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CVS Commit History:

   2018-03-08 17:32:08 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
net/rabbitmq: Update to 3.7.4.

- Bug fixes
- Usability improvements

Full release notes:
   2018-02-02 17:20:21 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.7.3.

- Bug fixes
- Usability improvements

Full release notes:
   2018-01-03 14:16:59 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.7.2.

- Bug fix in the HTTP auth backend

- Bug fixes

- Minimum required Erlang version is now 19.3
- Automation-friendly cluster formation
- Distributed management plugin, including minor breaking HTTP API changes.
- Simpler, ini-style configuration format
- Per-vhost limits
- Operator policies
- Topic-based authorisation
- Cross-protocol Shovel (currently supports AMQP 0.9.1 and AMQP 1.0)
- Command-line tools are extensible via plugins
- Message store multi-tenancy
- Proxy protocol support
- Web STOMP no longer supports WebSocket emulation
- Java and .NET client releases no longer track RabbitMQ server releases
- .NET client now supports .NET Core.
- Management plugin extensions now must target Cowboy 2.0
- Java client for RabbitMQ HTTP API
   2017-11-07 16:48:06 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.6.14

rabbitmq 3.6.14

Debian and RPM packages
- systemd service unit no longer has trailing comments that could lead
  nodes into restart loops on some systems.

Management Plugin
- Expandable sections on node metrics page failed to expand.

rabbitmq 3.6.13

Core Server
- Memory usage monitor uses subprocesses a lot more sparingly.
- Very busy queues are now more efficient at prioritizing consumers
- Queue master strategies now take additional queue HA arguments into
- Logging to standard output using RABBITMQ_LOGS=- wasn't possible on
- Queue master locator name now can be specified as Erlang strings.
- Direct Erlang client connections could fail with obscure messages
  when target node was still booting.
- supervisor2 now can be used in environments that perform hot code
- systemd service file now white lists exit code 69.
- Example systemd service file now includes service restart settings.
- Queue master locator strategy now can be configured using strings.
- Plugin activation avoids logs things that can be confusing.

Management Plugin
- Minor efficiency improvements around stats collection.
- jQuery upgraded to 1.12.4.
- UI improvements.
- It is now possible to configure an HTTP API path prefix for the
- Queue details page no longer truncates node name.
- Policy name in queue and exchange info is now a link.
- DELETE /api/connections/{name} is now more defensive.
   2017-09-13 11:36:56 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.6.12.

Core Server
- Process responsible for running the autoheal partition handling
  strategy could run into a deadlock with its peers, preventing autoheal
  from completing.
- Garbage collection of mirrored queue metrics on nodes that did not
  host a master or mirror for a queue affected delivery and
  acknowledgement rates. This could result in rates being 0 or negative
  when they should not be.
- Stats emission could prevent queue mirrors from performing garbage
  collection and consume memory even when they were empty.
  can be set via rabbitmq-env.conf.

Shovel Management Plugin
- Passwords in source and destination URIs are now redacted out.

Federation Management Plugin
- Passwords in upstream URIs are now redacted out.
   2017-08-18 11:29:27 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.6.11.

- Erlang 20 compatibility
- Bug fixes
- Usability improvements

For full notes see release page:
   2017-05-29 15:16:11 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Updated net/rabbitmq to 3.6.10

Bug Fixes
- rabbitmqctl wait exited with the status code of 0 when node stopped
  because it could not contact any cluster peers to [re-]join.
- rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node used in offline mode could result in
  promotion of a node that's no longer a cluster member.
- Queue master locator could not be set using optional queue arguments
- CLI tool (e.g. rabbitmqctl) man pages were not rendered correctly.

- Disk space monitor will periodically retry (every 2 minutes by
  default, up to 10 times) before going into disabled state as
  external tools used to monitor available disk space can fail or
  produce unexpected output temporarily.
- Memory relative free disk space limits now support integer values as
  well as floats.

Management and Management Agent Plugins
- TLS-related settings in HTTP API listeners could break JSON
  serialisation for the GET /api/overview endpoint.
- Non-numerical values for numerical stats are now handled safety by
  stats aggregation.
- Stats are no longer emitted for connections that are not considered
  to be in the fully initialised state.
- POST requests now instruct clients to close TCP connections.
- In some popular browsers (Chrome, Internet Explorer) a POST request
  followed by an immediate GET request would result in a 400 response.
  Other browsers do no exhibit this behaviour.
- I/O average time per operation graph didn't match legend.
- Sample retention policies are now validated more strictly to avoid
  configurations that are not supported and will lead to exceptions.
- Certain stats for connections were not initialised as numerical
  values, which resulted in log noise.
- UI operation for binding deletion did not respect optional (extra)
  binding arguments.
- Current virtual host is pre-selected on the "Add/update policy"

MQTT Plugin
- A non-initialized connection (e.g. one that failed early because
  client-provided payload wasn't a valid MQTT payload) produced a
  crash report log entry during termination.

LDAP Plugin
- Stale connection purging in LDAP connection pool could fail with a

Trust Store Plugin
- Certificate change detection algorithm no longer uses stat(2) on
  certificate directory because of its limitations that could lead to
  undetected changes in certain scenarios.

Web STOMP Plugin
- The plugin failed to start after being stopped and re-enabled.
- Server-initiated consumer cancellation failed with an exception.

Management Visualiser Plugin
- The plugin wasn't compatible with recent 3.6.x releases.
   2017-03-30 17:19:04 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.6.9.

Management and Management Agent Plugins
- Security Vulnerability Patches
  - CVE-2017-4965: XSS vulnerabilities in management UI
  - CVE-2017-4966: authentication details are stored in browser-local
    storage without expiration
  - CVE-2017-4967: XSS vulnerabilities in management UI
- Bug Fixes
  - Certain TCP and TLS listener configuration settings could break
    JSON serialisation of GET /api/overview responses.

Federation Plugin
- More numerical types are now handled for the "hops" property.

.NET Client
- Calling ExchangeBind more than once with the same arguments threw an
   2017-03-20 15:34:36 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.6.8.

- Erlang/OTP R16B03 and 17.x compatibility restored
- Minor bug fixes

- Distributed management plugin, including minor breaking HTTP API changes.
- Bug fixes
- Usability improvements
   2016-12-02 12:00:39 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Update net/rabbitmq to 3.6.6.

- Security vulnerability fix
- Bug fixes

See full release notes:

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