2011-05-04 11:46:37 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Changes 2.18.0:
* Fix memory leak when binding arrays
* Fix memory leak with ParamValues
* New cancel() method per DBI spec
* Fix memory leak in handle_old_async (missing PQclear)
* Fix memory leak in pg_db_cancel (missing PQclear)
* Mark pg_getcopydata strings as UTF8 as needed
* Function dequote_bytea returning void should not try to return something
* Fix the number of tests to skip in t/01connect.t when the $DBI_DSN
environment variable lacks a database specification
* Fix algorithm for skipping tests in t/06bytea.t when running on a version
of PostgreSQL lower than 9.0
* Small tweaks to get tests working when compiled against Postgres 7.4
* Fix failing test when run as non-superuser
2010-08-21 18:37:14 by Stoned Elipot | Files touched by this commit (1724) |  |
Log message:
Bump the PKGREVISION for all packages which depend directly on perl,
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
2010-05-20 15:30:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Changes 2.17.1:
* Only use lo_import_with_oid if Postgres libraries are 8.4 or better
Changes 2.17.0:
* Do not automatically ROLLBACK on a failed pg_cancel
* Added support for new lo_import_with_oid function.
* Don't limit stored user name to \w in tests
* Allow tests to support versions back to Postgres 7.4
2010-02-10 20:34:08 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (31) |
Log message:
Bump revision for change of PostgreSQL default version.
2010-02-02 22:54:16 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Updating databases/p5-DBD-postgresql from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1
pkgsrc changes:
- Correcting license definition
Upstream changes:
2.16.1 Released January 20, 2010
- Output error messages in UTF-8 as needed. Reported by
Michael Hofmann. [GSM] (CPAN bug #53854)
2010-01-20 16:01:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to 2.16.0:
2.16.0 Released December 17, 2009
- Put in a test for high-bit characters in bytea handling.
[Bryce Nesbitt] (see also CPAN bug #39390)
- Better SQLSTATE code on connection failure (CPAN bug #52863)
[Chris Travers with help from Andrew Gierth]
- Fixed POD escapes (CPAN bug #51856) [FWIE@cpan.org]
2009-08-16 18:04:38 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to 2.15.1:
2.15.1 Released August 7, 2009
- Release to fix the SIGNATURE file. [GSM]
2.15.0 Released August 4, 2009 (subversion r13164)
- Use PQexecPrepared even when no placeholders (CPAN bug #48155) [GSM]
- Allow execute_array and bind_param_array to take oddly numbered items,
such that DBI will make missing entries undef/null (CPAN bug #39829) [GSM]
- Put single quotes around array literals when quoting arrays via
the quote() method. Per report from David Garamond (CPAN bug #48420) [GSM]
2.14.1 Released July 28, 2009 (subversion r13140)
- Remove invalid bigint assignment [Tim Bunce]
2.14.0 Released July 27, 2009 (subversion r13130)
- Make quoting of int, floats, and names much safer. (CPAN bug #41565) [GSM]
- Make quoting of geometric types respect all valid chars (CPAN bug #41565) [GSM]
- Fix quoting of booleans to respect more Perlish variants (CPAN bug #41565) [GSM]
- Return ints and bools-cast-to-number from the db as true Perlish numbers.
(CPAN bug #47619) [GSM]
- Fix backslash quoting of arrays (CPAN bug #46732) [GSM]
- Fix error when destringifying array starting with '[x:y]='. Per report from
Jeff Trout [GSM]
- Fix problem with foreign_key_info() and NAME_uc (CPAN bug #46109) [GSM]
- Make foreign_key_info() respect FetchHashKeyName (CPAN bug #46103) [GSM]
- Fix Makefile.PL to apply POSTGRES_INCLUDE in a saner way.
(CPAN bug #45769) [GAURAV@cpan.org]
- Improve Win32 README notes [Curtis Jewell]
- Fix spelling error in type_info (CPAN bug #47786) [justin.d.hunter@gmail.com]
- Add functions to support MS VC++ 7.0 (CPAN bug #47858) [Taro Nishino]
2009-04-24 09:26:40 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
- Updating package for p5 module DBD::Pg to 2.13.1 from 2.13.0
- Setting license to artistic-2.0
Upstream changes:
2.13.1 Released April 23, 2009
- Fix leak in pg_warn (CPAN bug #45163) [rweikusat@mssgmbh.com]
2009-04-15 09:16:27 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
- Updating package for p5 module DBD::Pg to 2.13.0
- Set license to artistic-2.0
- Add p5-DBI to DEPENDS (according to META.yml)
Upstream changes:
2.13.0 Released April 13, 2009
- Ensure we always set sqlstate inside of pg_st_prepare_statement
(CPAN bug #44732) [rweikusat@mssgmbh.com]
- When libpq has a connection error, return SQLSTATE 08000 ( "CONNECTION \
instead of the more generic 02000 ( "DATA EXCEPTION" ) (CPAN bug \
- Fix minor Perl::Critic nags (CPAN bug #44704) (Debian #bug 521969) [GSM]
- Clarify change of $dbh->{Name} behavior (CPAN bug 44985) [GSM]
2009-04-11 23:37:46 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
- updating module to 1.12.0
Upstream changes:
2.12.0 Released March 28, 2009
- Change large object interface from lo_* to pg_lo_* and make them accessible
via direct $dbh calls (e.g. $dbh->pg_lo_import instead of \
The use of $dbh->func(... 'lo_*') is deprecated. [GSM] (CPAN bug #44467)
- Throw an exception for large_object functions called when AutoCommit is on,
but allow pg_lo_import and pg_lo_export to work. Reported by Kynn Jones.
[GSM] (CPAN bug #44461)
- Fix a memory leak when parsing returned arrays. Reported by B~A!lint Szilakszi.
[GSM] (CPAN bug #44225)
- Do proper dequoting of boolean arrays [Armando Santos, GSM] (CPAN bug #43768)
- Use pg_get_expr in column_info when available [Adam Sj~A,gren]
- Fix minor bugs in POD docs. [Frank Wiegand] (CPAN bug #44242)
- Fix minor bug in POD docs. [Tim Mattison]