Log message:
Changes 1.6.3:
New Features
- Added some initial support for making purify (or similar memory
checking products) happier by initializing buffers to zero and
disabling the internal free list code. To take advantage of this,
define 'H5_USING_PURIFY' in your CFLAGS when building the library.
- WINDOWS building,testing and installing improvements
- On Windows, FORTRAN,C++ and C projects are merged into one zip file,
users can choose an option to build either FORTRAN or C++ or both
with basic C library.For detailed information,
please read INSTALL_Windows.txt.
- On Windows, szip compression library with or without encoder can be easily
turned off or on when building HDF5. For detailed information,
please read INSTALL_Windows.txt, especially section V.
- On Windows, an optional procedure for building,testing and installing
HDF5 from command line is provided. This procedure is supposed to be
convenient for experienced users, please read
INSTALL_windows_From_Command_Line.txt for details.
- On Windows, an alternative short instruction document for building,
testing and installing HDF5 is provided. This instruction is supposed to
be convenient for general users, please read
INSTALL_Windows_Short.txt for details.
- On Windows, h5repack,h5diff,h5ls and h5import tool tests have been added.
- Modified the way how HDF5 calculates 'pixels_per_scanline' parameter for
SZIP compression. Now there is no restriction on the size and shape of the
chunk except that the total number of elements in the chunk cannot be
bigger than 'pixels_per_block' parameter provided by the user.
- HDF5 can now link to SZIP with or without szip's encoder.
The new API function H5Zget_filter_info can be used to check
szip's status. Attempting to assign szip to a dataset property
list or attempting to write with szip will generate an error if
szip's encoder is disabled. JL/NF - 2004/6/30
- SZIP always uses K13 compression. This flag no longer needs to
be set when calling H5Pset_szip. If the flag for CHIP
compression is set, it will be ignored (since the two are mutually
exclusive). JL/NF - 2004/6/30
- A new API function H5Fget_name was added. It returns the name
of the file by object(file, group, data set, named data type,
attribute) ID. SLU - 2004/06/29
- A new API function H5Fget_filesize was added. It returns the
actual file size of the opened file. SLU - 2004/06/24
- Added option that if $HDF5_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK is set to 2,
will suppress all library version mismatch warning messages.
- h5repack was added to the tools suite. h5repack regenerates an HDF5 file
from another HDF5 file, optionally applying HDF5 filters (compression)
and/or chunking to the copied file. The filters options are read from
the command line. See /doc/html/Tools.html for more details.
PVN - 2004/9/13
- h5dump includes new features:
1) Printing of dataset filters, storage layout and fill value information.
2) Print a list of the file contents.
3) Escape non printing characters.
4) Print the content of the boot block.
5) Print array indices with the data (the default).