2008-10-13 10:57:26 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Changes 4.32:
The following new features were included in the MIP solver
* MIP presolver
* mixed cover cut generator
* clique cut generator
* Euclidean reduction of the objective value
Due to changes the routine glp_intopt may additionally return
The API routines lpx_integer are lpx_intopt are deprecated,
since they are completely superseded by glp_intopt.
The following new branch-and-cut API routines were added:
glp_ios_row_attr determine additional row attributes
glp_ios_pool_size determine current size of the cut pool
glp_ios_add_row add constraint to the cut pool
glp_ios_del_row delete constraint from the cut pool
glp_ios_clear_pool delete all constraints from the cut pool
2008-09-08 09:15:01 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
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Changes 4.31:
* The core LP solver based on the dual simplex method was
re-implemented and now it provides both phases I and II.
* New API routines.
* For description of these new routines see the reference manual
included in the distribution.
* The following API routines are deprecated:
lpx_scale_prob, lpx_std_basis, lpx_adv_basis, lpx_cpx_basis.
* Necessary changes were made in memory allocation routines to
resolve portability issues for 64-bit platforms.
* New version of the routine lpx_write_pb to write problem data
in OPB (pseudo boolean format) was added to the package.
* Two new makefiles were added to build the package for 32- and
64-bit Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2008.
* Two new makefiles were added to build the package with Digital
Mars C/C++ 8.50 and Open Watcom C/C++ 1.6 (for 32-bit Windows).
2008-08-20 10:19:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
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Changes 4.30:
* glpspx.h, glpspx03.c, glpapi06.c
The primal simplex solver (spx_prim_opt, spx_prim_feas) was
replaced by a new implementation (spx_primal), which currently
provides the same features as the old version.
* glpmpl01.c, glpmpl03.c
Some changes were made in the MathProg translator to allow <,
<=, >=, and > on comparing symbolic values.
* glplpx10.c
Internal routine set_d_eps in the exact LP solver was changed
to prevent approximation errors in case of integral data.
2008-06-20 03:09:45 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (993) |
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Add DESTDIR support.
2008-04-21 21:26:35 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
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Changes 4.28:
The iODBC and MySQL table drivers, which allows transmitting
data between MathProg model objects and relational databases,
were re-implemented to replace a static linking by a dynamic
linking to corresponding shared libraries.
Many thanks to Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schuchardt@gmx.de>
for the contribution, Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
for useful advices concerning the shared library support under
GNU/Linux, and Vijay Patil <vijay.patil@gmail.com> for testing
this feature under Windows XP.
A new optional feature was added to the package. This feature
is based on the zlib data compression library and allows GLPK
API routines and the stand-alone solver to read and write
compressed data files performing compression/decompression "on
the fly" (compressed data files are recognized by suffix `.gz'
in the file name). It may be useful in case of large MPS files
to save the disk space (up to ten times).
2008-01-05 22:58:07 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
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Changes 4.25:
A tentative implementation of Gomory's mixed integer cuts was
included in the branch-and-cut solver. To enable generating
Gomory's cuts the control parameter gmi_cuts passed to the
routine glp_intopt should be set to GLP_ON. This feature is
also available in the solver glpsol through command-line option
'--gomory'. For more details please see the reference manual
included in the distribution.
2007-11-25 19:47:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Changes 4.24:
A tentative implementation of MIR (mixed integer rounding) cuts
was included in the MIP solver. To enable generating MIR cuts
the control parameter mir_cuts passed to the routine glp_intopt
should be set to GLP_ON. This feature is also available in the
stand-alone solver glpsol via command-line option '--mir'. For
more details please see the reference manual included in the
The implementation is mainly based on the following two papers:
1. H. Marchand and L. A. Wolsey. Aggregation and mixed integer
rounding to solve MIPs. CORE discussion paper 9839, CORE,
Universite catholique de Louvain, June 1998.
2. G. Andreello, A. Caprara, and M. Fischetti. Embedding cuts
in a Branch&Cut framework. Preliminary draft, October 2003.
MIR cuts can be generated on any level of the search tree that
makes the GLPK MIP solver to be a real branch-and-cut solver.
A bug was fixed in the routine lpx_write_cpxlp. If a variable
x has upper bound and no lower bound, it should appear in the
bounds section as "-inf <= x <= u", not as "x <= \
u". Thanks to
Enric Rodriguez <erodri@lsi.upc.edu> for the bug report.
2007-11-12 20:38:15 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Changes 4.23:
The following new API routines were added:
glp_read_sol read basic solution from text file
glp_write_sol write basic solution to text file
glp_read_ipt read interior-point solution from text file
glp_write_ipt write interior-point solution to text file
glp_read_mip read MIP solution from text file
glp_write_mip write MIP solution to text file
2007-10-13 19:34:33 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |
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Changes 4.22:
* Bug fixes
2007-07-01 10:12:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
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Changes 4.18:
The following new API routines were added:
glp_set_rii set (change) row scale factor
glp_set_sjj set (change) column scale factor
glp_get_rii retrieve row scale factor
glp_get_sjj retrieve column scale factor
glp_simplex solve LP problem with the simplex method
(this routine replaces lpx_simplex, which is
also available for backward compatibility)
glp_init_smcp initialize simplex method control params
glp_bf_exists check if the basis factorization exists
glp_factorize compute the basis factorization
glp_bf_updated check if the basis factorization has been
glp_get_bfcp retrieve basis factorization control params
glp_set_bfcp change basis factorization control params
glp_get_bhead retrieve the basis header information
glp_get_row_bind retrieve row index in the basis header
glp_get_col_bind retrieve column index in the basis header
glp_ftran perform forward transformation
glp_btran perform backward transformation