnectionPool and
  BlockingConnectionPool. Added better locking to synchronize critical
  sections rather than relying on CPython-specific implementation details
  relating to atomic operations. Adjusted how the pools identify and
  deal with a fork. Added a ChildDeadlockedError exception that is
  raised by child processes in the very unlikely chance that a deadlock
  is encountered.
   2019-10-15 19:26:21 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.3.11

* Further fix for the SSLError -> TimeoutError mapping to work
  on obscure releases of Python 2.7.
* Fixed a potential error handling bug for the SSLError -> TimeoutError
  mapping introduced in 3.3.9.
* Mapped Python 2.7 SSLError to TimeoutError where appropriate. Timeouts
  should now consistently raise TimeoutErrors on Python 2.7 for both
  unsecured and secured connections.
   2019-08-22 14:00:46 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.3.8

* 3.3.8
    * Fixed MONITOR parsing to properly parse IPv6 client addresses, unix
      socket connections and commands issued from Lua.
* 3.3.7
    * Fixed a regression introduced in 3.3.0 where socket.error exceptions
      (or subclasses) could potentially be raised instead of
* 3.3.6
    * Fixed a regression in 3.3.5 that caused PubSub.get_message() to raise
      a socket.timeout exception when passing a timeout value.
* 3.3.5
    * Fix an issue where socket.timeout errors could be handled by the wrong
      exception handler in Python 2.7.
* 3.3.4
    * More specifically identify nonblocking read errors for both SSL and
      non-SSL connections. 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 on Python 2.7 could
      potentially mask a ConnectionError.
* 3.3.3
    * The SSL module in Python < 2.7.9 handles non-blocking sockets
      differently than 2.7.9+. This patch accommodates older versions
* 3.3.2
    * Further fixed a regression introduced in 3.3.0 involving SSL and
      non-blocking sockets.
* 3.3.1
    * Fixed a regression introduced in 3.3.0 involving SSL and non-blocking
* 3.3.0
    * Resolve a race condition with the PubSubWorkerThread.
    * Cleanup socket read error messages.
    * Cleanup the Connection's selector correctly.
    * Added a Monitor object to make working with MONITOR output easy.
    * Internal cleanup: Removed the legacy Token class which was necessary
      with older version of Python that are no longer supported.
    * Response callbacks are now case insensitive. This allows users that
      call Redis.execute_command() directly to pass lower-case command
      names and still get reasonable responses.
    * Added support for hiredis-py 1.0.0 encoding error support. This should
      make the PythonParser and the HiredisParser behave identically
      when encountering encoding errors.
    * All authentication errors now properly raise AuthenticationError.
      AuthenticationError is now a subclass of ConnectionError, which will
      cause the connection to be disconnected and cleaned up appropriately.
    * Add READONLY and READWRITE commands.
    * Remove selectors in favor of nonblocking sockets. Selectors had
      issues in some environments including eventlet and gevent. This should
      resolve those issues with no other side effects.
    * Fixed an issue with XCLAIM and previously claimed but not removed
    * Allow for single connection client instances. These instances
      are not thread safe but offer other benefits including a subtle
      performance increase.
    * Added extensive health checks that keep the connections lively.
      Passing the "health_check_interval=N" option to the Redis client \ 
      or to a ConnectionPool ensures that a round trip PING/PONG is successful
      before any command if the underlying connection has been idle for more
      than N seconds. ConnectionErrors and TimeoutErrors are automatically
      retried once for health checks.
    * Changed the PubSubWorkerThread to use a threading.Event object rather
      than a boolean to control the thread's life cycle.
    * Fixed a bug in Pipeline error handling that would incorrectly retry
   2019-04-02 10:31:48 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.2.1

* Fix SentinelConnectionPool to work in multiprocess/forked environments.
   2019-02-18 12:29:34 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-redis: updated to 3.2.0

* Added support for select.poll to test whether data can be read
  on a socket. This should allow for significantly more connections to
  be used with pubsub.
* Attempt to guarentee that the ConnectionPool hands out healthy
  connections. Healthy connections are those that have an established
  socket connection to the Redis server, are ready to accept a command
  and have no data available to read.
* Use the socket.IPPROTO_TCP constant instead of socket.SOL_TCP.
  IPPROTO_TCP is available on more interpreters (Jython for instance).
* Fixed a regression introduced in 3.0 that mishandles exceptions not
  derived from the base Exception class. KeyboardInterrupt and
  gevent.timeout notable.
* Significant improvements to handing connections with forked processes.
  Parent and child processes no longer trample on each others' connections.
* PythonParser no longer closes the associated connection's socket. The
  connection itself will close the socket.

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