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CVS Commit History:

   2023-12-15 06:34:21 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.43

3.0.43: 2023-12-13

- Fix regression on Pypy: Don't use `ctypes.pythonapi` to restore SIGINT if not
   2023-12-12 17:45:55 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.42

3.0.42: 2023-12-12

- Fix line wrapping in `patch_stdout` on Windows.
- Make `formatted_text.split_lines()` accept an iterable instead of lists only.
- Disable the IPython workaround (from 3.0.41) for IPython >= 8.18.
- Restore signal.SIGINT handler between prompts.
   2023-11-14 18:38:44 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.41

3.0.41: 2023-11-14

- Fix regression regarding IPython input hook (%gui) integration.

3.0.40: 2023-11-10

- Improved Python 3.12 support (fixes event loop `DeprecationWarning`).

New features:
- Vi key bindings: `control-t` and `control-d` for indent/unindent in insert
- Insert partial suggestion when `control+right` is pressed, similar to Fish.
- Use sphinx-nefertiti theme for the docs.
   2023-07-05 14:04:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.39

3.0.39: 2023-07-04

- Fix `RuntimeError` when `__breakpointhook__` is called from another thread.
- Fix memory leak in filters usage.
- Ensure that key bindings are handled in the right context (when using

New features:
- Accept `in_thread` keyword in `prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.prompt()`.
- Support the `NO_COLOR` environment variable.
   2023-03-01 12:28:34 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.38

3.0.38: 2023-02-28

- Fix regression in filters. (Use of `WeakValueDictionary` caused filters to
  not be cached).

New features:
- Use 24-bit true color now by default on Windows 10/11.
   2023-02-23 09:32:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.37

3.0.37: 2023-02-21

Bug fixes:
- Fix `currentThread()` deprecation warning.
- Fix memory leak in filters.
- Make VERSION tuple numeric.

New features:
- Add `.run()` method in `TelnetServer`. (To be used instead of

Breaking changes:
- Subclasses of `Filter` have to call `super()` in their `__init__`.
- Drop support for Python 3.6:
  * This includes code cleanup for Python 3.6 compatibility.
  * Use `get_running_loop()` instead of `get_event_loop()`.
  * Use `` instead of `asyncio.run_until_complete()`.
   2022-12-07 10:42:08 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.36

3.0.36: 2022-12-06
- Another Python 3.6 fix for a bug that was introduced in 3.0.34.

3.0.35: 2022-12-06
- Fix bug introduced in 3.0.34 for Python 3.6. Use asynccontextmanager
  implementation from prompt_toolkit itself.

3.0.34: 2022-12-06
- Improve completion performance in various places.
- Improve renderer performance.
- Handle `KeyboardInterrupt` when the stacktrace of an unhandled error is
- Use correct event loop in `Application.create_background_task()`.
- Fix `show_cursor` attribute in `ScrollablePane`.
   2022-11-21 18:35:39 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.33

3.0.33: 2022-11-21

- Improve termination of `Application`. Don't suppress `CancelledError`. This
  fixes a race condition when an `Application` gets cancelled while we're
  waiting for the background tasks to complete.
- Fixed typehint for `OneStyleAndTextTuple`.
- Small bugfix in `CombinedRegistry`. Fixed missing `@property`.
   2022-11-09 10:25:26 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.32

3.0.32: 2022-11-03
Bug fixes:
- Use `DummyInput` by default in `create_input()` if `sys.stdin` does not have
  a valid file descriptor. This fixes errors when `sys.stdin` is patched in
  certain situations.
- Fix control-c key binding for `ProgressBar` when the progress bar was not
  created from the main thread. The current code would try to kill the main
  thread when control-c was pressed.

New features:
- Accept a `cancel_callback` in `ProgressBar` to specify the cancellation
  behavior for when `control-c` is pressed.
- Small performance improvement in the renderer.
   2022-09-02 16:44:55 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-prompt_toolkit: updated to 3.0.31

3.0.31: 2022-09-02
New features:
- Pass through `name` property in `TextArea` widget to `Buffer`.
- Added a `enable_cpr` parameter to `Vt100_Output`, `TelnetServer` and
  `PromptToolkitSSHServer`, to completely disable CPR support instead of
  automatically detecting it.

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