2013-05-31 14:42:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2880) |
Log message:
Bump all packages for perl-5.18, that
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
2012-10-08 14:19:35 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (307) |
Log message:
Drop PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT setting, "user-destdir" is default these days.
2012-10-03 23:59:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2798) |
Log message:
Bump all packages that use perl, or depend on a p5-* package, or
are called p5-*.
I hope that's all of them.
2012-02-11 04:21:35 by Hiramatsu Yoshifumi | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update p5-Mail-Box to 2.102.
Changes from previous:
version 2.102: Wed Jan 4 09:31:51 CET 2012
- regex which matched attributes dumped core on hugh attributes.
rt.cpan.org#69414 [Yanyan Yang]
- document generation fixes.
- correct synopsis of ::Thread::Manager
- ::Thread::Node::threadToString uses study() on subject
version 2.101: Thu Aug 25 10:16:03 CEST 2011
- multipart's-part content-type could remove some attributes
rt.cpan.org#69516 [Yanyan Yang]
- filenames in content-disposition fields are sometimes charset
encoded (not supported by the RFCs) Decode them.
[Thomas Karcher]
- example how to use $msg->moveTo() was wrong. [Flash]
- use the Net::Domain::hostfqdn() for the creation of unique
message-ids if libnet is installed.
rt.cpan.org#69803 [Christoph 'Mehdorn' Weber]
version 2.099: Thu Jul 7 16:02:38 CEST 2011
- body() of structured studied fields failed.
- add overloading of comparison to Mail::Message::Field::Address
objects. Triggered by [Andrew Beverley]
- implement study on date fields.
version 2.098: Thu Mar 17 09:01:36 CET 2011
- accept mbox message separators from the 60's, because mozilla
uses 1-1-1965 as default separator when importing mail.
rt.cpan.org#65572 [Willi Mann]
- accept mbox message separators from the upcoming 20's
- Mail::Transport::POP3 has use_ssl setting too late [Mark Delany]
- Mail::Transport::IMAP4 folder create produced "use of
undefined". rt.cpan.org#66001 [Willi Mann]
- Error message when stringifying a studied empty field.
rt.cpan.org#66381 [Florian]
- do not split headers for encoded components which contain
blanks (which is illegal) reported by [Florian]
- maildir: do not remove :2, from the filename if there are
no flags. [Mikolaj Kucharski]
version 2.097: Wed Jan 26 16:11:41 CET 2011
- override Mail::Transport::Sendmail destinations included
original destinations.
rt.cpan.org#64266 [Andrew Beverley]
- added examples/strip-spam-markup.pl by [Gary Funck]
- do not hardcode perl version in test.pl, hopefully resolving many
cpantesters complaints.
- randomize boundary string to avoid (undemonstrated) security risks
with boundary guessing.
- manual pages produced with new version of OODoc, producing more
condensed output.
version 2.096: Tue Nov 9 10:04:25 CET 2010
- allow dot in username for pop/imap (probably used by someone)
[Jim Cromie]
- spelling fixes
rt.cpan.org#59061 [Salvatore Bonaccorso]
- implement Mail::Box::POP3s [Jim Cromie]
- do not run test-scripts with -T, because modern TAP::Harness
uses PERL5LIB which is disabled by the flag.
version 2.095: Fri Jul 2 11:17:35 CEST 2010
- permit additional colons in maildir filenames.
rt.cpan.org #58534 [Stefan Kangas]
- maildir messages in the 'new' queue will not get ":2,", as in
mutt. rt.cpan.org#58550 [Stefan Kangas]
- fix handling of messages with empty bodys. Had mild consequences
to multipart preamble and prelude processing.
rt.cpan.org#58544 [Stefan Kangas]
- spelling fixes
rt.cpan.org#56678 [Salvatore Bonaccorso]
version 2.094: Tue Apr 6 11:17:15 CEST 2010
- parse address phrase with line fold in ::Full:Addresses
rt.cpan.org#55309 [Diomidis Spinellis]
- handle empty preambles and postludes in multiparts even
very strict, because the may be signed.
rt.cpan.org#54529 [John Gardiner Myers]
- fix documentation on use of Mail::Message::Head::build()
and a few more minor documentation errors. [Kiss Gabor]
- $msg->reply fallback to From address, not only Reply-To
- add example/unpack.pl
- added install configuration choice "none". Also control
via environment variables.
- spelling fixes.
rt.cpan.org#53127 [Salvatore Bonaccorso]
version 2.093: Thu Dec 24 17:02:06 CET 2009
version 2.093: Thu Dec 24 17:02:06 CET 2009
version 2.093: Thu Dec 24 17:02:06 CET 2009
- rewrite of Mail::Message::Full:decode(), because original
trick for blank removal kept on biting me. Now implemented
without trick.
rt.cpan.org#52600 [Dmitry Bigunyak]
- make text/plain default when a body is created, as promised
by the documentation.
rt.cpan.org#52278 [Dmitry Bigunyak]
- add toplevel() to ::Body::Multipart and ::Body::Nested to
support reply() called on message parts.
- fix tests-script to make MIME::Entity cleanup the msg-* files
in the tests/ directory.
- rewrite of SYNOPSIS for Mail::Message::Field::Addresses
rt.cpan.org#43703 [Dmitry Bigunyak]
- added Mail::Box::Locker::FcntlLock, contributed by Jim In Aus
rt.cpan.org#48568 [Jim in Aus]
- support additional headers to a reply message.
- added explanation of character-set "PERL" for a ::Body
(suggested by [Dmitry Bigunyak])
version 2.092: Fri Nov 20 16:13:46 CET 2009
- do not set all signal handlers to "exit(0)"
rt.cpan.org#50433 [Slaven Rezic]
- do not enforce the use of /usr/bin/perl in the test-scripts,
but use the perl which is selected via the path.
version 2.091: Sun Sep 6 23:54:17 CEST 2009
- Another fix to thread detection start where first message
is not found. rt.cpan.org#40347 [Florian]
- translate '_' to blank when charset not known.
rt.cpan.org#41661 [Florian]
- no "undef" for field Content-Length with empty message bodies.
[Daniel Richard G.]
- Mail::Message::Body::eol() with parameter sometimes did not
return a body but a character.
rt.cpan.org#49334 [Brian McCauley]
- Mail::Message::Body::eol() should add \n to last texts line
if it is missing.
rt.cpan.org#49362 [Brian McCauley]
- better "From " message separator line generated when converting
messages for Mbox storage. Written by [Daniel Richard G.]
version 2.090: Tue Jun 2 11:56:28 CEST 2009
- second attempt to use Encode to do base64/qp encoding in
Mail::Message::Field::Full, This time with test script.
[Alexander Averyanov]
- Mail::Box::Locker::POSIX lock did always succeed.
rt.cpan.org#46003 [Rainer Schöpf] via Debian#528364
- Maildir accept lower-case flags
rt.cpan.org#42182 [Hardaker]
- Message parser needlessly required read access to folders.
rt.cpan.org #46388 [Mike Ekberg]
version 2.089: Mon Apr 20 21:00:34 CEST 2009
- do not restart parser after folder write, which could end-up in
empy folders if mode=='w' [Reinier Post]
- fix takemail script for Mbox.
rt.cpan.org#44439 [Reinier Post]
- alternative option names for 'file' in various lockers, needed
to be able to use them in the multi-locker. Needed by [Mark Hedges]
- use Encode to do base64/qp encoding in Mail::Message::Field::Full,
which handles multibyte characters correctly. Patch by
[Alexander Averyanov]
version 2.088: Thu Mar 19 08:54:31 CET 2009
- ::Parser::Perl should call binmode() as method on the file-
handle to work. [Ashwini Singh]
- pre-created locker object cannot be passed to Mail::Box::open()
because its creation requires a Mail::Box object. [Mark Hedges]
- recover from illegal phrases in email addresses, for studied
fields in Mail::Message::Field::Addresses [Robert Bruccole]
- require Date::Format, introduced in 2.082 [cpantesters]
- specify encoding type of character-set (q or b) with
Mail::Message::Field::Address objects.
Requested by [Alexander Averyanov]
- default mail box locker object should use the same logging
settings as the mail box itself. Spotted by [Mark Hedges]
- the existence of Mail/Makefile.PL was an accident.
version 2.087: Tue Feb 3 12:41:10 CET 2009
- more character-decoding errors in field study.
rt.cpan.org#41661 [Florian]
- username in folder URL must get decoded as well, to allow
'@' signs and colons in the usernames.
rt.cpan.org#41976 [Matt S Trout]
- accept unknown flags for Maildir.
rt.cpan.org#42182 [Wes Hardaker]
- add DIGEST-MD5 and LOGIN to the AUTO search list of IMAP4.
Triggered by rt.cpan.org#42136 [Alexander Thoukydides]
- add warnings on two spots that message labels may get lost
when moving them to an other folder type.
- use external file for body after 100kB, not 10kB. Should
improve on performance.
2011-08-14 15:25:28 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (69) |
Log message:
Revision bump after updating perl5 to 5.14.1.
2010-08-21 18:37:14 by Stoned Elipot | Files touched by this commit (1724) |  |
Log message:
Bump the PKGREVISION for all packages which depend directly on perl,
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
2009-07-17 20:00:26 by Adrian Portelli | Files touched by this commit (126) |
Log message:
2009-04-24 19:15:24 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (24) |
Log message:
Modify dependencies to perl-modules which are deployed with the perl-core,
mainly Scalar::Util and List::Util
2009-01-04 21:11:45 by Adrian Portelli | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Update to 2.086
version 2.086: Thu Dec 11 11:55:32 CET 2008
- require Encode 2.26 (there are so many distributions which
older versions of Encode which contain serious flaws)
- sort optional module names in Makefile.PL
version 2.085: Thu Dec 11 11:25:52 CET 2008
- message disappeared when ::Manager::moveMessages() had to move
messages to the folder it already was in.
rt.cpan.org#40198 [Florian]
- leave encodings in unknown charsets untouched, in stead of
croacking in studied header fields (M::M::Field::Full).
rt.cpan.org#40353 [Florian]
- thread detection with missing messages croaks in multiple ways:.
rt.cpan.org#40347 [Florian]
- if character-set is unknown, then still returned un-decoded
body for decoding(). [IIM1468]
- encoding into binary transfer-encoding failed. [IIM1473]
- updated README, as suggested by [Anton Berezin]
- understand unicode-1-1-utf-[78] charset
- documention improvements on study() [Florian]
2008-11-15 14:53:27 by Adrian Portelli | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
version 2.084: Fri Sep 26 16:44:51 CEST 2008
- no questions asked about Mail::Box::Parser::C; it is not
really maintained as it should... but probably still works
in most cases.
- change in TAP::Harness shows missing TAP::Parser::Aggregator
in test.pl rt.cpan.org#39264 [Jerrad Pierce]
- removed (@) prototype on Mail::Internet::new replacement,
because it produces a warning on 5.10
version 2.083: Tue Sep 2 09:41:19 CEST 2008
- FIX CHARACTER-SET HANDLING. When a new body is created,
it will get charset 'PERL', which means: Perl internal
representation. Also the decoded() body is of that. As part
of a message, the body with be translated into real utf-8.
This change will make Mail::Box slower, but correct! Check
your applications! Use $msg->decoded when you process the
- removed $msg->decoded option 'keep', because decoded object
depends on temporary decoding parameters.
- use File::Temp, not POSIX::tmpnam, to work around Windows
bug. rt.cpan.org#35747 [Ron Murray]
- Mail::Message::contentType could produce "use of undefined"
error message [Patrick Heesom]
- Fix listing IMAP folders. rt.cpan.org#36458 [Jonathan Kamens]
- do not set charset on non-text parts.
- no complaints for IMAP4 object without explicit folder
name. rt.cpan.org#37801 [Slaven Rezic]
- remove SpamAssassion question from installation: SAv2 is the
only supported, but most people will not install that.
- doc-patch, where "my Type @array" is not permitted
anymore [Mike Andrews]
- do not coerce parts via messages into parts.