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CVS Commit History:

   2018-11-13 12:30:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.8.2

Release 1.8.2:

Incompatible changes
* Do not include MathJax.js and jsmath.js unless it is really needed

Features added
* Show appropriate deprecation warnings

Bugs fixed
* latex: enumerated list causes a crash with recommonmark
* sphinx-build fails to build docs w/ Python < 3.5.2
* latex: wrong \label positioning for figures with a legend
* C++, fix assertion when a symbol is declared more than twice.
* gettext: crashed with broken template
* csv-table directive with file option in included file is broken
* autodoc: unable to find type hints for a functools.partial
* autodoc: unable to find type hints for unresolvable Forward references
* incompatible math_block node has been generated
* Fix ensuredir() in case of pre-existing file
* graphviz Correctly deal with non-existing static dir
* i18n: multiple footnote_references referring same footnote causes
  duplicated node_ids
* latex: footnote_references generated by extension causes LaTeX builder
* make all-pdf fails with old xindy version
* quickstart: --no-batchfile isn't honored
* texinfo: multiline rubrics are broken
* texinfo: multiline citations are broken
   2018-09-24 10:21:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.8.1

Release 1.8.1:

Incompatible changes
LaTeX \pagestyle commands have been moved to the LaTeX template. No changes in \ 
PDF, except possibly if \sphinxtableofcontents, which contained them, had been \ 
customized in

Bugs fixed
* Incorrect default path for sphinx-build -d/doctrees files
* autodoc emits deprecation warning for autodoc_default_flags
* lambda object causes PicklingError on storing environment
* Sphinx fails to build with syntax error in Python 2.7.5
* add latexpdf to make.bat for non make-mode
* Autodoc does not work with enum subclasses with properties/methods
* autodoc: crashed on modules importing eggs
* latex: ImportError: cannot import name ‘DEFAULT_SETTINGS’
* autodoc: autofunction emits a warning for callable objects
* Fix TypeError in error message when override is prohibited
* PDF builds of ‘howto’ documents have no page numbers
* mathbase: math_role and MathDirective was disappeared in 1.8.0
* latex: Index has disappeared from PDF for Japanese documents
* py domain: :type: field can’t process :term: references
* py domain: TypeError has been raised for class attribute
   2018-09-13 09:36:52 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.8.0

Release 1.8.0:

* LaTeX: :confval:latex_use_xindy, if True (default for
  xelatex/lualatex), instructs make latexpdf to use :program:xindy
  for general index.  Make sure your LaTeX distribution includes it.

Incompatible changes
* html theme: refer pygments_style settings of HTML themes
* The URL of download files are changed
* quickstart: Makefile and make.bat are not overwritten if exists

* the :py:mod:sphinx.ext.graphviz: extension runs dot in the
  directory of the document being built instead of in the root directory of
  the documentation.
* extensions which stores any data to environment should return the
  version of its env data structure as metadata.  In detail, please see
* Sphinx expects source parser modules to have supported file formats as
  Parser.supported attribute
* The default value of :confval:epub_author and :confval:epub_publisher are
  changed from 'unknown' to the value of :confval:author.  This is same as
  a file sphinx-build generates.
* The gettext_compact attribute is removed from document.settings
  object.  Please use config.gettext_compact instead.
* The processing order on reading phase is changed.  smart_quotes, sphinx
  domains, :event:doctree-read event and versioning doctrees are invoked
  earlier than so far.  For more details, please read a description of
* All substitution_definition nodes are removed from doctree on
  reading phase
* docutils.conf on $HOME and /etc directories are ignored.  Only
  docutils.conf on confdir is refered.
* :samp: role supports to escape curly braces with backslash
* The files under :confval:html_static_path are excluded from source
* latex: Use \sphinxcite for citation references instead \hyperref
* The config value viewcode_import is renamed to
* latex: :confval:latex_show_pagerefs does not add pagerefs for
* latex: Now "rubric" elements are rendered as unnumbered section title
* html: The anchor for productionlist tokens has been changed
* Modifying a template variable script_files in templates is allowed now.
  Please use app.add_js_file() instead.
* Save environment object also with only new documents
* qthelp builder allows dashes in :confval:qthelp_namespace
* LaTeX: with lualatex or xelatex use by default :program:xindy as
  UTF-8 able replacement of :program:makeindex.  After
  upgrading Sphinx, please clean latex build repertory of existing project
  before new build.
* html: hlist items are now aligned to top
* highlightlang directive is processed on resolving phase
* latex: LaTeX template has been chaned.  Following elements are moved
  into the template:
  - \begin{document}
  - shorthandoff variable
  - maketitle variable
  - tableofcontents variable

* is deprecated
* is deprecated
* sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_source_file() has changed; the
  *gettext_compact* argument has been deprecated
* sphinx.util.images.guess_mimetype() has changed; the *content*
  argument has been deprecated

* :confval:source_parsers is deprecated
* :confval:autodoc_default_flags is deprecated
* quickstart: --epub option becomes default, so it is deprecated
* Drop function based directive support.  For now, Sphinx only supports class
  based directives.
* sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper() is deprecated
* sphinx.cmdline is deprecated
* sphinx.make_mode is deprecated
* sphinx.locale.l_() is deprecated
* helper function warn() for HTML themes is deprecated
* app.override_domain() is deprecated
* app.add_stylesheet() is deprecated
* app.add_javascript() is deprecated
* app.import_object() is deprecated
* app.add_source_parser() has changed;  the *suffix* argument has been
* sphinx.versioning.prepare() is deprecated
* Config.__init__() has changed;  the *dirname*, *filename* and *tags*
  argument has been deprecated
* Config.check_types() is deprecated
* Config.check_unicode() is deprecated
* sphinx.application.CONFIG_FILENAME is deprecated
* highlightlang directive is deprecated
* BuildEnvironment.load() is deprecated
* BuildEnvironment.loads() is deprecated
* BuildEnvironment.frompickle() is deprecated
* env.read_doc() is deprecated
* env.update() is deprecated
* env._read_serial() is deprecated
* env._read_parallel() is deprecated
* env.write_doctree() is deprecated
* env._nitpick_ignore is deprecated
* env.versionchanges is deprecated
* env.dump() is deprecated
* env.dumps() is deprecated
* env.topickle() is deprecated
* env.note_versionchange() is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.Table.caption_footnotetexts is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.Table.header_footnotetexts is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.footnotestack is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.in_container_literal_block is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.next_section_ids is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.next_hyperlink_ids is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.restrict_footnote() is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.unrestrict_footnote() is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.push_hyperlink_ids() is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.pop_hyperlink_ids() is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.check_latex_elements() is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.bibitems is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.hlsettingstack is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.latex.ExtBabel.get_shorthandoff() is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator.highlightlang is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator.highlightlang_base is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator.highlightlangopts is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator.highlightlinenothreshold is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html5.HTMLTranslator.highlightlang is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html5.HTMLTranslator.highlightlang_base is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html5.HTMLTranslator.highlightlangopts is deprecated
* sphinx.writers.html5.HTMLTranslator.highlightlinenothreshold is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase extension is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.math node is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.displaymath node is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.eqref node is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.is_in_section_title() is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.MathDomain is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.setup_math() is deprecated
* sphinx.directives.other.VersionChanges is deprecated
* sphinx.highlighting.PygmentsBridge.unhighlight() is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.get_node_equation_number() is deprecated
* sphinx.ext.mathbase.wrap_displaymath() is deprecated
* The trim_doctest_flags argument of sphinx.highlighting.PygmentsBridge
  is deprecated

Features added
* Ensure frozen object descriptions are reproducible
* apidoc: Add --tocfile option to change the filename of ToC

* Add :event:config-inited event
* Add sphinx.config.Any to represent the config value accepts any type of
* :confval:source_suffix allows a mapping fileext to file types
* Add :confval:author as a configuration value
* imgconverter: Support to convert GIF to PNG
* sphinx-build command supports i18n console output
* Add app.add_message_catalog() and sphinx.locale.get_translations() to
  support translation for 3rd party extensions
* helper function warning() for HTML themes is added
* Add Domain.enumerable_nodes to manage own enumerable nodes for domains
* Add a new keyword argument override to Application APIs
* LaTeX: new key 'fvset' for :confval:latex_elements. For
  XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX its default sets fanvyvrb to use normal, not small,
  fontsize in code-blocks
* Add :confval:html_css_files and :confval:epub_css_files for adding CSS
  files from configuration
* Add :confval:html_js_files for adding JS files from configuration
* Ensure set object descriptions are reproducible.
* Allow to override :confval:numfig_format partially.  Full definition
  is not needed.
* Improve warning messages during including
* LaTeX: separate customizability of :rst:role:guilabel and
* Add classmethod to create a new config object from
  configuration file
* Wrap graphviz diagrams in <div> tag
* viewcode: Add :event:viewcode-find-source and
  :event:viewcode-follow-imported to load source code without loading
* napoleon: Add strings to translation file for localisation
* Display a warning when invalid values are passed to linenothreshold
  option of highlight directive
* C++:
  - Add a cpp:texpr role as a sibling to cpp:expr.
  - Add support for unions.
  - add support for anonymous entities using names staring with @.
  - add support for (most) character literals.
  - Cross-referencing entities inside primary templates is supported,
    and now properly documented.
  - add new cross-referencing format for cpp:any and cpp:func roles,
    for referencing specific function overloads.

* MathJax should be loaded with async attribute
* html: Output canonical_url metadata if :confval:html_baseurl set
* autosummary: expose inherited_members to template
* mathjax: Add :confval:mathjax_options to give options to script tag
  for mathjax
* latex: Don't overwrite .tex file if document not changed
* latex: Add alphanumeric enumerated list support
* Add :confval:latex_use_xindy for UTF-8 savvy indexing, defaults to True
  if :confval:latex_engine is 'xelatex' or 'lualatex'.
* now supports location parameter
* setuptools: support nitpicky option
* autoclass directive supports nested class
* Add app.add_html_math_renderer() to register a math renderer for HTML
* Apply :confval:trim_doctest_flags to all builders (cf. text, manpages)
* linkcheck: Add better Accept header to HTTP client
* sphinx-build: Add --keep-going option to show all warnings
* Add :rst:role:math:numref role to refer equations (Same as :rst:role:eq)
* quickstart: epub builder is enabled by default
* Add :confval:singlehtml_sidebars to configure sidebars for singlehtml
* doctest: Skip doctest conditionally
* autodoc: emit a warning for invalid typehints
* autodoc: Add :confval:autodoc_default_options which accepts
  option values as dict

Bugs fixed
* html: search box overrides to other elements if scrolled
* i18n: warnings for translation catalogs have wrong line numbers
* latex: cross references has been broken by multiply labeled objects
* C++, fixes for symbol addition and lookup. Lookup should no longer break
  in partial builds.
* download reference to remote file is not displayed
* html theme: pygments_style of theme was overrided by
  by default
* toctree shows confusible warning when document is excluded
* autodoc: :members: causes :special-members: not to be shown
* autodoc: ImportError is replaced by AttributeError for deeper module
* Incorrect links with :download:, duplicate names, and
  parallel builds
* autodoc: failed to analyze source code in egg package
* Sphinx crashes if unknown po file exists

* i18n: message catalogs were reset on each initialization
* latex: footnote inside footnote was not rendered
* i18n: fix lang_COUNTRY not fallback correctly for IndexBuilder. Thanks
  to Shengjing Zhu.
* productionlist directive generates invalid IDs for the tokens
* (lualatex) PDF build fails if indexed word starts with Unicode character
* latex: index headings "Symbols" and "Numbers" not \ 
* sphinx-build: Handle errors on scanning documents
* epub: spine has been broken when "self" is listed on toctree
* autosummary does not understand docstring of module level attributes
* C++, prevent nested declarations in functions to avoid lookup problems.
* C++, add missing isPack method for certain template parameter types.
* C++, parse attributes on declerators as well.
* C++, parse delete expressions and basic new expressions as well.
* graphviz: SVGs do not adapt to the column width

Features removed
* sphinx.ext.pngmath extension

* Fix wrong make.bat option for internationalization.
* napoleon: add admonitions added by 4613 to the docs.
   2018-09-06 11:26:43 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.7.9

Release 1.7.9:

Features added
* Make generated texinfo files reproducible by sorting the anchors

Bugs fixed
* crashed on incremental build if document uses include directive
   2018-08-29 08:49:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.7.8

Release 1.7.8:

Incompatible changes
* The type of env.included has been changed to dict of set

Bugs fixed
* intersphinx: crashed if invalid url given
* manpage: crashed when invalid docname is specified as man_pages
* autodoc: Any typehint causes formatting error
* "document isn't included in any toctree" warning on rebuild with
  generated files
* quickstart: escape sequence has been displayed with MacPorts' python
   2018-08-21 09:02:09 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.7.7

Release 1.7.7:

Bugs fixed
* document not in toctree warning when including files only for parallel
* LaTeX: reduce "Token not allowed in a PDF string" hyperref warnings \ 
in latex
  console output
* LaTeX: suppress "remreset Warning: The remreset package is obsolete" \ 
in latex
  console output with recent LaTeX
* PDF output: usage of PAPER environment variable is broken since Sphinx
* LaTeX: fix the :confval:`latex_engine` documentation regarding Latin Modern
  font with XeLaTeX/LuaLateX
* autodoc: Fix wrong type annotations for complex typing
* autodoc: Optional types are wrongly rendered
* autodoc crashed by ForwardRef types
* autodoc: No docs generated for functools.partial functions
* autodoc: ``getargspec()`` raises NameError for invalid typehints
* imgmath: math_number_all causes equations to have two numbers in html
* sphinx-quickstart blank prompts in PowerShell
   2018-08-06 22:13:47 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-sphinx: do not depend on py-sphinx-rtd-theme, but the other way around
   2018-07-19 11:07:52 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
py-sphinx: 1.7.6

Release 1.7.6:

Bugs fixed
* LaTeX \sphinxupquote{} breaks in Russian
* sphinx.testing uses deprecated pytest API; Node.get_marker(name)
* crashed when recommonmark.AutoStrictify is enabled
* latex: crashed with docutils package provided by Debian/Ubuntu
* latex: a label for table is vanished if table does not have a caption
* crashed with numbered toctree
* C, render empty argument lists for macros.
* C++, fix lookup of full template specializations with no template arguments.
* C++, fix assertion on missing references in global scope when using
  intersphinx. Thanks to Alan M. Carroll.
* autodoc: crashed by Form Feed Character
* autodoc: loses the first staticmethod parameter for old styled classes
* quickstart: Typing Ctrl-U clears the whole of line
* html: "relations" sidebar is not shown by default
* latex: curly braces in index entries are not handled correctly
* epub: Wrong internal href fragment links
* apidoc: Interface of sphinx.apidoc:main() has changed
* PDF builds of French projects have issues with XeTeX
* napoleon raises RuntimeError with python 3.7
* sphinx-build: Interface of sphinx:main() has changed
* sphinx-build: refers sys.argv instead of given
* autosummary: warning is emitted when the first line of docstring ends
  with literal notation
* autosummary: warnings of autosummary indicates wrong location
* autodoc: crashed on inspecting dict like object which does not support
* autodoc: Enum argument missing if it shares value with another
* py domain: rtype field could not handle "None" as a type
* LaTeX: indexing of terms containing @, !, or " fails
* html: crashes if copying static files are failed
* autodoc: Fix formatting type annotations for tuples with more than two
* i18n: crashed by auto-symbol footnote references
* autosummary: module summary has been broken when it starts with heading
   2018-05-29 09:13:07 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.7.5

Release 1.7.5:

Bugs fixed
* html search: Upper characters problem in any other languages
* apidoc: some subpackage is ignored if sibling subpackage contains a module \ 
starting with underscore
* i18n doesn’t handle node.title correctly tat used for contents, topic, \ 
admonition, table and section.
* i18n: literal blocks in bullet list are not translated
* C++, raised TypeError on duplicate declaration.
* C++, properly parse expr roles and give better error messages when (escaped) \ 
line breaks are present.
* C++, properly use desc_addname nodes for prefixes of names.
* C++, parse pack expansions in function calls.
* * links on search page are broken when using dirhtml builder
* autodoc: constructor method should not have return annotation
* latex: deeply nested enumerated list which is beginning with non-1 causes \ 
LaTeX engine crashed
* latex: shorthandoff is not set up for Brazil locale
* i18n: Ignore dot-directories like .git/ in LC_MESSAGES/
* py domain: type field could not handle “None” as a type
* latex: Incorrect escaping of curly braces in index entries
* autodoc: Failed to extract document from a subclass of the class on mocked module
* latex: glossary directive adds whitespace to each item
* latex: Explicit labels on code blocks are duplicated
* node.asdom() crashes if toctree has :numbered: option
* autodoc: Parsing error when using dataclasses without default values
* autodoc: crashed when handler for autodoc-skip-member raises an error
* autodoc: crashed when subclass of mocked class are processed by napoleon module
* sphinx-build crashes when error log contains a “%” character
   2018-04-26 09:49:29 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-sphinx: updated to 1.7.4

Release 1.7.4:
Bugs fixed
* domains: Crashed with duplicated objects
* latex: sphinx.writers.latex causes recusrive import

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