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CVS Commit History:

   2013-05-31 14:42:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2880)
Log message:
Bump all packages for perl-5.18, that
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package

Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
   2013-03-15 22:55:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 6.2.8:

Version 6.2.8 - February 28 2013

New facilities:
o htags: Added support of Python's built-in web server.
  Required python 2.4 or later.

  Please try this: (CGI and AJAX work completely)
        $ htags --suggest2
        $ cd HTML
        $ python -m CGIHTTPServer               # Python 2.X(2.4-)
        ($ python3 -m http.server --cgi         # Python 3.X)
        Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

        (in another terminal)
        $ firefox http://localhost:8000/

o gtags.conf: Added a new record for Drupal(Content management platform).

o global: New --path-style=<format> option.
  <format> may be relative, absolute, shorter, abslib and through.
        shorter: use shorter one among relative and absolute paths.
        abslib: use absolute path only in library projects.
        through: raw path name as is in GPATH.

        The --path-style option is given more priority than the -a options.

o htags: End of support of customization of HTML tag using gtags.conf.
  Please use CSS(cascading style sheets) instead.
  - The --html option of htags(1) was removed.
  - The tag definitions in gtags.conf were removed.
   2012-12-16 16:53:37 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 6.2.6:

Version 6.2.6 - December 11 2012

New facilities:
ctags-5.8.patch: Patch against ctags-5.8. This adds new option --gtags and new
  function makeSimpleReferenceTag() to ctags. These are for making reference tags
  for GLOBAL, and enable you to write a single parser for both GLOBAL and ctags
  at once. Added support for ctags --gtags option.

gtags.vim: Renamed custom variable 'Dont_Jump_Automatically' to 'Gtags_No_Auto_Jump'.
  Now 'Dont_Jump_Automatically' is deprecated.
global: The performance of literal search (-g --literal) has been improved.
  A pattern string which consists of alphanumeric characters and/or blank characters
  is treated as a literal string automatically. Try 'global -gx --literal string'.
   2012-12-09 00:51:04 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to 6.2.5:

Version 6.2.5 - November 16 2012

New facilities:
gtags.el: Now supports XEmacs again.
gtags.vim: New custom variable Dont_Jump_Automatically.

gtags: Now the following error does not occur.
  'input buffer overflow, can't enlarge buffer because scanner uses REJECT'
gtags.el: 'gtags-parse-file' didn't expand the file name (tilde character => \ 
  Now it works.
   2012-10-31 12:19:55 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (1460)
Log message:
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.
   2012-10-12 15:31:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to 6.2.4, using Matt Danielson's update to 6.2 from PR 45925.

Version 6.2.4 - May 30 2012

Gtags with the -f option brings segmentation fault. Now it works.
This bug exists only in GLOBAL-6.2.3.

Version 6.2.3 - May 26 2012

o Built-in parser: When attribute specifier appeared immediately after the
  `struct', `union' or `enum' keyword, GLOBAL could not pick up tag name.
  Now it works correctly.

New facilities:
o gtags: --single-update option support addition of a file.
o global: New --single-update option.
o gtags.el: New custom variables:
  - gtags-ignore-case
  - gtags-auto-update.
o gtags.vim: New custom variables 'Gtags_Auto_Update' (default 0).

Version 6.2.2 - March 15 2012

o configure: The --disable-gtagscscope option didn't avoid building gtags-cscope
  completely. So, ./configure failed when there is no curses library.
  Now it avoids building gtags-cscope completely.
o htags: Imported a patch to fix htags on Windows Vista+ (tmpfile wants to create
  its file in the root directory, which is not writable by normal users).

Version 6.2.1 - February 24 2012

New facilities:
o gtags: New --accept-dotfiles option.
o configure: New --disable-gtagscscope option.
o gtags.el: Key mapping was changed to follow "Key binding \ 
conventions" of Emacs Lisp.
  - The prefix character "\C-c" for suggested key mapping became \ 
    If you want to invoke 'gtags-find-tag by "\C-xt", please write \ 
your .emacs file
    like follows:

        (setq gtags-suggested-key-mapping t)
        (setq gtags-prefix-key "\C-x")

o gtags.el: Key mapping was changed to follow "Key binding \ 
conventions" of Emacs Lisp.
  - Policy of key mapping was changed.
  [Old] If 'gtags-suggested-key-mapping' is false, any key mapping is not done.
  [New] If 'gtags-suggested-key-mapping' is false, almost key mapping is not done.
        But "\C-m" and "\C-t" in 'Gtags select mode' are \ 
always enabled.

global: The -L option with '-' didn't work. Now it works.
Built-in parser:
- Pick up symbols in expression in enumerator-list as "reference or other \ 
- C/C++ parser couldn't handle typedef of the form of 'typedef enum tag_name \ 
  correctly. Now, it works.

Version 6.2 - January 21 2012

New facilities:
o gtags.el: Added support for TRAMP. Now gtags.el works almost transparently \ 
with TRAMP.
  Please send a bug report to the bug mailing list.
o gtags-cscope: Enables an environment variable EDITOR allow options.
o gtags-cscope: New -i option.
o gtags-cscope.vim: New custom variable GtagsCscope_Kepp_Alive.
o globash: Added long name options:
  use, show, first, last, next, prev:   --vi, --less, --emacs, --vim, --gozilla, \ 
  mark: --list, --edit
  cookie: --list, --edit, --menu, --warp
o gtags: Add keywords introduced in ISO/IEC 9899:2011.
  _Alignas _Alignof _Atomic _Generic _Noreturn _Static_assert _Thread_local

o less-global: Quoting is required for the pattern which should be interpreted \ 
by the shell.

The icase_path config variable didn't affect the -c command with the -P option \ 
of global.
Now it works.

Version 6.1 - October 7 2011

New facility:
o Server side GLOBAL
  You can use some shell scripts instead of global, gtags and htags.
  By this facility, you need not install GLOBAL in your client machine.

  Client machine       Network         Server machine
  +--------------+                    +---------------+
  |gtags-client  |-------- SSH ------>|    gtags      |-->GTAGS,GRTAGS,GPATH
  |              |                    |               |     |
  |global-client |<------- SSH ------>|    global     |<----+
  |              |                    |               |
  | vi, emacs    |<------- NFS ------>| project files |
  +--------------+                    +---------------+

  Please read script/README for the details.

Version 6.0 - September 7 2011

New facilities:
o Now GLOBAL allows path names which include blanks.
o Now GLOBAL refuses looping symbolic links.
o global: the -c command accepts -T option.
o global: the -c command locates symbols in the directories in GTAGSLIBPATH.
o global: New --match-part option.
o global: New environment variable GTAGSTHROUGH. If this variable is set,
  the -T option is specified.
o global: New output format 'ctags-mod'. It is used in gtags.vim.
o global: New environment variable GTAGSBLANKENCODE.
o htags: Changed the cflow loader to accept "_' and HTML special chars \ 
o gtags.vim: Now allows the use of the -s and -r option at the same time.
o gtags.vim: Now custom variables: 'Gtags_Auto_Map' (default 0).
o gtags.el: New custom variable 'gtags-grep-all-text-files'.
o gtags-cscope: New -a option.
o gtags-cscope.vim: New custom variables: 'GtagsCscope_Use_Old_Key_Map',
  'GtagsCscope_Ignore_Case', 'GtagsCscope_Absolute_Path'.

o gtags.el: Now each gtags-find-xxx command follows 'case-fold-search' variable.
o gtags.el: Mouse key mappings for xemacs is not done any longer.
o gtags.el: Changed the prefix character of the commands from 'ESC' to 'Ctrl-c'
  to avoid the collisions with the default key mapping. If you want to use the old
  key mapping, please write the followings in your '.emacs' file.

	(setq gtags-suggested-key-mapping t)
	(setq gtags-use-old-key-map t)

o gtags.el: New policy of key mapping:
  - If 'gtags-suggested-key-mapping' is false, any key mapping is not done.
  - If 'gtags-disable-pushy-mouse-mapping' is true, any mouse mapping is not done.
o gtags-cscope.vim: The default value of the 'GtagsCscope_Auto_Map' and
  'GtagsCscope_Auto_Load' was changed to 0. Additionally, the default key mapping
  was changed to the one derived from 'cscope_maps.vim' that was made
  by the cscope team.
  If you hope older environment, please write the followings to your '.vimrc' file.

        let GtagsCscope_Auto_Load = 1
        let GtagsCscope_Auto_Map = 1
        let GtagsCscope_Use_Old_Key_Map = 1

o gtags.vim: Changed the -P sub-command not to accept NULL input.
  Please input '/' instead.
o gtags-cscope: Title changed.
  Find this C symbol: -> Find this symbol
  Find functions calling this function: -> Find locations calling this function:
o gtags.conf: The lines which start with a '#' on the continuation lines is \ 
  to be a comment line.

#       :langmap=C#\:.cs:\

  considered as:|      :langmap=C\:.c:#        :langmap=C#\:.cs:        \ 
  considered as:|      :langmap=C\:.c:        :langmap=Java\|

o gtags.el: gtags-mode-hook and gtags-select-mode-hook were not the last thing run
  when entering the mode. It has been fixed.

Version 5.9.7 - July 1 2011

New facilities:
o global: the -c command accepts new -P and -r option.
o gozilla: Now support firefox.
o globash: Added two commands: d and rs.

o globash: The -l option in each search command was removed.
o gtags.el: Removed the default mouse key mapping in gtags-mode and \ 
  If gtags-suggested-key-mapping is true, the old mouse key mapping is available.

        |(setq gtags-suggested-key-mapping t)

You can use the following facilities by setting GTAGSTESTING environment variable.
Please try:
        $ export GTAGSTESTING=  (in sh)
        % setenv GTAGSTESTING   (in csh)

o gtags: Now gtags detects looping symbolic link.(testing stage)
o gtags: Now treat blanks in a path correctly.(testing stage)

If you find a bug, please send a bug report to Thank you.

Version 5.9.6 - June 7 2011

global: New option --literal.
htags: New --fixed-guide option.

htags: didn't make FILEMAP file which is referred by Doxgen.
       version 5.9.4 and 5.9.5 didn't this file.
gtags-cscope: 'Find this text string:' didn't work correctly in some cases.
gtags-cscope/Makefile: setting of gtags_cscope_DEPENDENCIES was wrong.

Version 5.9.5 - May 16 2011

o gtags-cscope: re-implemented using cscope's code.
  Now, it is almost compatible with cscope itself.

o Config variable 'suffixes' was completely removed.
  Instead, config variable 'langmap' was actualized.

Removed GPATH,GTAGS,GRTAGS,GSYMS and html/ from the skip variable
in gtags.conf file.
From now on, gtags unconditionally ignore the tag files.
Though 'html/' was added for Windows, it brought troubles for UNIX.

o The processing of the --ncol option was missing.

Version 5.9.4 - March 8 2011

o gtags.el: New custom variables: 'gtags-disable-pushy-mouse-mapping'
  and 'gtags-suggested-key-mapping'.
o gtags.el: Command gtags-parse-file was rewritten.
o gtags.vim: New custom variable Gtags_Use_Tags_Format.

o htags: Ceases making ID database arbitrarily when the -g option is specified.
o htags: The --no-map-file option was removed. Instead, new --map-file option
  was added. Htags doesn't make the mapping files (FILEMAP, MAP) any longer.
o htags: The -c (--compact) option was deleted from the option list of the
  --suggest2 option.

o htags: A certain kind of files which does not end with newline bring
  segmentation fault.
   2012-10-03 23:59:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2798)
Log message:
Bump all packages that use perl, or depend on a p5-* package, or
are called p5-*.

I hope that's all of them.
   2011-01-19 05:24:15 by Masao Uebayashi | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update GNU GLOBAL from 5.4 to 5.9.3.

Big changes:

- Allows the symbolic links which point to directories, and treats
  the names of struct, union, enum and enum member as definitions.

- Uses GPLv3 and LGPLv3 license. (5.6)

- Becomes GNU BOKINware. (5.5)


Bunch of incompatible format changes.  DON'T FORGET TO RE-GENERATE TAGS!
   2009-06-14 19:49:18 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (454)
Log message:
Remove @dirrm entries from PLISTs
   2009-06-13 08:46:48 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (67)
Log message:
Ran pkglint --autofix on the devel/ category. Most of the changes are
simple white-space issues like indentation and trailing spaces. The
others are cross-references for Makefile.common.

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