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CVS Commit History:

   2022-11-10 23:01:15 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.71.0

 - New ++ operator (merelymyself)
   In this release, you can now use the ++ operator to append lists together.
   For example, you can combine two lists into a new lists made up of the both
   Note: Currently, this operator cannot be used to join two tables. This
   functionality is still being worked on and will likely be present in the
   next version.
 - Improved consistency across commands and types
   Nushell continues improve quality of the language and shell with a set of
   consistency improvements in this release. These include:
    - More iterating filter commands now support the $in variable consistently
    - Lists now support upsert (fdncred)
    - merge can now also operate on records (webbedspace)
    - str substring can take ranges (rgwood)
    - from and to now show help info (rgwood)
 - Right prompts can now be on the last line (nibon7)
   Previously the right prompt appeared only on the same line where the user
   input started. Now you can choose to place the right prompt part on the last
   line of user input. This feature is not enabled by default, you can enable
   it using the config nu command to modify the file, just set
   render_right_prompt_on_last_line to true.
 - Configuring the default value viewer via display_output hook (perbothner)
   You're now able to configure a new hook, called display_output, which will
   become the default way that you view data.
   Using this, you can for example, use table --expand to always see fully
   expanded tables.
   If your terminal supports it, you can this to render a more full-featured
   output. For example, DomTerm could be used by setting the display_output
   hook to: to html --partial --no-color | domterm hcat, sending html to the
   terminal to be rendered when displaying values.
 - Updated PR Review Process
   Recently, we have been fortunate to see a rise in submitted pull requests
   and we are super grateful for this growing desire to improve Nushell.
   Unfortunately, in some cases, a well-intended PR does not match the
   direction Nushell is going, forcing us to close it which leads to wasted
   time and effort. To help focus PRs in the future, we kindly ask potential
   contributors to first reach out to us before making a substantial change to
   Nushell, especially if the change will affect user experience. We updated
   our contributing guide as well as the PR template to reflect this policy.
 - Completion actions now more familiar (dandavison)
   We've also recently improved how completions work in Nushell to feel closer
   to how other shells work. Specifically:
    - Completion goes "as far as possible". So, the entire word if \ 
there's a
      unique completion, or else up to the shared prefix of possible
    - Removes the quick completion behavior whereby a word was completed
      automatically as soon as the input came to have a unique completion.
    - Tab now completes instead of selecting the next menu item (this can be
 - Breaking changes
    - New --force (-f) flag for the mv command. This change alters mv default
      behavior. By default overwriting existing files is now prevented (You can
      use alias mv = mv -f in you config to get the old defaults back). (#6904)
    - The column name for the command name in $nu.scope.commands has been
      changed from command to name. Thus, $nu.scope.commands | where name =~
      zip would give you specific command info. (#7007)
    - The str distance command now directly returns an Int instead of a record
      {"distance": <Int>} (#6963)
    - The argument order of format filesize was made consistent with other
      commands that accept a CellPath to specify fields that should be affected
      by it. Now the string specifying the format is the first positional
      argument and the cell path is specified in the following positional
      argument(s). (#6879)
    - The --perf flag for Nu was removed as part of an effort to simplify
      diagnostics logging #6834
   2022-10-19 11:42:32 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.70.0

Themes of this release:

 - New table flags
   --expand: changes a standard table view; expand the table structure so
   internally all data will be displayed as inner tables

   The expand mode can be considered generally slower than a base table view.
   So, if you have a large data set it may be slow.
    --expand-deep {int}: set a limit after which table enlargement is stopped
    --flatten: an --expand view option to return a set of values instead of
      table for a simple lists
    --flatten-separator {char}: a configuration of a separator for --flatten
    --collapse: changes a standard table view; expand the table structure in a
      squashed way

   collapse mode currently doesn't support width control, therefore if your
   terminal is not wide enough the table might be broken. The collapse mode can
   be considered generally slower than a base table view. So, if you have a
   large data set it may be slow.

 - Breaking changes
   The command first 1 now returns a list with the single value rather than the
   value itself. This brings it in line with the behaviour of last 1.
   The dataframe command with-sql or query dfr has been renamed to query df for

 - Next Steps
   We're continuing to work on language updates and hope to have more
   information for you soon.
   2022-09-28 08:55:19 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.69.1

Today, we're releasing version 0.69 of Nu.

Note: this release is officially 0.69.1 because of a last-minute issue that was
found and fixed.

As part of this release, we also publish a set of optional plugins you can
install and use with Nu.

Themes of this release
Finishing the rework of modules and environment (WindSoilder, kubouch)

If you followed the development since the last release, you might have noticed
we successfully applied "the method of dead ends" pioneered by Jára \ 

"Somebody had to probe this dead end of human knowledge and announce to the
world: Not this way, friends!"
In short, the source-env experiment did not work out as planned. We hoped to
allow to call source-env with dynamic paths which, however, proved unfeasible.
Therefore, in this release, we remove all notions of source-env from Nushell
and instead use will be used activate the module's environment.
Any call to use will run the module's export-env { ... } block (if there is one)
and keep its environment. A positive side of it is that one call of use is
enough to import both commands/aliases and the environment, there is no need to
call two separate commands as we planned for source-env.

We're also keeping the source command for now, as well as the current config
file format. One reason is that we want to first investigate whether it is
possible to export also regular variables from modules and whether we can use
the module keyword inside modules. However, the use of modules is still
preferred over source as it will become the default way in the future.

Upcoming virtualenv activation changes (kubouch)

To reflect the recent changes to the module environment, we are changing the
virtualenv integration to use overlays. This will come in effect as soon as
this PR

gets merged. In practice, this means that instead of source, you'll
use overlay use, deactivate will work the same.

Under the hood, calling overlay use will activate the activate
overlay and deactivate is just an alias for calling overlay hide activate.
If you wish, you can manually name the overlay, for example overlay use as spam, but then you'd need to remove it with overlay hide spam
instead of deactivate.

Grammar Experiments (JT)

We've recently also started working on some improvements to Nushell's syntax.
While these aren't part of Nushell 0.69, you can try this experimental syntax
in our new grammar

repo. Some experiments we're looking into:

Traditional function definition syntax

def foo(x: int) { ... }

Traditional function call syntax


And much more. We're hoping to talk more about these experiments as they mature.

Breaking changes

We found a regression in the correctness of the -d and -t flags of touch.
To get the release out, we've removed these flags, but hope to replace them
with correct implementations in the future.

We also removed support for duration literals above weeks, including month,
year, and decade literals. These were found to be confusing as it's unclear
what a duration of a month is (30 days? 31 days?)

The str collect command is now str join.

Next Steps

We've been progressing with our design towards 0.80 as outlined in this Notion

Some time was spent trying out possible new syntax directions but we were not
confident to release them yet. In the next release we'll see a removal of
features deprecated in this release and we'll continue to push ahead for
the 0.80.
   2022-09-09 10:45:19 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.68.1

This is the 0.68.1 release of Nushell. It is a bugfix release of 0.68.
This addresses a bug with blocks and source-env.

For convenience, we are providing full builds for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
These are the "all extra features" builds, so be sure you have the \ 
to enable all capabilities:

With this release, we have also statically linked OpenSSL into the binary to
make it easier to use across a larger range of platforms. If you encounter any
issue with this, please let us know.
   2022-09-06 22:46:24 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.68.0

This is a huge jump over several releases and it's impossible to list changes.
Please visit for the details of every release.

Be aware that there are lots of changes across all aspects of Nushell.

 - There's a new engine, new line editor, and new commands.
 - Configuration files will not work and have to be re-written.
 - Previous scripts will need to be updated, and you'll need to learn some of
   the new ways of doing things in Nushell to get back to the same level of
 - Several shell improvements and behavior changes.
 - There's also a new plugin architecture and quite a number of breaking
   changes after fixing design flaws, cleaned-up the design, and rethought how
   commands should work.
 - New additional startup file ( which, sets up the environment that
   you'll run Nushell in. As a result, you're able to set up important
   environment variables like $env.NU_LIB_DIRS before '' begins to run.
 - Deeper integration with SQLite, new completion logic, introduction of
   overlays, hooks, lazy dataframes, input overloading, input/output type,
   new variable naming convention ...

So, please do read about the changes before.
   2022-03-23 10:15:32 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
shells/nushell: reset maintainer

The new release of nushell, 0.60.0 has major breaking changes and currently
does not build on NetBSD.

Making it build again is over my head.
   2022-02-08 13:38:10 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.44.0

-Remove unused repo parts (#4271)
-Drop with iter range (#4242)
   2022-01-19 11:52:30 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.43.0

What's New:
-You can now learn about some of the upcoming changes in Nushell by reading the
 tutor e-q page. It will tell you about some of the new features and breaking
 changes, as well as link you to the full list of changes.

-Fix to the sample configuration file
-Fix to a crate description
-Bump to some dependencies in wasm support
-Update to sysinfo support
-Fix to build on latest Rust stable + clippy
   2022-01-01 23:34:45 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.42.0

What's New

-Can optionally use an insecure SSL cert (nibon7)
-Fixed a crash when viewing text files (nibon7)
-Build fixed for NetBSD (0323pin)

Breaking change
-For naming consistency, into column_path is now into column-path
   2021-12-09 17:56:29 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.41.0

What's New

	-Add -l/--login flag for compat with other shells

	-save --append will now create a file if missing
	-Upgraded dependencies
	-Corrected spelling in crate docs and code docs
	-Fixed the markup in some of the crate docs
	-external arguments are now sanitized more
	-upx/strip has been removed after feedback from users
	-Clipboard capability via arboard removed
	-Removed some unnecessary allocation

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