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CVS Commit History:

   2011-09-17 14:56:17 by Matthias Scheler | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Only make "readlink" a run-time dependence if we are actually building
the embedded server which is the only binary that requires the library.

No revision bump as there is no changed to the default binary package.
   2011-09-17 13:33:35 by Matthias Scheler | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Change "readline" to a run-time dependence as it is used by at least
"bin/mysql_embedded". This fixes the build in pkgsrc developer mode.

Bump package revision because the dependence changed.
   2011-09-16 09:13:48 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Changes 5.5.16:
* The default thread-handling model in MySQL Server executes statements using
  one thread per client connection.
* Commercial distributions of MySQL now include two plugins that enable MySQL
  Server to use external authentication methods to authenticate MySQL users
* Important Change: Replication: The RESET SLAVE statement has been extended
  with an ALL keyword.
* A new utility, mysql_plugin, enables MySQL administrators to manage which
  plugins a MySQL server loads.
* Bugs fixed.
   2011-07-28 10:10:29 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Changes 5.5.15:
* The undocumented --all option for perror is deprecated and will be removed in
  MySQL 5.6.
Bugs Fixed:
* InnoDB Storage Engine: A failed CREATE INDEX operation for an InnoDB table
  could result in some memory being allocated and not freed. This memory leak
  could affect tables created with the ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC and
* Partitioning: Auto-increment columns of partitioned tables were checked even
  when they were not being written to. In debug builds, this could lead to a
  crash of the server.
* Partitioning: The UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function was not treated as a monotonic
  function for purposes of partition pruning.
* Replication: If a LOAD DATA INFILE statement—replicated using statement-based
  replication—featured a SET clause, the name-value pairs were regenerated
  using a method (Item::print()) intended primarily for generating output for
  statements such as EXPLAIN EXTENDED, and which cannot be relied on to return
  valid SQL. This could in certain cases lead to a crash on the slave.
* To fix this problem, we now name each value in its original, user-supplied
  form, and use that to create LOAD DATA INFILE statements for statement-based
* Previously, an inappropriate error message was produced if a multiple-table
  update for an InnoDB table with a clustered primary key would update a table
  through multiple aliases, and perform an update that may physically move the
  row in at least one of these aliases. Now the error message is: Primary
  key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as
  'tbl_name1' and 'tbl_name2'
* ALTER TABLE {MODIFY|CHANGE} ... FIRST did nothing except rename columns if
  the old and new versions of the table had exactly the same structure with
  respect to column data types. As a result, the mapping of column name to
  column data was incorrect. The same thing happened for ALTER TABLE DROP
  COLUMN, ADD COLUMN statements intended to produce a new version of table with
  exactly the same structure as the old version.
* Incorrect handling of metadata locking for FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK for
  statements requiring prelocking caused two problems:
* Execution of any data-changing statement that required prelocking (that is,
  involved a stored function or trigger) as part of transaction slowed down
  somewhat all subsequent statements in the transaction. Performance in a
  transaction that periodically involved such statements gradually degraded
  over time.
   2011-07-08 11:32:07 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (9)
Log message:
Changes 5.5.14:
* CMake configuration support on Linux now provides a boolean ENABLE_GCOV
  option to control whether to include support for gcov.
* InnoDB now permits concurrent reads while creating a secondary index.
* Client programs now display more information for SSL errors to aid in
  diagnosis and debugging of connection problems.
* In the audit plugin interface, the event_class member was removed from the
  mysql_event_general structure and the calling sequence for the notification
  function changed. Originally, the second argument was a pointer to the event
  structure. The function now receives this information as two arguments: an
  event class number and a pointer to the event. Corresponding to these
  changes, MYSQL_AUDIT_INTERFACE_VERSION was increased to 0x0300.
* The plugin_audit.h header file, and the NULL_AUDIT example plugin in the
  plugin/audit_null directory have been modified per these changes. See
  Section, “Writing Audit Plugins”.
* Bug fixes.
   2011-06-15 23:00:06 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Changes 5.5.13:
* InnoDB Storage Engine: If the server crashed while an XA transaction was
  prepared but not yet committed, the transaction could remain in the system
  after restart, and cause a subsequent shutdown to hang.
* InnoDB Storage Engine: Similar problem to the foreign key error in bug
  11831040 / 60196 / 60909, but with a different root cause and occurring on
  Mac OS X. With the setting lower_case_table_names=2, inserts into InnoDB
  tables covered by foreign key constraints could fail after a server restart.
* Partitioning: The internal get_partition_set() function did not take into
  account the possibility that a key specification could be NULL in some cases.
* Partitioning: When executing a row-ordered retrieval index merge, the
  partitioning handler used memory from from that allocated for the table,
  rather than that allocated to the query, causing table object memory not to
  be freed until the table was closed.
* Replication: A spurious error malformed binlog: it does not contain any
  Format_description_log_event... was generated when mysqlbinlog was invoked
  using --base64-output=decode-row and --start-position=pos, where pos is a
  point in the binary log past the format description log event. However, there
  is nothing unsafe about not printing the format description log event, so the
  error has been removed for this case.
* Replication: Typographical errors appeared in the text of several replication  \ 
error messages. (The word “position” was misspelled as \ 
* Assignments to NEW.var_name within triggers, where var_name had a BLOB or
  TEXT type, were not properly handled and produced incorrect results.
* XA COMMIT could fail to clean up the error state if it discovered that the
  current XA transaction had to be rolled back. Consequently, the next XA
  transaction could raise an assertion when it checked for proper cleanup of
  the previous transaction.
* An internal client macro reference was removed from the client_plugin.h
  header file. This reference made the file unusable.
* The server consumed memory for repeated invocation of some stored procedures,
  which was not released until the connection terminated.
* The server did not check for certain invalid out of order sequences of XA
  statements, and these sequences raised an assertion.
* With the conversion from GNU autotools to CMake for configuring MySQL, the
  USE_SYMDIR preprocessor symbol was omitted. This caused failure of symbolic
  links (described at Section, “Using Symbolic Links”).
   2011-05-07 06:03:08 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Changes 5.5.12:
* Fixed bugs: Illegal mix of collations
* Problem: comparison of a DATETIME sp variable and NOW() led to Illegal mix of
  collations error when character_set_connection=utf8.
* Error happened in Arg_comparator::set_compare_func(), because the first
  argument was errouneously converted to utf8, while the second argument was
* Fix: separate agg_arg_charsets_for_comparison() into two functions:
  - agg_arg_charsets_for_comparison() - for pure comparison, when we don't need
    to return any string result and therefore don't need to convert arguments
    to @@character_set_connection:
          SELECT a = b;
  - agg_arg_charsets_for_string_results_with_comparison() - when we need to
    return a string result, but we also need to do comparison internally:
          SELECT REPLACE(a,b,c)
    If all arguments are numbers:
          SELECT REPLACE(123,2,3) -> 133
    we convert arguments to @@character_set_connection.
   2011-05-06 18:21:16 by David Brownlee | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Fix build on (at least RHEL 5.6). Tested (and no change) on NetBSD 5.99.51
   2011-04-27 10:49:01 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
   2011-04-25 23:12:15 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (7) | Imported package
Log message:
MySQL is a SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. SQL is the most
popular database language in the world. MySQL is a client-server implementation
that consists of a server daemon `mysqld' and many different client

The main goals of MySQL are speed and robustness.

The base upon which MySQL is built is a set of routines that have been used in
a highly demanding production environment for many years.  While MySQL is still
in development it already offers a rich and highly useful function set.

The official way to pronounce 'MySQL' is 'My Ess Que Ell' (Not MY-SEQUEL).

This package contains the MySQL server programs and libraries including
embedded server (by PKG_OPTION).

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