2008-07-18 15:49:48 by Ulrich Habel | Files touched by this commit (2) | |
Log message:
- updated to 0.76
0.76 Thu 17 Jul 2008
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker no longer complains when its version
contains an underscore. (PJF, RT #35800)
- Documentation patches to Module::Install::Admin and
Module::Install::Base. (Adriano Ferreira, RT #27696)
- Corrected broken internal link in Module/Install.pod. (PJF)
- The 'examples' directory will no longer be included
twice in META.yml/no_index/directory. (PJF)
- Move to the new 1.4 version of the META.yml specification (ADAMK)
- Automatically provide resources:license for
license('perl') (ADAMK)
- Implemented the bugtracker_from command (ADAMK)
- Added bugtracker_from to the all_from command
(Although we don't warn if not provided) (ADAMK)
- Shifting minimum perl version for Module::Install to 5.005
(Anything older should use ExtUtils::MakeMaker) (ADAMK)
- perl_version errors if it gets a value less that 5.005 (ADAMK)
- Created the new install_share implementation (ADAMK)
- Added the ppport function for adding ppport.h (ADAMK)
- Bumped File::Remove from test_requires to requires (ADAMK)
- Added dependency on Devel::PPPort for ppport (ADAMK)
0.75 Mon 2 Jun 2008 - Adam Kennedy
- Documenting the smaller post Module::Build core package
Module::Install::With and removed experimental warning (ADAMK)
- Disabled the broken install_share error check (CLACO)
- Disabled "pointless version 0" warning, as it encourages less
metadata (ADAMK)
- Adding an experimental undocumented implementation of a
"resources" and "repository" command (ADAMK)
- Don't dump "tests" and "installdirs" to META.yml (ADAMK)
2008-05-28 23:52:04 by David Brownlee | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Updated devel/p5-Module-Install to 0.74
0.74 Mon 26 May 2008
- Fix incorrect comparison of module and distribution names (RJBS)
- Allow "require" instead of "use" when finding required \
perl version (RJBS)
- Remove the -f Build.PL check, as it was breaking people trying to
convert from M:B to M:I or vice versa (MSTROUT)
0.73 Wed 14 May 2008 - Adam Kennedy
- Aggressively increase dependencies for authors to make sure
all the latest release-time tricks will work properly. (ADAMK)
- When generating META.yml where there is an overall Perl version
dependency, add a test for unversioned core dependencies that
MUST already be satified by the Perl dependency. (ADAMK)
- Merged Module::Install MANIFEST.SKIP into the repository
default MANIFEST.SKIP file, and deleted the M:I one (ADAMK)
0.72 Tue 15 Apr 2008 - Adam Kennedy
- exit(0) on requires_external_bin to make it a real NA (ADAMK)
- Change docs to recommend the use of test_requires instead
of build_requires. They do the same thing now, but this may
change in the future and in that case better people use
test_requires now as it is a more accurate description of
intent. Also, it reads clearer. (ADAMK)
- Removed the command prompt_script, it did some unusual magic
and it easy enough to replace with 2 lines of code in the
Makefile.PL of anyone using it anyway (ADAMK)
- Merged the remaining install_script into Metadata.pm (ADAMK)
- Adding documentation about the configure_requires command (ADAMK)
- Automatically add any install_share directory to no_index (ADAMK)
- Check scripts passed to install_script actually exist (ADAMK)
- Allow install_script('foo') to be shorthand for
install_script('script/foo') if no root 'foo' file exists.
This should allow for yet more typing reduction (ADAMK)
- For even more typing reduction, "use inc::Module::Install"
now acts as an implicit "use strict", so you don't need to
use strict in Makefile.PL (ADAMK)
- Fixed a regex bug in name_from (and thus all_from) (ADAMK)
0.71 Mon 24 Mar 2008 - Adam Kennedy
- YAML::Tiny is now good enough to use exclusively (ADAMK)
- Converted Changes file to my normal format, so that my release
automation can deal with it properly (ADAMK)
- Added name_from to auto-detect name, and include name_from in
all_from, so now no name line is needed at all in the
Makefile.PL (ADAMK)
- Removed the redundant Module::Install::Makefile::Name and
Module::Install::Makefile::Version, they were almost never
used and were a bit too magic. (ADAMK)
- Adding a "wrote" flag to the M:I object in preparation for
making WriteAll implicit by default (ADAMK)
- Correcting 01_compile.t to check for 5.004 instead of 5.005
- Added Module::Install::_version to numify CPAN-like versions
properly (ADAMK)
- Split TestHelper out as it's own t/lib/Test module (ADAMK)
- Upgrade from File::Path::rmtree to File::Remove::remove in the
test scripts. (ADAMK)
- Various documentation clean ups (ADAMK)
- If building in author mode, make sure that auto-generated META.yml
files are deleted properly during 'make clean' (ADAMK)
0.70 Tue 18 Mar 2008 - Adam Kennedy
- Temporarily restoring auto_install until Matt Trout can craft a
replacement for their installdeps needs, and for feature support
0.69 Sat 15 Mar 2008 - Adam Kennedy
- Removing auto_install support (ADAMK)
- Removing Build.PL support (ADAMK)
- Enabling configure_requires support (ADAMK)
- Automatically set a configure_requires for the version of
ExtUtils::MakeMaker that the author is running (ADAMK)
- Refactoring a number of modules for reduced size (ADAMK)
- Add 'share' to the list of directories automatically no_index'ed (ADAMK)
- license_from correctly marks "GNU lesser public license" as lgpl,
not gpl [rt.cpan.org 24635] (AVAR)
- set author mode ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) when first creating
./inc (RJBS)
- Don't write perl into PREREQ_PM when using perl_version (ADAMK)
0.68 - Ricardo Signes
- The author entry in META.yml is now a sequence, as required
2007-10-25 18:59:59 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (980) |
Log message:
Remove empty PLISTs from pkgsrc since revision 1.33 of plist/plist.mk
can handle packages having no PLIST files.
2007-06-10 01:36:33 by David Brownlee | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Updated devel/p5-Module-Install 0.64 -> 0.67
Changes for 0.67 - Adam Kennedy]
* Tweaked the license detection code a bit
* Previous changes working well, going production
[Changes for 0.66_02 - Adam Kennedy]
* Adding detection of 'proprietary' license.
* "All rights reserved" clashes with or can invalidate most Open Source
licenses. Adding a warning to this effect.
[Changes for 0.66_01 - 2007-03-15]
* Adding tests_recursive to have M:I search for and explicitly list
all test scripts recursively.
* Adding configure_requires, test_requires and install_requires.
These are currently aliases for build_requires but will later result
in alternative consequences internally (ADAMK)
* Reorganising Module::Install::With on the assumption that CPAN.pm will
be implementing PERL5_CPAN_IS_EXECUTING.
[Changes for 0.65 - 2007-03-06]
* Add install_as_core, install_as_cpan, install_as_vendor
commands to control the "installdirs" metadata field.
Requested by: Tels (renamed by ADAMK and AUDREYT)
* Add the preop command for users to customize the PREOP rule. (BINGOS)
* Implement support for $ENV{PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_EXECUTING} in the
experimental Module::Install::With. (ADAMK)
* Remove the use of features in the Module::Install Makefile.PL.
Developers should be quite capable of installing them all. (ADAMK)
* Remove the use of auto_provides in Module::Install Makefile.PL
until we fix it to not break without a pre-existing MANIFEST. (ADAMK)
* YAML::Tiny is now used as a fallback for generating META.yml. The
order of precedence is now YAML::Syck, YAML::Tiny, then YAML.
* META.yml output is now conformant to spec 1.3.
* Add MIT license to those detectable by license_from() (GAAL)
2006-11-03 11:41:14 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update p5-Module-Install to 0.64.
Patch provided by Martin Wilke via PR 34362.
[Changes for 0.64 - 2006-08-24]
* auto_install() will no longer invoke CPAN.pm or CPANPLUS
recursively when running under CPANPLUS (i.e., when
$ENV{PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_RUNNING} is set to a true value.)
* auto_install() would not follow prerequisites of requires() when
the module is installed from the command line and only CPAN.pm is
installed. [rt.cpan.org 21139] (MSCHWERN)
[Changes for 0.63 - 2006-06-05]
* "make" gets confused if the Makefile.PL time is in the future, but there
is no universal fix for this. As an initial solution, catch the error
situation and die with an error to the user. (ADAMK)
* Adding additional notes on no_index package (ADAMK)
* Removing hashbang from Makefile.PL and using a $^W = 1 instead (ADAMK)
2006-05-15 16:59:52 by Stoned Elipot | Files touched by this commit (4) | |
Log message:
Initial addition of p5-Module-Install version 0.62 into the NetBSD packages
This Perl 5 module is a standalone, extensible installer for Perl
modules. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for
ExtUtils::MakeMaker, and is a descendent of CPAN::MakeMaker.