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CVS Commit History:

   2013-02-12 22:07:22 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (24)
Log message:
Changes 1.53.0:
New Libraries:
C++11-style atomic<>, from Helge Bahmann, maintained by Tim Blechmann.
Coroutine library, from Oliver Kowalke.
Lockfree data structures, from Tim Blechmann.
Extended precision arithmetic types for floating point, integer and rational \ 
arithmetic from John Maddock and Christopher Kormanyos.
Solving ordinary differential equations, from Karsten Ahnert and Mario Mulansky.

This release contains a fix for ticket 7743, in Boost.Locale. For more details, \ 
see the security notice.

More info
   2013-02-05 19:49:06 by Matthias Drochner | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
add patch from upstream to fix insuficcient validation of UTF-8 strings
which is considered a security problem
bump PKGREV for the affected header, didn't check yet where this
header is compiled into
(boost-1.53 is out, just added the patch for a possible pullup)
   2013-01-20 10:19:38 by Martin Husemann | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Adjust PLIST to new sparc support headers
   2012-11-07 22:04:11 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (10)
Log message:
Changes 1.52.0:
   2012-10-31 12:19:55 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (1460)
Log message:
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.
   2012-08-31 14:20:56 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Fix hash_value() issue in boost-1.51.0
   2012-08-27 10:49:10 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (13)
Log message:
Changes 1.51.0:
New Libraries
* Context: Context switching library, from Oliver Kowalke.
Updated Libraries
* Algorithm:
- Fixed is_sorted_until ; now matches the c++11 standard behavior on ranges with
  duplicate values.
- Added range support for the rest of the search algorithms.
- unhex now uses Boost.Exception to signal bad input.
* Asio:
- Fixed an incompatibility between ip::tcp::iostream and C++11.
- Decorated GCC attribute names with underscores to prevent interaction with
  user-defined macros.
- Added missing #include <cctype>, needed for some versions of MinGW.
- Changed to use gcc's atomic builtins on ARM CPUs, when available.
- Changed strand destruction to be a no-op, to allow strand objects to be
  destroyed after their associated io_service has been destroyed.
- Added support for some newer versions of glibc which provide the
  epoll_create1() function but always fail with ENOSYS.
- Changed the SSL implementation to throw an exception if SSL engine
  initialisation fails.
- Fixed another regression in buffered_write_stream.
- Implemented various minor performance improvements, primarily targeted at
  Linux x86 and x86-64 platforms.
* Config:
- Deprecated a whole bunch of macros that were c++11 specific, but not named to
  show that they were c++11 specific. Made new macros with better names, and
  paired the old macros with the new ones. Updated the documentation to list
  the deprecated macros.
   2012-07-02 09:02:26 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (16)
Log message:
Changes 1.50:0
New Libraries
* Algorithm: A collection of useful generic algorithms, from Marshall Clow.
  This includes several different searching algorithms, as well as most of the
  new algorithms from the C++11 standard library
* Functional/OverloadedFunction: Overload different functions into a single
  function object, from Lorenzo Caminiti.
* LocalFunction: Program functions locally, within other functions, directly
  within the scope where they are needed, from Lorenzo Caminiti.
* Utility/IdentityType: Wrap types within round parenthesis so they can always
  be passed as macro parameters, from Lorenzo Caminiti.
   2012-02-29 15:22:24 by Hans Rosenfeld | Files touched by this commit (16)
Log message:
Update boost to 1.49.0

New Libraries
* Heap: Priority queue data structures, from Tim Blechmann.

   2012-02-16 19:24:13 by Hans Rosenfeld | Files touched by this commit (7)
Log message:
Upstream build fix for

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