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CVS Commit History:

   2014-07-19 13:47:44 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Changes 3.0.3:
Added an api to change the context menus of plugins and placeholders from plugins;
Apphooks better respect the page permissions;
Fixed how permissions are checked for static placeholder;
Fixed page permissions for decorated views;
Fallback language fixes for pages;
Button fixes in the modal window;
Improved the ability to subclass the RenderPlugin template tag;
Fixes 'hover' effect on menus for deeper submenus;
Added the ability to mark (Sub)Menu's 'active';
Improvements to the create_page API to support multi-site configs;
Reduced queries on placeholder.clear by 60%;
Auto-detect django-suit instead of using explicit setting;
Implemented transaction.atomic in django 1.4/1.5 way;
Added a automatic dynamic template directory for page templates;
Internal support for using custom forms;
   2014-06-09 13:05:48 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Changes 3.0.2:
added 'as' form to render_placeholder templatetag to save the result in context
added changeable strings for "?edit", "?edit_off" and \ 
"?build" urls
utils.page_resolver has been optimized
the get_page_from_path() api has been changed
fixed cms uninstall plugin for table-patched plugins
added support for python 3.4
docs updated
publish on apphook subpages no longer redirects to the apphook root
   2014-05-03 20:43:27 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Changes 3.0.1:
Fixed an issue where logout doesn't refresh once the user logs out;
Updated the toolbar menu item to "Logout [name of user]" when available;
Updated the Page: Advanced Settings form to automatically show/hide the \ 
application instance name field when appropriate and to separate \ 
language-dependent fields from language-independent ones;
Fixed sitemaps to no longer lists pages which only redirect;
Fixes for the plugin clipboard to behave correctly;
Updates to the fix-mptt management command;
Various fixes to target the top frame when clicking links in the sideframe;
Fixed a number of refresh issues;
Various documentation updates.
   2014-04-28 14:13:36 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Fix interpreter.
   2014-04-24 21:54:15 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Changes 3.0:
* New Frontend Editing
* New Toolbar
* New Page Types
* Experimental Python 3.3 support
* Better multilingual editing
   2014-01-25 11:30:32 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (533) | Package updated
Log message:
Mark packages as not ready for python-3.x where applicable;
either because they themselves are not ready or because a
dependency isn't. This is annotated by
PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE=  33 # not yet ported as of x.y.z
respectively, please use the same style for other packages,
and check during updates.

Use where applicable.
Use REPLACE_PYTHON instead of handcoded alternatives, where applicable.
Reorder Makefile sections into standard order, where applicable.

Remove PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCLUDE_3X lines since that will be default
with the next commit.

Whitespace cleanups and other nits corrected, where necessary.
   2013-11-01 12:18:00 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Changes 2.4.3:
Fixed a bug in fixture loading signals handling
Fixed a bug in placeholder's primary key thousand formatting
Test fixes
Fixed use of cached content in the show_placeholder's preview mode
Fixed issues in cookie handling
Fixed minor unicode issues
Fixed a missing argument in ModelAdmin
Fixed a bug in WymEditor handling
Fixed bugs in migrations
Fixed bug in language fallback
Minor documentation fixes
   2013-08-09 09:53:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Changes 2.4.2:
Mostly a bugfix release.
The full change log:
- Apphook edit mode bugfix
- Added option to render_placeholder tag to set language
- Huge permission cache invalidation speed up
- Doc improvements
- css cleanup in PlaceholderAdmin
- Log change of page status done via AJAX
- Use --noinput convention for delete_orphaned_plugins command
- added Testing docs
- fixed more issues with only one language
- locales updated
   2013-04-26 21:56:05 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Changes 2.4.1:
* USE_I18N=False fixed
* some frontend css stuff fixed
* check_copy_relations fixed for abstract classes
* non public frontend languages fixed

Changes 2.4.0:
* Compatibility with Django 1.4 and 1.5 (1.3 support dropped)
* Support for Python 2.5 dropped
* Reversion integration has changed to limit DB size
* CMS_LANGUAGE setting has changed
* CMS_HIDE_UNTRANSLATED setting removed
* CMS_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK setting removed
* CMS_LANGUAGE_CONF setting removed
* CMS_SITE_LANGUAGES setting removed
* CMS_FRONTEND_LANGUAGES setting removed
* MultilingualMiddleware has been removed
* CMS_FLAT_URLS has been removed
* CMS_MODERATOR has been removed and replaced with simple publisher.
* PlaceholderAdmin has now language tabs and has support for django-hvad
* Added `cms.middleware.language.LanguageCookieMiddleware`
   2013-04-08 22:39:16 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Changes 2.3.6:
Bug fixes and Django 1.5 compatibility.

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