2017-09-17 17:04:23 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message:
Disassociate myself from NetBSD project.
2017-09-16 12:41:55 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.21
New in version 1.3.21
- minor incompatible change: the CLOBBER-IT restart for defstruct
redefintion has been removed after a 15 year deprecation cycle.
Use the new name, RECKLESSLY-CONTINUE. Note also that this restart
is hidden if deemed unsafe due to altered placement of untagged slots
in the structure.
- enhancement: the assignment of -DSBCL_PREFIX= in src/runtime/GNUmakefile
can be removed as a local patch, which results in an sbcl executable
that finds its core file relative to itself by looking in "../lib/sbcl".
- enhancement: backends using the generational GC are able to relocate
dynamic space anywhere the operating system places it. This feature
can be disabled by removing :relocatable-heap from the build configuration.
Not supported on Windows.
- enhancement: better type conflict detection for high order functions,
e.g. (find x "123" :test #'=)
- enhancement: the tabular output of ROOM is aligned dynamically,
preventing misaligned tables for larger sizes or counts.
- enhancement: ROOM reports on immobile space if applicable.
- optimization: optimized external-format routines.
instead of :FOREIGN for objects in immobile space.
- bug fix: dotted lists in special forms and function call forms signal
an appropriate error
- bug fix: EQUALP hash tables with pathname keys now ignore internal slots.
(#1712944, reported by Jason Miller)
New in version 1.3.20
- minor incompatible change: DEF{GENERIC,METHOD} no longer accept
some illegal lambda lists such as (defgeneric bar (foo &key foo))
or (defgeneric baz (t)) that were accepted before.
- optimization: a valueless &AUX binding in a BOA constructor does not
force all slots reads in safe code to perform a full type check.
- optimization: ATOMIC-PUSH and ATOMIC-POP generate better code
- bug fix: the low-level debugger would erroneously print - or not print
as the case may be - "(bad-address)" for some objects depending whether
the --dynamic-space-size argument was used at Lisp startup
- bug fix: a DEFCONSTANT with a non non-eql-comparable object as the value
could cause miscompilation if that constant appeared as the default
expression for an &OPTIONAL binding
- bug fix: generic function lambda lists are now checked for repeated
and otherwise illegal entries. (#1704114)
- bug fix: setting gencgc_verbose = 1 could cause deadlock in fprintf()
depending on the platform's stdio implementation. The relevant code
has been changed to use snprintf() and write() instead.
New in version 1.3.19
- enhancement: specialized arrays can be printed readably without using
- enhancement: SB-DEBUG:PRINT-BACKTRACE truncates huge string arguments.
The full string remains available for inspection via (SB-DEBUG:ARG).
- bug fix: backtracing from several threads at once could fail
- bug fix: floating-point infinities could not be used as keys in EQUALP
hash tables. (#1696274)
- bug fix: random sb-fasteval failures. (#1642708)
- bug fix: align the stack in callback wrappers to defend against C compiler
over-aggressive use of SIMD. (#1697528)
- bug fix: don't try to find the class when reporting that a class does not
exist for a primitive type. (#1697226)
2017-06-17 22:58:27 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.18
changes in sbcl-1.3.18 relative to sbcl-1.3.17:
* minor incompatible change: existing values of CFLAGS, ASFLAGS,
CPPFLAGS, and LINKFLAGS will be incorporated into C compiler
invocations when building from source.
* minor incompatible change: the result of WRITE-TO-STRING may be
a BASE-STRING if all characters written are of type BASE-CHAR.
* minor incompatible change: the broadcast stream with no output
streams is a singleton object. That object satisfies OPEN-STREAM-P
regardless of how many times CLOSE is invoked on it.
* enhancement: x86[-64] backends contain an experimental feature
which aids in demonstrating reachability of any object starting
from a tenured object or a thread stack by producing a proof
as a sequence of pointers to follow.
The file "tests/traceroot.test.sh" contains an example usage.
* enhancement: if the alien symbol "gc_coalesce_string_literals" is
set to 1 prior to SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE, then similar string constants
loaded from different fasl files may be collapsed to one object.
If the variable is set to 2, then additionally strings which are
STRING= in code resulting from COMPILE can be coalesced.
For instance, two functions returning the literal string "HI"
might return EQ strings after collapsing, which may be undesired
in a particular use. The flag pertains to gencgc only.
* enhancement: SXHASH values on pathnames are better distributed
* bug fix: MAKE-PATHNAME removes empty strings as components of a
directory, as is permitted: "Whenever a pathname is constructed
the components may be canonicalized if appropriate."
* optimization: various printer and FORMAT performance enhancements.
* bug fix: GET-FOREGROUND no longer fails in case all other interactive
threads exit (lp#1682671, reported by Syll)
* bug fix: RELEASE-FOREGROUND always removes the current thread from the
list of interactive threads. (lp#1682867, reported by Syll)
2017-04-30 19:24:27 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.17
changes in sbcl-1.3.17 relative to sbcl-1.3.16:
* enhancement: memory overhead from the garbage collector's metadata
is reduced on 64-bit architectures; no change for 32-bit.
* enhancement: further garbage collector speedups affecting
pinned objects on conservative backends, and simple-vectors.
* enhancement: on Linux a custom handler for SIGSEGV can be called
for page faults outside of dynamic space by changing the C symbol
* bug fix: sb-cover does not lose source positions for AND/OR/COND.
* bug fix: random disassembler failures. (lp#1527931)
* The bundled sb-md5 contrib has been updated to release 2.0.4
which is licensed under Creative Commons CC0 per author's statement
(Refer to NEWS and COPYING in the contrib/sb-md5 subdirectory)
2017-04-13 13:35:31 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.16
changes in sbcl-1.3.16 relative to sbcl-1.3.15:
* optimization: various small tweaks give around 5% faster garbage
* bug fix: better detection of when an impossible code path does
not need a warning. (lp#1668619)
* bug fix: stronger attempts to disable position-independent
executable building. (lp#1668986, patch from Mark Wright)
* bug fix: OPEN :IF-EXISTS NIL signalled a condition on Windows.
(lp#1674437, reported by Jan Idzikowski)
changes in sbcl-1.3.15 relative to sbcl-1.3.14:
* minor incompatible change: the reader will when feasible create
new symbols using a BASE-STRING for the print name. Additionally,
string literals can favor the base-string type if desired, though
the default is to always return UTF-32 strings for compatibility.
A preference for base-string does not disable reading Unicode.
The choice is controlled via (SETF READTABLE-BASE-CHAR-PREFERENCE).
If Unicode was disabled at build time, this setting does nothing.
* enhancement: SBCL generates more debug information by default.
* enhancement: type errors provide context information, such as which
variable is being bound, which slot of which structure is being set.
* enhancement: if #+immobile-symbols is in build-time *FEATURES* (not
enabled by default), then symbols will never be moved in memory
except by SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE. Immobility has helpful implications for
code generation as well as interaction with foreign routines.
This feature can only be enabled if #+immobile-space is enabled.
* enhancement: undefined function errors can be restarted on x86-64, to
either retry calling the function again or call a user supplied function.
* enhancement: sb-ext:restrict-compiler-policy accepts an upper bound in
addition to a lower bound.
* enhancement: #+immobile-code improves the speed of function calling.
Some delay may be noticed when redefining an existing function
from a saved core file however.
* defaults change: sb-ext:*disassemble-annotate* default to NIL, due to its
poor reliability.
* new feature: SB-LINKABLE-RUNTIME, allowing linking with extra object
files to help with delivery of executables. (Thanks to Francois-Rene
* bug fix: data race in GENTEMP fixed - it can no longer return the
same interned symbol to multiple threads if called concurrently
* bug fix: interrupting LOADing of FASLs does not leave functions without
source locations. (lp#540276)
* bug fix: DYNAMIC-EXTENT-declared results of NOTINLINE local functions were
treated as if they were actually stack allocated (lp#1659964)
* bug fix: correctly handle the case of a non-local exit within a function
terminating the extent of dynamic-extent, dynamic-bound variables in the
presence of multiple-values (lp#1655011)
* bug fix: handling of SB-SYS:WITH-PINNED-OBJECTS in the interpreters (both
sb-eval and sb-fasteval) now actually pins objects on gencgc.
* bug fix: AVX registers are preserved during exceptions on x86-64 macOS.
* bug fix: (directory "SOMETHING/*/**/MORE") is no longer equivalent to
(directory "SOMETHING/**/MORE")
* bug fix: better console IO on Windows (lp#1660906)
changes in sbcl-1.3.14 relative to sbcl-1.3.13:
* minor incompatible change: the SB-PCL walker no longer recognizes
macros expanding into a DECLARE expression. This is not a language change,
since ANSI forbids such usage (X3J13 issue DECLARE-MACROS:FLUSH).
* enhancement: for several macros such as MULTIPLE-VALUE-{BIND,SETQ}, COND,
DO{,*,LIST}, {RESTART,HANDLER}-{BIND,CASE}, *CASE, conditions signaled
during macroexpansion point to the form that caused the problem more
* enhancement: the "--noinform" command-line option inhibits output from
save-lisp-and-die in addition to removing the startup banner.
* bug fix: PROCESS-KILL failed to return errno if the system call failed
* optimization: slightly more comprehensive treatment of the keyword
arguments to MAKE-ARRAY in compiler transformations.
changes in sbcl-1.3.13 relative to sbcl-1.3.12:
* enhancement: SET triggers package locks on undefined variables.
* enhancement: new Windows specific option to run-program, :escape-arguments
* enhancement: recompiling a MAKE-INSTANCE form with an initarg :INITARG
CONSTANT where CONSTANT names a constant variable picks up the new value
of CONSTANT in case it has been redefined. (lp#1644944)
* optimization: faster TYPEP on undefined at compile-time types and upcoming
class definitions. (lp#1082967)
* optimization: memory consumption of each STANDARD-OBJECT instance is
reduced by 2 words if the compact-instance-header feature is enabled.
* optimization: CONDITION instances are quicker to allocate.
* optimization: unoptimized calls to FILL on specialized vectors are now
just as fast as T vectors.
* bug fix: get-timezone returns corret DST on 64-bit Windows. (lp#1641058)
* bug fix: cross reference information in fasls is no longer incompatible
between different cores (lp#1648186)
2016-12-05 21:03:29 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.12
New in version 1.3.12
* enhancement: on x86-64, compiled functions loaded from fasl
files can not be moved, but can be freed, by GC.
Additionally, COMPILE will produce immobile code
(Caution: the flag is experimental and subject to change.)
The benefits are better physical separation of code from
data, and potentially easier examination of live images by
external tools.
* enhancement: the docstring for SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE has been
amended to say that the :ROOT-STRUCTURES parameter is not
meaningless on gencgc, depending on the platform.
* bug fix: calling a named function (e.g. a DEFUN) concurrently
with redefining that same function could lead to execution of
random bytes.
* bug fix: yes-or-no-p accepts formatter functions (#1639490)
* bug fix: better handling of exceptions on macOS.
New in version 1.3.11
* minor incompatible change: SB-EXT:*INTEXP-MAXIMUM-EXPONENT*
is removed.
* enhancement: TRACE ... :REPORT {TRACE,NIL} now work as
advertised in the documentation string (based on patch by
Patrick Stein)
* enhancement: support unboxed signed-word structure slots on
x86, x86-64 and ARM64. (#377616)
* optimization: faster logical bit-array operations on
multidimensional arrays.
* optimization: better GC performance in the presence of many
threads. (patch by Ilya Perminov, #1339924)
* optimization: multiple-value-call is optimized with multiple
argument forms, not just one. (#753803)
* bug fix: MAKE-ALIEN-STRING returns the number of allocated
bytes as a second value as advertised (reported by Johann
'Myrkraverk' Oskarsson)
* bug fix: when TO-READTABLE is supplied to COPY-READTABLE, it
will contain only the macros in FROM-READTABLE and no others.
* enhancement: gencgc has been modified for x86-64 on Linux and
macOS to a support mark-and-sweep as well as the traditional
copying strategy. It is conceivable that some applications
might be adversely affected. Please see ':immobile-space' in
'base-target-features.lisp-expr' for further details, and
possible reasons to disable this feature.
* enhancement: x86-64 supports shrinking the fixed overhead in
a structure from 2 words to 1 word, reducing memory
consumption in applications which create many small
2016-10-21 09:10:54 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.10.
New in version 1.3.10
* enhancement: more compact low-level error signaling code
* enhancement: more compact encoding of cross-reference information
* optimization: faster out of line fixnum-float comparisons.
* optimization: filling a known simple-vector with a constant value is about
as fast in unoptimized code as in code compiled with (SPEED 3), and the
x86-64 implementation is able to use SSE instructions.
* bug fix: correctly handle the case of a non-local exit within a function
terminating the extent of dynamic-extent functions and variables in the
presence of multiple-values (#1563127)
* bug fix: restore builds on the latest OSX with the latest Xcode (#1470996)
New in version 1.3.9
* minor incompatible change: NAMESTRING prefers to return a BASE-STRING
instead of (ARRAY CHARACTER (*)) when possible.
* enhancement: cached make-instance/allocate-instance constructors can now
get garbage collected.
* optimization: better performance for some unoptimized operations on complex
* bug fix: using the options :LOCAL-NICKNAMES and :LOCK in the same
DEFPACKAGE form no longer signals a bogus error
New in version 1.3.8
* minor incompatible change: the system now understands that the CONDITION
type is disjoint with many other system types.
* minor incompatible change: argument types in condition report functions are
now declared (in combination with the above change, this can result in
early detection of erroneous code).
* enhancement: simple arrays of any rank can be stack-allocated on platforms
supporting stack allocation of vectors.
* optimization: improved type derivation for FIND, POSITION, COUNT, SEARCH,
MISMATCH and other array and sequence functions.
* optimization: ALLOCATE-INSTANCE is now as fast as MAKE-INSTANCE.
* optimization: more efficient CHANGE-CLASS.
* bug fix: versions of getresuid() and getresgid() in SB-POSIX no longer
cause memory faults, and should work properly (#1603806, reported by Kieran
* bug fix: handle ENOENT from getprotobyname() (#1596043, reported by Stephen
New in version 1.3.7
* bug fix: preserve the name of the destructive function for the destroyed
constant and important result warnings, even when declared NOTINLINE.
* optimization: faster operations on list-sets.
* optimization: better type derivation of set functions. (#1592152)
* optimization: load-time TLS-INDEX assignment, and other microoptimizations,
on x86.
* optimizations in:
New in version 1.3.6
* bug fix: do not insert conditional newlines in print-unreadable-object
(#1398290). This reverses a change made in #488979 which reversed a fix
advertised in release 0.8.14 to pass the GCL ANSI Test Suite.
* bug fix: constant negative rotations of 32-bit quantities are compiled
correctly on x86-64 and arm. (#1586614, reported by Guillaume Le Vaillant)
2016-10-12 13:35:48 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (26) |
Log message:
2016-05-06 22:33:59 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.5
New in version 1.3.5
* enhancement: the platform's strtod() is exposed as SB-POSIX:STRTOD
* enhancement: speed up debug info creation for highly nested functions.
* enhancement: the interleaved structure slot optimization from release 1.2.6
has been ported to all architectures.
* enhancement: support run-program I/O redirection into lisp streams on Windows.
* bug fix: better wording in missed optimization note.
* bug fix: interpreted (CAS SVREF) was broken
* bug fix: support CLISP as build host for ARM
2016-04-14 11:16:54 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to SBCL 1.3.4
New in version 1.3.4
* enhancement: who-sets and who-references work on DEFGLOBAL.
* enhancement: CONSTANTP understands backquote.
e.g. (CONSTANTP '`(0 (,CHAR-CODE-LIMIT))) => T
* optimization: improvements to sequence functions: CONCATENATE,
* bug fix: SB-EVAL does not signal an error for (THE KEYWORD :FOO)
* bug fix: a DEFTYPE name that is redefined into a DEFSTRUCT name
is less likely to cause confusion in the compiler.
* bug fix: DOCUMENTATION works as intended for classes
with non-standard metaclasses
* bug fix: (TYPEP <extended-sequence> <extended-sequence-class>)
no longer returns NIL in certain situations
* bug fix: MAKE-SEQUENCE, MAP, CONCATENATE and MERGE accept class
objects as result-type
DEFTYPEs in result-type