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CVS Commit History:

   2020-05-03 13:50:09 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.14.0

IPython 7.14

IPython  7.14 is a minor release that fix a couple of bugs and prepare
compatibility with new or future versions of some libraries.

Important changes:
 - Fix compatibility with Sphinx 3+
 - Remove deprecated matplotlib parameter usage, compatibility with matplotlib

Misc Changes
 - set ``.py`` extension when editing current buffer in vi/emacs.
 - support for unicode identifiers in ``?``/``??``
 - add extra options to the ``Video`` Rich objects
 - add pretty-printing to ``SimpleNamespace``

Pending deprecated imports
Many object present in ``IPython.core.display`` are there for internal use only,
and should  already been imported from ``IPython.display`` by users and external
libraries. Trying to import those from ``IPython.core.display`` is still possible
but will trigger a
deprecation warning in later versions of IPython and will become errors in the

This will simplify compatibility with other Python kernels (like Xeus-Python),
and simplify code base.
   2020-03-03 06:56:20 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.13.0

IPython 7.13 is the first release of the 7.x branch since master is diverging
toward an 8.0. Exiting new features have already been merged in 8.0 and will
not be available on the 7.x branch. All the changes bellow have been backported
from the master branch.
 - Fix inability to run PDB when inside an event loop
 - Fix ability to interrupt some processes on windows
 - Fix debugger shortcuts
 - improve tab completion when inside a string by removing irrelevant elements
 - Fix display of filename tab completion when the path is long
 - Many removal of Python 2 specific code path
 - displaying wav files do not require NumPy anymore, and is 5x to 30x faster
   2020-02-01 13:27:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.12.0

IPython 7.12 is a minor update that mostly brings code cleanup, removal of
longtime deprecated function and a couple update to documentation cleanup as well.

Notable changes are the following:
- Exit non-zero when ipython is given a file path to run that doesn't exist
- Test PR on ARM64 with Travis-CI
- Update CI to work with latest Pytest
- Add infrastructure to run ipykernel eventloop via trio
- Support git blame ignore revs
- Start multi-line ``__repr__`` s on their own line
   2020-01-26 18:32:28 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (981)
Log message:
all: migrate homepages from http to https

pkglint -r --network --only "migrate"

As a side-effect of migrating the homepages, pkglint also fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines. These and the new homepages have been
checked manually.
   2020-01-02 11:24:57 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.11.1

IPython 7.11.1

A couple of deprecated functions (no-op) have been reintroduces in py3compat as
Cython was still relying on them, and will be removed in a couple of versions.

IPython 7.11

IPython 7.11 received a couple of compatibility fixes and code cleanup.

A number of function in the ``py3compat`` have been removed; a number of types
in the IPython code base are now non-ambiguous and now always ``unicode``
instead of ``Union[Unicode,bytes]``; many of the relevant code path have thus
been simplified/cleaned and types annotation added.

IPython support several verbosity level from exceptions. ``xmode plain`` now
support chained exceptions. :ghpull:`11999`

We are starting to remove ``shell=True`` in some usages of subprocess. While not \ 
a security issue (as IPython is made to run arbitrary code anyway) it is not good
practice and we'd like to show the example. :ghissue:`12023`. This discussion
was started by ``@mschwager`` thanks to a new auditing tool they are working on
with duo-labs (`dlint <>`_).

Work around some bugs in Python 3.9 tokenizer :ghpull:`12057`

IPython will now print its version after a crash. :ghpull:`11986`

This is likely the last release from the 7.x series that will see new feature.
The master branch will soon accept large code changes and thrilling new
features; the 7.x branch will only start to accept critical bug fixes, and
update dependencies.
   2019-12-15 10:18:46 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.10.2

IPython 7.10.2 fix a couple of extra incompatibility between IPython, ipdb,
asyncio and Prompt Toolkit 3.
   2019-12-02 12:45:46 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.10.1

IPython 7.10.1 fix a couple of incompatibilities with Prompt toolkit 3 (please
update Prompt toolkit to 3.0.2 at least), and fixes some interaction with
headless IPython.
   2019-11-28 07:26:33 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.10.0

IPython 7.10.0

IPython 7.10 is the first double digit minor release in the  last decade, and
first since the release of IPython 1.0, previous double digit minor release was
in August 2009.

We've been trying to give you regular release on the last Friday of every month
for a guaranty of rapid access to bug fixes and new features.

Unlike the previous first few releases that have seen only a couple of code
changes, 7.10 bring a number of changes, new features and bugfixes.

Stop Support for Python 3.5 – Adopt NEP 29

IPython has decided to follow the informational `NEP 29
<>`_ which layout a \ 
policy as to which version of (C)Python and NumPy are supported.

We thus dropped support for Python 3.5, and cleaned up a number of code path
that were Python-version dependant. If you are on 3.5 or earlier pip should
automatically give you the latest compatible version of IPython so you do not
need to pin to a given version.

Support for Prompt Toolkit 3.0

Prompt Toolkit 3.0 was release a week before IPython 7.10 and introduces a few
breaking changes. We believe IPython 7.10 should be compatible with both Prompt
Toolkit 2.x and 3.x, though it has not been extensively tested with 3.x so
please report any issues.

Prompt Rendering Performance improvements

Pull Request :ghpull:`11933` introduced an optimisation in the prompt rendering
logic that should decrease the resource usage of IPython when using the
_default_ configuration but could potentially introduce a regression of
functionalities if you are using a custom prompt.

We know assume if you haven't changed the default keybindings that the prompt
**will not change** during the duration of your input – which is for example
not true when using vi insert mode that switches between `[ins]` and `[nor]`
for the current mode.

If you are experiencing any issue let us know.

Code autoformatting

The IPython terminal can now auto format your code just before entering a new
line or executing a command. To do so use the
``--TerminalInteractiveShell.autoformatter`` option and set it to ``'black'``;
if black is installed IPython will use black to format your code when possible.

IPython cannot always properly format your code; in particular it will
auto formatting with *black* will only work if:

   - Your code does not contains magics or special python syntax.

   - There is no code after your cursor.

The Black API is also still in motion; so this may not work with all versions of

It should be possible to register custom formatter, though the API is till in

Arbitrary Mimetypes Handing in Terminal (Aka inline images in terminal)

When using IPython terminal it is now possible to register function to handle
arbitrary mimetypes. While rendering non-text based representation was possible in
many jupyter frontend; it was not possible in terminal IPython, as usually
terminal are limited to displaying text. As many terminal these days provide
escape sequences to display non-text; bringing this loved feature to IPython CLI
made a lot of sens. This functionality will not only allow inline images; but
allow opening of external program; for example ``mplayer`` to \ 
"display" sound

So far only the hooks necessary for this are in place, but no default mime
renderers added; so inline images will only be available via extensions. We will
progressively enable these features by default in the next few releases, and
contribution is welcomed.

We welcome any feedback on the API. See :ref:`shell_mimerenderer` for more

This is originally based on work form in :ghpull:`10610` from @stephanh42
started over two years ago, and still a lot need to be done.


 - Completions can define their own ordering :ghpull:`11855`
 - Enable Plotting in the same cell than the one that import matplotlib
 - Allow to store and restore multiple variables at once :ghpull:`11930`

You can see `all pull-requests \ 
<>`_ \ 
for this release.

API Changes

Change of API and exposed objects automatically detected using `frappuccino \ 
<>`_ (still in beta):

The following items are new in IPython 7.10::

    + IPython.terminal.shortcuts.reformat_text_before_cursor(buffer, document, shell)
    + IPython.terminal.interactiveshell.PTK3
    + IPython.terminal.interactiveshell.black_reformat_handler(text_before_cursor)
    + IPython.terminal.prompts.RichPromptDisplayHook.write_format_data(self, \ 
format_dict, md_dict='None')

The following items have been removed in 7.10::

    - IPython.lib.pretty.DICT_IS_ORDERED

The following signatures differ between versions::

    - IPython.extensions.storemagic.restore_aliases(ip)
    + IPython.extensions.storemagic.restore_aliases(ip, alias='None')

Special Thanks

 - @stephanh42 who started the work on inline images in terminal 2 years ago
 - @augustogoulart who spent a lot of time triaging issues and responding to
 - @con-f-use who is my (@Carreau) first sponsor on GitHub, as a reminder if you
   like IPython, Jupyter and many other library of the SciPy stack you can
   donate to non profit
   2019-10-27 00:51:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.9.0

IPython 7.9 is a small release with a couple of improvement and bug fixes.
 - Xterm terminal title should be restored on exit
 - special variables ``_``,``__``, ``___`` are not set anymore when cache size
   is 0 or less.
 - Autoreload should have regained some speed by using a new heuristic logic to
   find all objects needing reload. This should avoid large objects traversal
   like pandas dataframes.
 - Get ready for Python 4.
 - `%env` Magic nonw has euristic to hide potentially sensitive values
   2019-09-02 09:55:53 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-ipython: updated to 7.8.0

IPython 7.8.0 contain a few bugfix and 2 new APIs:
- Enable changing the font color for LaTeX rendering
- and Re-Expose some PDB API

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