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History of commit frequency

CVS Commit History:

   2008-06-20 03:09:45 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (993)
Log message:
Add DESTDIR support.
   2007-03-03 09:06:25 by Masao Uebayashi | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Install gtags.conf as CONF_FILES.
   2007-03-03 06:06:47 by Masao Uebayashi | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Take maintainership.
   2007-03-03 06:03:27 by Masao Uebayashi | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update global from 5.2 to 5.4.

Version 5.4 - January 29 2007, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* Further compression of tag file (format version 5).
  Though new global can read older tag file since version-5.0, older
  global cannot read new format. It might say like follows:
	"GTAGS seems new format. Please install the latest GLOBAL."

* global: Improved performance when the -x option is not specified.
* globash.rc: Added new option -l for tag search command (x,r,s,g,P,I,f).
  This option invokes less(1) directly without tag stack.
* Verbose messages are unified.
  P option      file not found
		<n> files located
  others        object not found
		path format: <n> files located
		other format:<n> objects located

* Gtags(1) and global(1) didn't work well in the system root directory('/').

Version 5.3 - November 20 2006, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* global: Changed not to locate other symbols (-s) in GTAGSLIBPATH.
  This is the original specification of GLOBAL.
* global: Stop sorting when the -I(--idutils) option specified.
  The output of gid(idutils) is sorted by the suitable way. Though the order is
  slightly differ from global(1), it need not be sorted again.

* global:  Added new option -O(--only-other).
* htags: Added some new options and new arguments which are synonyms of config \ 
  This decreases dependence on configration file.

  new option              | config variable
  --disable-grep          | disable_grep
  --table-list            | table_list
  --tabs=<n>              | tabs
  --full-path             | full_path

  new argument            | config variable
  --line-number [columns] | ncol
  --func-header [position]| definition_header
  --xhtml [version]       | xhtml_version

	position: before, right, *after
	version: *1.0, 1.1

* htags: Changed to use each 'CVS/Repository' file to generate URLs if it is \ 
* htags: Added '.gitignore' to the default skip file list.

* gtags.el:
  - Shorten path names in [GTAGS SELECT MODE]:
    If project directory is specified using 'gtags-visit-rootdir', gtags.el \ 
print path
    using the relative path name from the project directory, else print absolute \ 
path name.
  - Support dynamic completing-read of tag name.
    gtags-make-complete-list is deprecated. You can enjoy tag name completetion \ 
    invoking this command.

* gtags: gtags had exited when it encountered dead symbolic link.
   2007-02-22 20:01:28 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (134) | Package updated
Log message:
pkglint cleanup; update HOMEPAGE/MASTER_SITES.
   2006-11-14 15:14:52 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Update devel/global to 5.2.  Based on patch provided by Ryo HAYASAKA in PR 34570
and by Murray Armfield in PR 34636.

Version 5.2 - August 8 2006, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* htags: Added new options:
  - -h(--func-header) option.
  - -I(--icon) option.
  - -T(table-flist[=fields]) option.
  Suggested options:
        $ htags -vsanohIT
* htags: Changed the default color of braces from blue to red to make them stand out.
* htags: Always enable 'Grep pattern' form when the -f(--form) option specified.
  Removed config variable 'enable_grep' since it became meaningless. Instead, added
  a new variable 'disable_grep'.
* htags: Removed config variable 'enable_grep' since it is meaningless.
  Instead, added a new variable 'disable_grep'.
* htags: Added more profitable tips in file browser.
  - File        size of bytes
  - Directory   number of files in the directory.

Version 5.1 - June 10 2006, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* Changed the priority about the --result option to make the format
  specification easy. The --result option is given to priority more
  than the -t and -x option. (This option appeared in version 5.0.)

* Added new program 'gtags-cscope'.
  Gtags-cscope is a pseudo cscope which implements the line-oriented
  interface. You can use this command for various clients instead of
  true cscope.
* Added new format 'cscope' to the argument of --result=<format>.

Version 5.0 - April 21 2006, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* Moved to new tag format. (GTAGS, GRTAGS, GSYMS, GPATH)
  The purpose is as follows:
  o Allows path name including blanks, at least in tag files.
    (GLOBAL still doesn't support path name which contains blanks.)
  o Decrease disk space used.
  o Make tag format simpler.
  o Realize stable performance.

  Hereafter, older tag format is not supported.
  Compact format was progressively canceled with the adoption of
  the new tag format. The -c(--compact) option of gtags(1) was removed.

  The following error messages are displayed in a wrong combination:
  - older global and new tag file
    $ global -x main
    GTAGS seems new format. Please install the latest GLOBAL.
  - new global and older tag file
    $ global -x main
    GTAGS seems older format. Please remake tag files.

  Known problem:
  - older global and new tag file
    Global(1) with the -g or -P command will always work as if invoked
    with the -o option. There is no way to avoid this problem.

New requirement:
* Added new requirement of plug-in parser
  Plug-in parser must process arguments in the order they are given
  in the command line. In each file, any order is acceptable.
  Exuberant Ctags with the -xu option meets this requirement.
  (See for the detail.)

Removed options:
* gtags(1): The -c(--compact) option was removed.
  Compact format was progressively canceled with the adoption of the new
  tag format.
* gtags(1): The -o(--omit-gsyms) option was removed.
  This option was necessary in the past to use the program in a incompetent
  machine with a small hard disk. Since most recent machines has powerful
  CPU and mass hard disk. This options might already be unnecessary.
* htags(1): The --style-sheet option was removed.
  This is a really halfway option, and now nobody might need it because
  the --xhtml option became available.

New options:
* global: Added --result=<format> option. Grep format is newly supported.

  <format>: path,ctags,ctags-x,grep

  conventional option | newly added option
  (none)              | --result=path
  -t                  | --result=ctags
  -x                  | --result=ctags-x
                      | --result=grep

  The -t and -x option are given to priority more than the --result

Version 4.8.7 - September 30 2005, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

New options:
* gtags: New --file file-list option added.
  Gtags(1) accept a file list specified by --file option.

        % find . -type f -print >/tmp/list
        % gtags --file=/tmp/list
        % find . -type f -print | gtags --file=-

* gtags: New --max-args option added.

Improvement of efficiency:
* Gtags was improved of performance by changing algorithm of
  incremental updating. Along with it, the verbose message was
  greatly changed.
* Gtags was improved of performance by decreasing the frequency
  of the parser invoking.
  Under the influence of it, the verbose message is not necessarily
  real-time. If you dislike this behavior, use the --max-args
  option of gtags. You can control the frequency of the invoking
  with the option. With --max-args=1, the program does the same
  behavior as older version.
* Htags was improved of performance by decreasing the frequency
  of the parser invoking.
* Htags was improved of performance by omiting flushing temporary
  files to the disk.

Fixed bugs:
* Htags didn't treat here document of PHP source code correctly.
* Htags didn't treat HTML part of PHP source code correctly.

Other facilities:
* Added 'Htags Hyper-text Reference Kit'.
  The hyper-text generated by htags(1) is available from external
  programs. This kit helps you to convert the path of the source
  file into the URL in the hyper-text.

* doc/global.txi: Added the usage of Doxygen using GLOBAL.

Version 4.8.6 - May 12 2005, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* htags: Changed the value of id attribute and name attribute of
  line number anchor from line number itself to 'L' + line number
  like this.
        <a name='100'> => <a name='L100'>
  It is because XHTML prohibit the id attribute which starts
  with a digit. If you refer these anchors from outer system,
  please rewrite it.

* htags: New option --insert-header and --insert-footer added.

Version 4.8.5 - April 19 2005, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* htags: XHTML support(--xhtml) added.
  If the --frame option is specified then generate XHTML-1.0 Frameset,
  else if config variable 'xhtml_version' is set to 1.1 then generate
  XHTML-1.1 else XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
  You can customize the appearance using style sheet file 'style.css'.
* htags: Added config variable 'xhtml_version'.
* htags: Added 'html/' to the fault skip list of htags(1).
  It is the output directory of doxygen document.
* gtags-parser: Added yacc directives introduced in bison-2.0.

Version 4.8.4 - March 4 2005, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

Fixed bugs:
* gtags-parser: C and C++ parser was broken.
* gnusort: Compile error in Solaris environment.

Version 4.8.3 - February 26 2005, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* DOS and Windows 32 support ended.
  But it doesn't mean the deletion of the code for DOS and Windows 32.
  We leave the support to outside projects and accept the code
  from them as is. Therefore, anything has not changed substantially
  up to now.
* Command gctags(1) was renamed to gtags-parser(1) because some systems
  have another 'gctags' which is not GLOBAL's.
* About gtags-parser(1), language type of source file is decided
  only by the suffix. In older version, *.h file was considered
  to be C++ source file if it includes token 'class'. But the new version
  considers it always C source file. If you want to consider it C++
  then you must redefine new config variable 'langmap'.

Fixed bugs:
* htags: The --gtagsconf and --gtagslabel option didn't work correctly.
* htags: Buffer overflow occurred in dupindex.c:makedupindex().
* htags: Could not ignore path name which includes blank correctly.
New features:
* gtags,htags: New config variable 'langmap' added.
  This variable is used for customizing the mapping of languages and the
  parsers, and it includes the function of obsoleted 'suffixes' variable.
  If you use 'suffixes' then it is effective else GLOBAL internally
  generates the value of 'suffixes' from the 'langmap'.
  The reason to continue 'suffixes' is that it is needed for plug-in parser.
  If you don't use plug-in parser then you should use 'langmap' instead.
* htags: New config variable 'copy_files' added.
  If the -f option is used then htags makes links of tag files in 'cgi-bin'
  directory by default. With this variable, htags copy tag files instead of

Version 4.8.2 - November 11 2004, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* Postgres support ended.
* (perl version of htags) was removed completely.
* Config variable sed_command and sort_command were removed.
  The sed(1) and sort(1) are not necessary any longer.

Fixed bugs:
* Wrong output of 'global -Po' was fixed.

New features:
* gctags(assembly language):
  - In addition to `call', `jsr' is recognized as call instruction.
    Although various call instructions exist like `bl' or `calls',
    only `call' and `jsr' are used widely.
  - Macros like ENTRY or EXT are taken up as reference,
    when definitions exist in somewhere else.
  - Warning is displayed when a comment is not closed.
  - C_SYMBOL_NAME and C_ENTRY are recognized as a macro
    which shows the start of a function.
  - The string which is not closed finishes at the end of line.
    This behavior is the same as GNU C preprocessor.
  - The check of correspondence of "#if" and "#endif" was \ 
    This did not exist in version 4.8.
* New directory '.snprj/' was added to the DEFAULTSKIP list.
  This is the tag directory of Source-Navigator.

Version 4.8.1 - October 6 2004, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

Fixed bugs:
* htags: The -d option of htags didn't work.
* htags: didn't recognize continued line and null directive(#).

New features:
* htags: make suffix list of include file configurable.
  (See man htags(1). config variables: include_file_suffixes)
* htags: try TMP if TMPDIR doesn't exist.(only DJGPP)
* htags: Warn about unknown preprocessing directive. As the exception,
  when unknown preprocessing directive appeared in assembly source,
  it will be recognized as the start of a shell comment.
* htags: Add all yacc directives understood by bison-1.875.
   2006-03-30 05:44:44 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (120)
Log message:
* List the info files directly in the PLIST.
   2006-03-04 22:31:14 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (2257)
Log message:
Point MAINTAINER to in the case where no
developer is officially maintaining the package.

The rationale for changing this from "tech-pkg" to \ 
"pkgsrc-users" is
that it implies that any user can try to maintain the package (by
submitting patches to the mailing list).  Since the folks most likely
to care about the package are the folks that want to use it or are
already using it, this would leverage the energy of users who aren't
   2005-07-16 21:10:41 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (65)
Log message:
Remove some unnecessarily strong dependencies on perl that resulted
from including perl5/  These packages just need the Perl
interpreter, and can just add "perl" to USE_TOOLS instead.
   2005-04-11 23:48:17 by Todd Vierling | Files touched by this commit (3539)
Log message:
Remove USE_BUILDLINK3 and NO_BUILDLINK; these are no longer used.

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