2020-09-03 09:29:54 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (194) |
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after default Go version was changed to 1.15.1
2020-08-22 12:21:14 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update gh (github cli) to 0.11.1.
NOTE: This is also an example how you replace a non-working version of a
module dependency with a working one, see the patch to go.mod.
* Enable custom color themes with the GLAMOUR_STYLE environment variable #
* Fix printing network error in case for failed HTTP requests #1382
* Fix creating gists from stdin with argument #1383
* Correctly report HTTP and Markdown errors in repo view #1403
* Automatically adapt Markdown rendering for light terminal backgrounds #1402
* Enable adding to GO_LDFLAGS without having to replace them all #1379
* gh pr command scriptability improvements #1373
* gh repo command scriptability improvements #1388
* Misc. scriptability improvements #1387
* Add support for ?shell? aliases #1191
* Add --milestone and --mention filters to gh issue list #644
* Add --web flag to gh issue/pr list #1282
* Add gh api --silent flag to avoid printing HTTP response #1283
* Print issue/PR title in confirmation messages from gh issue close/reopen
and gh pr close/reopen #1337
* Scriptability improvements for gh issue list/view/create commands #1343
* gh pr checkout now prevents flag injection to git checkout via maliciously
crafted head branch name #1365
* gh pr checkout OWNER:BRANCH now avoids clashes with the default branch of a
repository #1365
* gh pr merge now gracefully handles when the merged branch is auto-deleted
on the server per repository settings #1279
* Avoid crash in gh issue close/reopen when issue number is invalid #1328
* Support hosts.yml existing while config.yml does not #1304
* Raise more informative filesystem path error after failing to read or
create the config file #1295
* Avoid warning about missing read:org OAuth scope if the authenticating
token has admin:org #1359
* Improve support for legacy issue and pull request template names #1366
* Document supported environment variables #1370
* Remove the -R, --repo flag mention from commands where it's not applicable
* Add VS Code example to gh config set documentation #1301
2020-08-14 22:01:40 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (194) |  |
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go114 update
2020-07-17 20:04:33 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (196) |  |
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go114 update.
2020-07-08 18:16:06 by Leonardo Taccari | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
gh: Update to 0.10.1
gh api --paginate
The api command now offers functionality to recursively fetch next
pages of results until all results have been fetched.
- Fix pr create not respecting template when editor was skipped #1243
- Fix pr checkout OWNER:BRANCH invocation setting up upstream configuration in
case maintainers are allowed to modify the pull request branch #1252
- Fix pr status not working in detached HEAD state #1155
- Do not output ANSI colour escape sequences from issue/pr/repo view if standard
output is redirected elsewhere #1187
- Improve error reporting and exit status for mistyped command names #1221
- Improve error reporting when someone might have forgotten to quote values with
spaces #1147
- Documentation improvements #1179 #1204
- Added description text to Debian/RPM packages #1211
2020-06-18 20:30:41 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message:
Add a package for gh-0.10.0. From wip.
gh is GitHub on the command line, and it's now available in beta.
It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the
terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code.