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CVS Commit History:

   2017-04-04 14:21:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Add upstream bug report URL.
   2017-04-04 13:45:24 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Updated todoman to 3.0.1.


New features

* Add a ``today`` setting and flag to exclude todos that start in the future.
* Add the ``--humanize`` to show friendlier date times (eg: ``in 3 hours``).
* Drop ``--urgent`` and introduced ``--priority``, which allows fine-filtering
  by priority.
* Add support for times in due dates, new ``time_format`` setting.
* Use the system's date format as a default.
* Add list selector to the interactive editor.
* Add ``--start=[before|after] [DATE]`` option for ``list`` to only show
  todos starting before/after given date.
* Add flag "--done-only" to todo list. Displays only completed tasks.
* Make the output of move, delete, copy and flush consistent.
* Porcelain now outputs proper JSON, rather than one-JSON-per-line.
* Increment sequence number upon edits.
* Print a descriptive message when no lists are found.
* Add full support for locations.

Packaging changes

* New runtime dependency: ``tabulate``.
* New supported python version: ``pypy3``.
* Include an alternative [much faster] entry point (aka "bin") which we
  recommend all downstream packagers use. Please see the :ref:`Notes for
  Packagers <notes-for-packagers>` documentation for further details.
   2017-03-24 17:57:36 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
does not support python-2.x, mark it as such.
   2017-02-27 11:24:11 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated todoman to 2.1.0.


* The ``--no-human-time`` flag is gone. Integrations/scripts might want to look
  at ``--porcelain`` as an alternative.
* Fix crash when running ``todo new``.
* Fixes some issues when filtering todos from different timezones.
* Attempt to create the cache file's directory if it does not exist.
* Fix crash when running ``--porcelain show``.
* Show ``id`` for todos everywhere (eg: including new, etc).
* Add the ``ctrl-s`` shortcut for saving in the interactive editor.
   2017-02-05 20:33:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
PLIST update for todoman-2.0.2
   2017-02-05 20:30:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated todoman to 2.0.2.


* Fix a crash after editing or completing a todo.


* Fix a packaging error.


New features
* New flag ``--porcelain`` for programmatic integrations to use. See the
  ``integrations`` section :doc:`here </usage>` for details.
* Implement a new :doc:`configuration option </configure>`: ``default_due``.
* The configuration file is now pre-emptively validated. Users will be warned
  of any inconsistencies.
* The ``list`` command has a new ``--due`` flag to filter tasks due soon.
* Todo ids are now persisted in a cache. They can be manually purged using

Packaging changes
* New runtime dependency: configobj
* New runtime dependency: python-dateutil
* New test dependency: flake8-import-order.
   2017-01-16 10:19:39 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated todoman to 1.8.0.

Changes not found. Git commit list at
   2016-11-07 12:45:47 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Updated todoman to 1.7.0.

No changelog found.

github changes:
Merge pull request #52 from untitaker/generic-todo-prop-params
Merge pull request #51 from nim65s/master
Remove ansi dependency (#53)
Share parameters between new and edit
Add a move command
Fix editor support (#47)
Add a copy command (#50)
Merge pull request #46 from untitaker/no-delete-button
Replace cancel button with hint to hit ctrl-c
Remove delete button from editor
Exclude buggy setuptools-scm version
Show error messages in UI (#43)
delete cmd: Show tasks that will be deleted (#44)
Fix tests
done cmd: Show done tasks (#45)
Don't strip time from datetime objects (#41)
Add `default_list` in config for new todos (#40)
Add shortcut to edit textfield in editor (#39)
Merge pull request #6 from pimutils/widget-improvements
Add basic editing shortcuts to text widgets
Merge pull request #38 from untitaker/coc
Add CoC
Merge pull request #37 from untitaker/glob-clarify
Clarify what path is supposed to match
Don't require setuptool_scm at runtime
Fix inconsistent minimum todo ID
Merge pull request #30 from untitaker/color-option
Implement color option
Fix typo
   2016-08-03 01:25:27 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Update some comments.
   2016-08-02 22:07:20 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Import todoman-1.6.3 as misc/todoman.

Todoman is a simple, standards-based, CLI todo (aka: task) manager.
Todos are stored into icalendar files, which means you can sync
them via CalDAV using, for example, vdirsyncer.

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