Log message:
Updating devel/p5-ExtUtils-XSpp from 0.05 to 0.07
Upstream changes:
0.07 Fri Jan 22 18:07:10 CET 2010
- Fix issue with references as method arguments that have
template types. (Steffen Mueller)
0.06 Wed Jan 13 20:28:27 CET 2010
- When parsing a class declaration, automatically add a typemap
for the class.
- Add default typemaps for basic C types (integral, floating point
and char*).
- Automatically setup Perl inheritance for derived C++ classes.
- Support template types in function/method parameters and in typeamaps.
- Add command line options to run xsubpp directly from xspp.
Log message:
Importing devel/p5-ExtUtils-XSpp version 0.05 as an indirect requirement
of scheduled import of editors/p5-Padre.
XS++ is just a thin layer over plain XS, hence to use it you are supposed
to know, at the very least, C++ and XS.
This means that you will need typemaps for both the normal XS pre-processor
xsubpp and the XS++ pre-processor xspp.