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CVS Commit History:

   2008-11-06 22:56:44 by Soren Jacobsen | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 2.0.8.  Changes from 2.0.7 are minor bugfixes.  See bundled
ChangeLog for details.
   2008-02-21 22:56:29 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
+ Rename the "ncursesw" option to "wide-curses".  This \ 
should be supported
  under NetBSD-current without actually needing ncursesw.

Bump the PKGREVISION to 1.
   2007-12-23 11:00:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Mark as GPLv3 (commented out).
   2007-12-22 16:12:24 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (5) | Package updated
Log message:
Update nano to 2.0.7.
Patches for NetBSD curses no longer need.

2007/12/20 - GNU nano 2.0.7 keeps its balance.  This release fixes
                several bugs, among others: a segfault and several
                cursor positioning problems when uncutting text or
                inserting files into the current buffer; a problem where
                the total number of characters would be miscalculated
                when replacing single-byte characters with multibyte
                ones; several minor issues with the statusbar prompt
                involving text display and mouse support; and several
                oddities when tab-completing in the middle of a line.
                It also improves autodetection of DOS and Mac format
                files, properly supports the mouse wheel when using a
                version of ncurses built with the --enable-ext-mouse
                option, fixes some problems under NetBSD curses, adds a
                lot of translation updates, and adds more minor
                documentation updates.  Slang curses emulation support
                has also been changed to turn off all the options that
                --enable-tiny does, as it's hopelessly broken otherwise.
                Finally, nano is now licensed under the GNU GPL version
                3 or later, and its documentation is now dual-licensed
                under the GNU GPL version 3 or later and the GNU FDL
                version 1.2 or later.  Have fun.
   2007-12-18 12:21:06 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
This package is DESTDIR ready.
   2007-12-05 01:54:56 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Let not to refresh aggressively.
   2007-11-03 12:51:11 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Remove needless USE_NCURSES=yes definition.
   2007-10-26 18:44:38 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Fixes cursor update problem in prompt windows with NetBSD's curses,
reported in PR 37208.

   2007-10-24 17:28:38 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Update nano to 2.0.6.
Based on patch provided by Jason White in PR 37133.
 * Added patch to work with NetBSD's curses.
 * Added ncuesesw option.
 * IRIX now require glib2, not glib.

The 2.0 release of GNU nano is a major leap forward in usability and
features, building on the 1.3 branch. The following improvemens and features
are available in version 2.0 include:

    * UTF-8 support.
    * Improved color syntax highlighting.
    * Copy text without cutting..
    * Verbatim input mode.
    * Repeat last seach w/o confirmation (Meta-W)
    * Spell check/replace selected text only
    * Indent marked text
    * Move to beginning/end of paragraph
    * Search within the file browser
    * Mixed file format auto-conversion
   2007-10-14 15:30:46 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update nano to 1.2.5, latest 1.2 release.
Based on patch provided by Jason White in PR 32859.

GNU nano 1.2.5 - 2005.05.15
- files.c:
  open_prevfile(), open_nextfile()
        - Translate the "New Buffer" string when displaying "Switched
          to" messages on the statusbar. (DLR)
        - Fix snprintf() call so that we don't segfault when trying to
          complete a filename containing %'s. (Ulf H<E4>rnhammar)
- global.c:
        - Move the "Cancel" shortcut up so that it's just after the \ 
          Help" shortcut, for consistency with the other shortcut lists.
- nano.c:
        - Move the REVERSE_SEARCH flag toggling into the NANO_SMALL
          #ifdef, since the tiny version of nano doesn't support reverse
          searching.  Also, turn the USE_REGEXP flag off during spell
          checking in order to avoid a potential segfault. (DLR)
        - Fix problem where quoted justify wouldn't work if HAVE_REGEX_H
          wasn't set. (David Benbennick)
        - Interpret the escape sequences Esc O F and Esc O H as End and
          Home, respectively, as nanogetstr() does.  Also, don't
          interpret Esc O z as a "NumLock glitch" value. (DLR)
        - Call setlocale() outside the ENABLE_NLS #ifdef, since UTF-8
          support won't work properly if the locale isn't set, whether
          NLS is enabled or not. (Junichi Uekawa)
- winio.c:
        - New function used in place of blocking wgetch() calls.  If we
          get ERR when using blocking input, it means that the input
          source that we were using is gone.  In this case, call
          handle_hupterm(), so that nano dies gracefully instead of
          going into an infinite loop. (DLR, found by Jim Uhl)
        - For consistency, tweak so that scrolling always occurs when we
          try to move onto the "$" at the end of the line, as opposed to
          (a) when we move onto the "$" at the end of the line on the
          first page and (b) when we move onto the character just before
          the "$" on subsequent pages. (DLR)

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