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CVS Commit History:

   2012-07-05 16:42:23 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Importing package for Perl 5 module Perl::PrereqScanner version 1.013
from CPAN into devel/p5-Perl-PrereqScanner.

The scanner will extract loosely your distribution prerequisites from your

The extraction may not be perfect but tries to do its best. It will
currently find the following prereqs:
    * plain lines beginning with use or require in your perl modules and
      scripts, including minimum perl version
    * regular inheritance declared with the base and parent pragmata
    * Moose inheritance declared with the extends keyword
    * Moose roles included with the with keyword
    * OO namespace aliasing using the aliased module

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