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CVS Commit History:

   2025-02-12 07:45:45 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (850)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/flac-1.5.0
   2024-12-12 08:26:30 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
audio/librespot: use clang as TOOL_DEPENDS

It's only needed at build time and not at runtime.
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-10-30 22:22:22 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
audio/librespot: update to 0.6.0

This version takes another step into the direction of the HTTP API, fixes a \ 
couple of bugs, and makes it easier for developers to mock a certain platform.
Also it adds the option to choose avahi, dnssd or libmdns as your zeroconf \ 
backend for Spotify Connect discovery.

    [core] The access_token for http requests is now acquired by login5
    [core] MSRV is now 1.75 (breaking)
    [discovery] librespot can now be compiled with multiple MDNS/DNS-SD backends \ 
(avahi, dns_sd, libmdns) which can be selected using a CLI flag. The defaults \ 
are unchanged (breaking).

    [core] Add get_token_with_client_id() to get a token for a specific client ID
    [core] Add login (mobile) and auth_token retrieval via login5
    [core] Add OS and os_version to
    [discovery] Added a new MDNS/DNS-SD backend which connects to Avahi via D-Bus.

    [connect] Fixes initial volume showing zero despite playing in full volume \ 
    [core] Fix "source slice length (16) does not match destination slice \ 
length (20)" panic on some tracks
   2024-10-20 15:20:55 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
audio/librespot: attempt to fix broken build
   2024-10-19 17:32:44 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
audio/librespot: fix broken build
   2024-10-16 12:05:03 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
audio/librespot: update to 0.5.0

This version is be a major departure from the architecture up until now. It \ 
focuses on implementing the "new Spotify API". This means moving large \ 
parts of the Spotify protocol from Mercury to HTTP. A lot of this was reverse \ 
engineered before by @devgianlu of librespot-java. It was long overdue that we \ 
started implementing it too, not in the least because new features like the \ 
hopefully upcoming Spotify HiFi depend on it.

Splitting up the work on the new Spotify API, v0.5.0 brings HTTP-based file \ 
downloads and metadata access. Implementing the "dealer" (replacing \ 
the current Mercury-based SPIRC message bus with WebSockets, also required for \ 
social plays) is a large and separate effort, slated for some later release.

While at it, we are taking the liberty to do some major refactoring to make \ 
librespot more robust. Consequently not only the Spotify API changed but large \ 
parts of the librespot API too. For downstream maintainers, we realise that it \ 
can be a lot to move from the current codebase to this one, but believe us it \ 
will be well worth it.

All these changes are likely to introduce new bugs as well as some regressions. \ 
We appreciate all your testing and contributions to the repository: \
    [all] Assertions were changed into Result or removed (breaking)
    [all] Purge use of unwrap, expect and return Result (breaking)
    [all] chrono replaced with time (breaking)
    [all] time updated (CVE-2020-26235)
    [all] Improve lock contention and performance (breaking)
    [all] Use a single player instance. Eliminates occasional player and audio \ 
backend restarts, which can cause issues with some playback configurations.
    [all] Updated and removed unused dependencies
    [audio] Files are now downloaded over the HTTPS CDN (breaking)
    [audio] Improve file opening and seeking performance (breaking)
    [core] MSRV is now 1.74 (breaking)
    [connect] DeviceType moved out of connect into core (breaking)
    [connect] Update and expose all spirc context fields (breaking)
    [connect] Add Clone, Default traits to spirc contexts
    [connect] Autoplay contexts are now retrieved with the spclient (breaking)
    [contrib] Updated Docker image
    [core] Message listeners are registered before authenticating. As a result \ 
there now is a separate Session::new and subsequent session.connect. (breaking)
    [core] ConnectConfig moved out of core into connect (breaking)
    [core] client_id for get_token moved to SessionConfig (breaking)
    [core] Mercury code has been refactored for better legibility (breaking)
    [core] Cache resolved access points during runtime (breaking)
    [core] FileId is moved out of SpotifyId. For now it will be re-exported.
    [core] Report actual platform data on login
    [core] Support Session authentication with a Spotify access token
    [core] Credentials.username is now an Option (breaking)
    [core] Session::connect tries multiple access points, retrying each one.
    [core] Each access point connection now timeout after 3 seconds.
    [core] Listen on both IPV4 and IPV6 on non-windows hosts
    [main] autoplay {on|off}now acts as an override. If unspecified, librespot \ 
now follows the setting in the Connect client that controls it. (breaking)
    [metadata] Most metadata is now retrieved with the spclient (breaking)
    [metadata] Playlists are moved to the playlist4_external protobuf (breaking)
    [metadata] Handle playlists that are sent with microsecond-based timestamps
    [playback] The audio decoder has been switched from lewton to Symphonia. \ 
This improves the Vorbis sound quality, adds support for MP3 as well as for FLAC \ 
in the future. (breaking)
    [playback] Improve reporting of actual playback cursor
    [playback] The passthrough decoder is now feature-gated (breaking)
    [playback] rodio: call play and pause
    [protocol] protobufs have been updated

    [all] Check that array indexes are within bounds (panic safety)
    [all] Wrap errors in librespot Error type (breaking)
    [audio] Make audio fetch parameters tunable
    [connect] Add option on which zeroconf will bind. Defaults to all \ 
interfaces. Ignored by DNS-SD.
    [connect] Add session events
    [connect] Add repeat, set_position_ms and set_volume to
    [contrib] Add
    [core] Send metrics with metadata queries: client ID, country & product
    [core] Verify Spotify server certificates (prevents man-in-the-middle attacks)
    [core] User attributes are stored in Session upon login, accessible with a \ 
getter and setter, and automatically updated as changes are pushed by the \ 
Spotify infrastructure (breaking)
    [core] HTTPS is now supported, including for proxies (breaking)
    [core] Resolve spclient and dealer access points (breaking)
    [core] Get and cache tokens through new token provider (breaking)
    [core] spclient is the API for HTTP-based calls to the Spotify servers. It \ 
supports a lot of functionality, including audio previews and image downloads \ 
even if librespot doesn't use that for playback itself.
    [core] Support downloading of lyrics
    [core] Support parsing SpotifyId for local files
    [core] Support parsing SpotifyId for named playlists
    [core] Add checks and handling for stale server connections.
    [core] Fix potential deadlock waiting for audio decryption keys.
    [discovery] Add option to show playback device as a group
    [main] Add all player events to
    [main] Add an event worker thread that runs async to the main thread(s) but \ 
sync to itself to prevent potential data races for event consumers
    [metadata] All metadata fields in the protobufs are now exposed (breaking)
    [oauth] Standalone module to obtain Spotify access token using OAuth \ 
authorization code flow.
    [playback] Explicit tracks are skipped if the controlling Connect client has \ 
disabled such content. Applications that use librespot as a library without \ 
Connect should use the 'filter-explicit-content' user attribute in the session.
    [playback] Add metadata support via a TrackChanged event
    [connect] Add activate and load functions to Spirc, allowing control over \ 
local connect sessions
    [metadata] Add Lyrics
    [discovery] Add discovery initialisation retries if within the 1st min of uptime

    [connect] Set PlayStatus to the correct value when Player is loading to \ 
avoid blanking out the controls when self.play_status is LoadingPlay or \ 
LoadingPause in
    [connect] Handle attempts to play local files better by basically ignoring \ 
attempts to load them in handle_remote_update in
    [connect] Loading previous or next tracks, or looping back on repeat, will \ 
only start playback when we were already playing
    [connect, playback] Clean up and de-noise events and event firing
    [core] Fixed frequent disconnections for some users
    [core] More strict Spotify ID parsing
    [discovery] Update active user field upon connection
    [playback] Handle invalid track start positions by just starting the track \ 
from the beginning
    [playback] Handle disappearing and invalid devices better
    [playback] Handle seek, pause, and play commands while loading
    [playback] Handle disabled normalisation correctly when using fixed volume
    [playback] Do not stop sink in gapless mode
    [metadata] Fix missing colon when converting named spotify IDs to URIs
   2024-04-06 10:07:18 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1490)
Log message:
* recursive bump for libxkbcommon 1.7.0

Marc Baudoin reported problems with using old binary packages
with the new libkxbcommon, so force everything to 1.7.0

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