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CVS Commit History:

   2017-02-16 09:46:07 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Added devel/py-automat dependency
   2017-02-13 19:59:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Twisted Core 17.1.0 (2017-02-04)

 - Added a new interface,
   twisted.internet.interfaces.IHostnameResolver, which is an
   improvement to twisted.internet.interfaces.IResolverSimple that
   supports resolving multiple addresses as well as resolving IPv6
   addresses.  This is a native, asynchronous, Twisted analogue to
   getaddrinfo. (bug-4362)
 - twisted.web.client.Agent now uses HostnameEndpoint internally; as a
   consequence, it now supports IPv6, as well as making connections
   faster and more reliably to hosts that have more than one DNS name.
 - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now has the new constructor
   argument 'raiseMinimumTo', allowing you to increase the minimum TLS
   version to this version or Twisted's default, whichever is higher.
   The additional new constructor arguments 'lowerMaximumSecurityTo'
   and 'insecurelyLowerMinimumTo' allow finer grained control over
   negotiated versions that don't honour Twisted's defaults, for
   working around broken peers, at the cost of reducing the security
   of the TLS it will negotiate. (bug-6800)
 - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now sets the OpenSSL
   context's mode to MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS, which will free the
   read/write buffers on idle TLS connections to save memory. (bug-8247)
 - trial --help-reactors will only list reactors which can be
   imported.  (bug-8745)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.HostnameEndpoint now uses the passed
   reactor's implementation of
   twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorPluggableResolver to resolve
   hostnames rather than its own deferToThread/getaddrinfo wrapper;
   this makes its hostname resolution pluggable via a public API.
 - twisted.internet.reactor.spawnProcess now does not emit a
   deprecation warning on Unicode arguments. It will encode Unicode
   arguments down to bytes using the filesystem encoding on UNIX and
   Python 2 on Windows, and pass Unicode through unchanged on Python 3
   on Windows. (bug-8941)
 - twisted.trial._dist.test.test_distreporter now works on Python 3.

 - trial --help-reactors will now display iocp and win32er reactors
   with Python 3. (bug-8745)
 - twisted.logger._flatten.flattenEvent now handles log_format being
   None instead of assuming the value is always a string. (bug-8860)
 - twisted.protocol.ftp is now Python 3 compatible (bug-8865)
 - twisted.names.client.Resolver can now resolve names with IPv6 DNS
   servers. (bug-8877)
 - twisted.application.internet.ClientService now waits for existing
   connections to disconnect before trying to connect again when
   restarting. (bug-8899)
 - twisted.internet.unix.Server.doRead and
   twisted.internet.unix.Client.doRead no longer fail if recvmsg's
   ancilliary data contains more than one file descriptor. (bug-8911)
 - twist on Python 3 now correctly prints the help text when given no
   plugin to run. (bug-8918)
 - twisted.python.sendmsg.sendmsg no longer segfaults on Linux +
   Python 2. (bug-8969)
 - IHandshakeListener providers connected via SSL4ClientEndpoint will
   now have their handshakeCompleted methods called. (bug-8973)
 - The twist script now respects the --reactor option. (bug-8983)
 - Fix crash when using SynchronousTestCase with Warning object which
   does not store a string as its first argument (like
   libmysqlclient). (bug-9005)
 - twisted.python.compat.execfile() does not open files with the
   deprecated 'U' flag on Python 3. (bug-9012)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOption's 'method' constructor
   argument is now deprecated, in favour of the new 'raiseMinimumTo',
   'lowerMaximumSecurityTo', and 'insecurelyLowerMinimumTo' arguments.
 - twisted.protocols.telnet (not to be confused with the supported
   twisted.conch.telnet), deprecated since Twisted 2.5, has been
   removed. (bug-8925)
 - twisted.application.strports.parse, as well as the deprecated
   default arguments in strports.service/listen, deprecated since
   Twisted 10.2, has been removed. (bug-8926)
 - twisted.web.client.getPage and twisted.web.client.downloadPage have
   been deprecated in favour of and
   twisted.web.client.Agent. (bug-8960)
 - twisted.internet.defer.timeout is deprecated in favor of
   twisted.internet.defer.Deferred.addTimeout (bug-8971)
   2017-01-01 15:44:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (577)
Log message:
Add python-3.6 to incompatible versions.
   2016-11-30 13:28:50 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add missing py-constantly dependency.

Fixes games/kajongg's twisted detection.

   2016-11-28 14:55:50 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Updated py-twisted to 16.6.0.

Twisted Core 16.6.0 (2016-11-17)

 - The twist script can now be run by invoking python -m twisted.
 - twisted.protocols.sip has been ported to Python 3. (#8669)
 - twisted.persisted.dirdbm has been ported to Python 3. (#8888)

 - twisted.internet.defer.Deferred now implements send, not __send__,
   which means that it is now a conforming generator. (#8861)
 - The IOCP reactor no longer transmits the contents of uninitialized
   memory when writing large amounts of data. (#8870)
 - Deferreds awaited/yielded from in a
   twisted.internet.defer.ensureDeferred wrapped coroutine will now
   properly raise exceptions. Additionally, it more closely models
   asyncio.ensure_future and will pass through Deferreds. (#8878)
 - Deferreds that are paused or chained on other Deferreds will now
   return a result when yielded/awaited in a twisted.internet.defer
   .ensureDeferred-wrapped coroutine, instead of returning the
   Deferred it was chained to. (#8890)

Improved Documentation
 - twisted.test.proto_helpers is now explicitly covered by the
   compatibility policy. (#8857)

 - #8281, #8823, #8862

Twisted Conch 16.6.0 (2016-11-17)

 - twisted.conch.ssh.keys supports ECDSA keys (#8798)
 - scripts/ckeygen can now generate ecdsa keys. (#8828)
 - ckeygen has been ported to Python 3 (#8855)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.conch.ssh no longer uses gmpy, if available. gmpy is
   unmaintained, does not have binary wheels for any platforms, and an
   alternative for higher performance is available in the form of
   PyPy. (#8079)

Twisted Web 16.6.0 (2016-11-17)

 - twisted.web.server.Site's HTTP/2 server support now emits vastly
   fewer WINDOW_UPDATE frames than previously. (#8681)

 - twisted.web.Agent now tolerates receiving unexpected status codes
   in the 100 range by discarding them, which is what RFC 7231
   recommends doing. (#8885)
 - twisted.web._http.H2Stream's getHost and getPeer implementations
   now actually return the host and peer instead of None. (#8893)

Twisted Words 16.6.0 (2016-11-17)

 - twisted.words.protocols.irc has been ported to Python 3 (#6320)
   2016-11-20 11:47:36 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Fix pattern.
   2016-11-01 16:58:02 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Update python-3.x state comment.
   2016-11-01 16:55:46 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
Updated py-twisted to 16.5.0.

Twisted Core 16.5.0 (2016-10-28)

 - Added twisted.internet.defer.Deferred.addTimeout method to enable
   timeouts of deferreds. (#5786)
 - Perspective Broker (the twisted.spread package) has been ported to
   Python 3 (#7598)
 - 'yield from' can now be used on Deferreds inside generators, when
   the generator is wrapped with
   twisted.internet.defer.ensureDeferred. (#8087)
 - twisted.internet.asyncioreactor has been added, which is a Twisted
   reactor on top of Python 3.4+'s native asyncio reactor. It can be
   selected by passing "--reactor=asyncio" to Twisted tools (twistd,
   Trial, etc) on platforms that support it (Python 3.4+). (#8367)
 - twisted.python.zippath now works on Windows with Python 3. (#8747)
 - twisted.internet.cfreactor is ported to Python 3 and supported on
   2.7 and 3.5+. (#8838)

 - twisted.internet.test.test_iocp and twisted.internet.test.test_tcp
   have been fixed to work under Python 3 with the Windows IOCP
   reactor (#8631)
 - Arguments to processes on Windows are now passed mbcs-encoded
   arguments.  This prevents process-related tests from hanging on
   Windows with Python 3. (#8735)
 - Client and server TLS connections made via the client TLS endpoint
   and the server SSL endpoint, as well as any other code that uses
   twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions, no longer accept 3DES-
   based cipher suites by default, to defend against SWEET32. (#8781)
 - twisted.logger.jsonFileLogObserver no longer emits non-JSON
   tracebacks into its file; additionally,
   twisted.logger.formatEventAsClassicLogText now includes traceback
   information for the log event it formats. (#8858)
 - twisted.python.version now exports a version of Incremental that is
   16.10.1 or higher, making t.p.v.Version package name comparisons
   case-insensitive. (#8863)
 - twisted.python.reflect.safe_str encodes unicode as ascii with
   backslashreplace error handling on Python 2. (#8864)

Improved Documentation
 - The twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol.dataReceived() method
   takes one parameter of type bytes.  This has been clarified in the
   doc string. (#8763)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.python.constants is deprecated in preference to constantly
   on PyPI, which is the same code rolled into its own package.
 - twisted.python.dist3 has been made private API. (#8761)
 - When the source code is checked out, bin/trial is no longer in the
   tree.  Developers working on the Twisted source code itself should
   either (1) run all tests under tox, or (2) run 'python
   develop' to install trial before running any tests. (#8765)
 - twisted.protocols.gps, deprecated since Twisted 15.2, has been
   removed. (#8787)

 - #4926, #7868, #8209, #8214, #8271, #8308, #8324, #8348, #8367,
   #8377, #8378, #8379, #8380, #8381, #8383, #8385, #8387, #8388,
   #8389, #8391, #8392, #8393, #8394, #8397, #8406, #8410, #8412,
   #8413, #8414, #8421, #8425, #8426, #8430, #8432, #8434, #8435,
   #8437, #8438, #8439, #8444, #8451, #8452, #8453, #8454, #8456,
   #8457, #8459, #8462, #8463, #8465, #8468, #8469, #8479, #8482,
   #8483, #8486, #8490, #8493, #8494, #8496, #8497, #8498, #8499,
   #8501, #8503, #8504, #8507, #8508, #8510, #8513, #8514, #8515,
   #8516, #8517, #8520, #8521, #8522, #8523, #8524, #8527, #8528,
   #8529, #8531, #8532, #8534, #8536, #8537, #8538, #8543, #8544,
   #8548, #8552, #8553, #8554, #8555, #8557, #8560, #8563, #8565,
   #8568, #8569, #8572, #8573, #8574, #8580, #8581, #8582, #8586,
   #8589, #8590, #8592, #8593, #8598, #8603, #8604, #8606, #8609,
   #8615, #8616, #8617, #8618, #8619, #8621, #8622, #8624, #8627,
   #8628, #8630, #8632, #8634, #8640, #8644, #8645, #8646, #8647,
   #8662, #8664, #8666, #8668, #8671, #8672, #8677, #8678, #8684,
   #8691, #8702, #8705, #8706, #8716, #8719, #8724, #8725, #8727,
   #8734, #8741, #8749, #8752, #8754, #8755, #8756, #8757, #8758,
   #8767, #8773, #8776, #8779, #8780, #8785, #8788, #8789, #8790,
   #8792, #8793, #8799, #8808, #8817, #8839, #8845, #8852

Twisted Conch 16.5.0 (2016-10-28)

 - SSH key fingerprints can be generated using base64 encoded SHA256
   hashes. (#8701)

 - SSHUserAuthServer does not crash on keyboard interactive
   authentication when running on Python 3 (#8771)
 - twisted.conch.insults.insults.ServerProtocol no longer corrupts a
   client's display when attempting to set the cursor position, and
   its ECMA-48 terminal manipulation works on Python 3. (#8803)

 - #8495, #8511, #8715, #8851

Twisted Mail 16.5.0 (2016-10-28)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.mail.protocols.DomainSMTP and DomainESMTP, deprecated since
   2003, have been removed. (#8772)

 - #6289, #8525, #8786, #8830

Twisted Names 16.5.0 (2016-10-28)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

 - #8625, #8663

Twisted Pair 16.5.0 (2016-10-28)

 - twisted.pair has been ported to Python 3 (#8744)

Twisted Web 16.5.0 (2016-10-28)

 - twisted.web.client.HTTPConnectionPool and anything that uses it,
   like twisted.web.client.Agent, have had their logic for resuming
   transports changed so that transports are resumed after state
   machine transitions are complete, rather than before. This change
   allows the HTTP client infrastructure to work with alternative HTTP
   implementations such as HTTP/2 which may be able to deliver a
   complete response synchronously when producing is resumed. (#8720)

 - #8519, #8530, #8629, #8707, #8777, #8778, #8844

Twisted Words 16.5.0 (2016-10-28)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

 - #8360, #8460
   2016-09-20 16:45:56 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Update python3 state comment.
   2016-09-19 00:21:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update py-twisted to 16.4.1.

Twisted Core 16.4.1 (2016-09-07)

 - Client and server TLS connections made via the client TLS endpoint
   and the server SSL endpoint, as well as any other code that uses
   twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions, now support ChaCha20
   ciphers when available from the OpenSSL on the system. (#8760)

 - Client and server TLS connections made via the client TLS endpoint
   and the server SSL endpoint, as well as any other code that uses
   twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions, no longer accept 3DES-
   based cipher suites by default, to defend against SWEET32. (#8781)

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