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CVS Commit History:

   2002-05-12 17:02:00 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to 0.54. Changes:

* New ``--terse-summary'' option to tmda-pending which can be used as
  an alternative to ``--summary''.  See ``tmda-pending -h'' for more.

  which define filenames to which the sender address will be appended
  when a message is deleted or released by tmda-pending.  This can be
  used for example to update your white/blacklist from tmda-pending.

* In addition to ~/.tmdarc, ~/.tmda/config is now a valid location for
  your TMDA configuration file.

* Performance improvements.

* Bugfixes.
   2002-04-23 21:26:34 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 0.52:

* Fix a bug in tmda-pending that would result in delivered messages
  being skipped during batch/delete (-bd) runs.
   2002-04-07 08:56:35 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to 0.51. From the changelog:

* Messages in the pending directory are no longer deleted after they
  are confirmed (or released) and delivered.  Now they are simply
  noted in the DELIVERED_CACHE file.

* BOUNCE_TEXT_ALREADY_CONFIRMED has been deprecated.

* The confirm_accept.txt template has been modified.  The message body
  of the notification is no longer hardcoded, but rather stored in
  %(confirm_accept_text)s, which comes from one of the following
  tmdarc variables depending on context:


* Custom templates are now referred to by a template directory rather
  than individually.  Any templates found in this directory will be
  used, otherwise the default templates will be used.  You can specify
  a custom template directory in one of two ways:

  A TEMPLATE_DIR setting in your tmdarc.  This replaces use of

  tmda-filter's -t option, which replaces both -A and -R.

* The 'unquoted' and 'parens' options to MESSAGE_FROM_STYLE have been
  deprecated.  'angles' now double-quotes the fullname only when

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