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History of commit frequency

CVS Commit History:

   2019-07-01 06:08:55 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (669)
Log message:
Recursive revbump from boost-1.70.0
   2019-04-25 09:33:32 by Maya Rashish | Files touched by this commit (620)
Log message:
PKGREVISION bump for anything using python without a PYPKGPREFIX.

This is a semi-manual PKGREVISION bump.
   2018-12-15 22:12:25 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (67) | Package updated
Log message:
*: update email for fhajny
   2018-12-13 20:52:27 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (668)
Log message:
revbump for boost 1.69.0
   2018-09-20 15:30:12 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (16)
Log message:
sysutils/rsyslog*: Update to 8.38.0.

Version 8.38.0 [v8-stable] 2018-09-18
- AIX: make basic modules work again
- make rsyslog build on AIX again
- imfile: support for endmsg.regex
- imkafka: add parameter "parseHostName"
- im[p]tcp: improve error message on connect failure
- imkafka: implement multithreading support for kafka consumers.
- omelasticsearch: write all header metadata to $.omes for retries
- core: improve error message on module load fail
- core/queue: add error message if queue file cannot be accessed
- imtcp/imudp: new option preservecase for managing the case of
  FROMHOST value
- omprog: add feedback timeout and keep-alive feature
- omprog: fix forceSingleInstance configuration option
- imfile: implement file-id, used in state file
- imfile: experimental input throtteling feature
- core: emit TZ warning on startup not on Linux non-container
- omkafka:
  - better debug information
  - Fixed minor issue in omkafka producing wrong kafka timestamps when
    msgTimestamp was NULL.
  - Setting RD_KAFKA_V_KEY(NULL, 0) in rd_kafka_producev now when KEY
    is not configured.
  - Fixed minor issue when rsyslog is compiled with --enable-debug and
    librdkafka is too old.
- omfile bugfix: errant error message when dynafile param needed
- omhttp: new contribued module
- mmkubertnetes: action fails preparation cycle if kubernetes API
  destroys resource during bootup sequence
- bugfix pmnormalize/core: several memory leaks, invld property
- bugfix imptcp: fixed pointers for session counting
- bugfix omprog: invalid memory access on partial writes to pipe
- bugfix omprog: rsyslog's environment was not passed to script
- bugfix omprog: severity of some log messages in waitForChild
- bugfix imfile: files which were loaded via symlink were not always
- bugfix imfile: potential misadressing when processing symlinks
- bugfix ommongodb: build issue if mongo-c-driver is not compiled with
   2018-08-16 20:55:17 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (653) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump after boost-libs update
   2018-07-10 15:49:10 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
sysutils/rsyslog*: Update to 8.36.0.

- This version disables liblogging-stdlog by default. We now also
  emit a warning message ("liblogging-stdlog will go away") so that
  users know what is going on and my react.
- add openssl driver alongside GnuTLS one for TLS (experimental)
- GnuTLS TLS driver: support intermediate certificates
- omelasticsearch: write op types; bulk rejection retries
- lookup tables: reload message now with "info" severity (was \ 
- imptcp: add support for regex-based framing
- imjournal: add statistics counter
- config: permit 4-digit file creation modes
- ommongodb: add possibility to ignore some insertion error code
- omprog: simplify '' example
- core: misadressing when writing disk queue files
- core: fix message loss on target unavailibility during shutdown
- imrelp bugfix: error message "librelp too old" is always emitted ...
- imrelp: segfault on startup when cert without priv key is configured
- omrelp bugfix: segfault on first message sent when authmode was
- imfile bugfix: double-free on module shutdown
- imfile/core bugfix: potential misadressing in string copy routine
- imfile bugfix: if freshStartTail is set some initial file lines
- core: fix undefined behaviour (unsigned computation may lead to
  value < 0)
   2018-05-16 17:00:20 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (16)
Log message:
sysutils/rsyslog*: Update to 8.35.0.

- imptcp: add ability to configure socket backlog
- omfile: do not permit filename that only consists of whitespace
- fmhash: new hash function module
- some better error messages
- imklog: add ratelimiting capability
- omkafka: added impstats counters for librdkafka returned statistics
- imudp
  * use rsyslog message rate-limiter instead of home-grown one
  * add stats counter "disallowed"
- imrelp: add parameter "oversizeMode"
- core: consistent handling of oversize input messages
- omfwd: add support for bind-to-address for UDP
- template systemd service file proposes higher permitted file handle
- imuxsock: replace select() call by poll()
- nsdsel_ptcp: replace select() by poll()
- omprog: refactor tests, fix child closing issues
- core: config optimizer did not handle call_indirect
- debug support: add capability to print testbench-specific timeout
- mmgrok: fix potential segfault
- imrelp bugfix: maxDataSize could be set lower than maxMessageSize
- build system bugfix: build broken if liblogging-stdlog installed in
  custom path
- core bugfix: segfault on queue shutdown
- imfile bugfix: statefiles contain invalid JSON
- omfile bugfix: segfault if empty filename was given
- fix build issues when atomic operations are not present
- lmsig_ksils12 bugfix: build and static analyzer issues
- impstats bugfix: segfault if bound to non-existing ruleset
- mmjsonparse bugfix: invalid container name was not detected
- mmkubernetes bugfixes: fix lnrules, add defaults, add test
- build system bugfix: --enable-atomic-operations did not work
- bugfix: rsyslog aborts on startup when specific config errors are
- build system: remove no longer needed --enable-libcurl configure
   2018-04-29 23:32:09 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (629) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump for boost-libs update
   2018-04-06 12:03:53 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
sysutils/rsyslog: Update to 8.34.0.

- mmkubernetes: new module
- rsyslog script: introduce loadable function modules
- imfile: large refactoring of complete module
- omelasticsearch: add support for CA cert, client cert auth
- omfile-hardening: new contributed module for "omfile hardened
- stream/bugfix: memory leak on stream open if filename as already
- bugfix/omkafka: did not build on platforms without atomic operations
- bugfix/core/ratelimiting: SystemLogRateLimitBurst was limited to 65535
- bugfix imfile: memory leak in readMode 0
- bugfix omfile: some error messages had parameters in wrong order
- bugfix omprog: file handle leak
- bugfix imuxsock: data alignment problems
- bugfix testbench: some test were accidently not executed
- bugfix tcp subsystem: keepalive settings mixed up
- fix some cosmetic issues found by static code analyzer

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