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CVS Commit History:

   2017-09-16 21:53:51 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (13)
Log message:
Drop maintainership.
   2017-09-10 17:25:14 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Update devel/lua-penlight to version 1.5.4.

Commits between 1.5.2 and 1.5.4:

* change compat.execute to behave similarly on Lua 5.1 and Lua > 5.1.
* Issue #246: bad/misleading code in examples
* Issue #245 document 'optional'
* split the templating engine in a compile and render step
  backward compatible. Minor caveat is that it introduces
  2 local variables in the template, but chances of name collissions
  are very low.
  Additionally: reduced the string concatenation. Only one concat call
  is left.
* Merge pull request #249 from Tieske/feat/reuse-template
  split the templating engine in a compile and render step
* updated template module
  - added the newline option (for single line output)
  - merged test files: test-template and test-substitute
  - changed compile signature to take a table of options
  - improved error reporting: syntax errors report error + code
* Fix global success variable in lapp.
* Added more tests for seq.last
* Minor refactor of seq.last and fixes corner case of
  an empty source stream as outlined in issue #252.
* Added tests for List.put, remove, len, clear and contains.
* Added tests for List.split.
* Added tests for List.partition.
* Added missing tests for List.range, reduce and foreach.
* feat(template): handle special case of a constant string
  A common scenario is an 'option' for templates, where most
  of the use is without it. This change optimizes the render
  function in case of constant strings
* Fix error in 'pl.lapp.process_options_string'
  Fix error "attempt to concatenate a nil value (local 'vtype')" by
  checking making sure vtype is not nil.
* Merge pull request #250 from Tieske/feat/improve-template
  feat(template) newline option, better error reporting, cleanup
* Merge pull request #255 from doronbehar/patch-1
  Fix error in 'pl.lapp.process_options_string'
* bump version to 1.5.3
* Merge pull request #244 from bungle/master
  change compat.execute to behave similarly on Lua 5.1 and Lua > 5.1.
* Merge pull request #251 from IoriBranford/master
  Fix global success variable in lapp process_default.
* Merge pull request #254 from greatwolf/list_coverage
  List coverage
   2017-04-27 23:52:09 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Update devel/lua-penlight to 1.5.2.

Changes between 1.5.2 and 1.4.1:

    lapp: print left in code
    issue #228: bug in file matching for dir.getfiles
    issue #243 broken lapp default: little fix to c222e422274c
    testclone example assumed global lfs
    update changes and version number
    issue #226: can use either = or : to separate flag/value
    issue #241: little hack to handle no-trailing-comment case
    Merge pull request #193 from jvprat/class_tostring

    Setup __tostring on class creation instead of per instance.
    Merge pull request #240 from urzds/fix/lapp-convert-defaults

    lapp: Convert default values using the associated converter function
    Merge pull request #242 from tjachmann/workaround-for-pretty.load-error

    Workaround for error in pretty.load with a C hook

    pretty.load errors out, if a C hook function is installed (Lua 5.1). Reason: \ 
debug.gethook() returns a string as first return value in this case.  Then \ 
debug.sethook complains about the first argument being a string not a function.
    lapp: Convert default values using the associated converter function

    Also uses quite some hack to catch errors during conversion of default values.
     This prevents the application from quitting, if the value provided as default
     would be invalid in the current context, while the value provided on the
     command line is valid.

    Also handles -h and --help early, before parsing command line arguments
     Otherwise it would be impossible to show the help, if conversion of the
     default value of some argument fails.
    Merge pull request #239 from kulla/rename-arg-pattern

    dir.lua: Rename arg "pattern" to "shell_pattern"

    Fix a test to pass under LuaJIT with Lua 5.2 compat
    Merge pull request #237 from Tieske/fix/execute

    fix os.execute
    Merge branch 'master' of into \ 
    fix os.execute to return proper results when LuaJIT is being used with 52 \ 
compatibility enabled
    Tweak local declaration in pl.compat

    Avoid duplicated variable.
    Fix a typo in pl.seq docs [ci skip]
    Merge pull request #233 from greatwolf/seq_coverage

    Added more test coverage for pl.seq
    Added test for seq.printall.
    Minor refactor of existing test.
    Added missing test case for equal_to and random.
    Added tests for seq.random, minmax, enum and copy_tuples.
    seq coverage
    Merge pull request #231 from greatwolf/bugfix_refactor

    Redid PR #230 as a separate branch.
    Added more tests for seq.reduce.
    Fixed seq.reduce to handle empty case.
    Allow passing initial value when calling reduce through seq object.
    naming consistency.
    redundant checks.
    Update version number in docs
    Fix typos in pl.lapp docs
    Added tests for seq.take.
    Just use n as counter.
    Added tests for seq.skip.
    Fixed bug when skipping past list.
    More concise code.

    Initial value argument for `tablex.reduce` is going to be added in 1.5.0, \ 
not 1.3.2
    Merge pull request #213 from gpleiss/reduce-memo

    tablex.reduce can take an optional initial memo
    tablex.reduce can take an optional initial memo
    Add "in progress" changes [ci skip]
    Merge pull request #221 from mpeterv/fix-stringx-splitlines

    Fix stringx.splitlines
    Fix coverage reporting on travis

    Tests are now run from project root.
    pl.seq() constructor can take an iterator which returns a function _and_ an \ 
    issue #226 lapp respects ':' as well as '='
    Merge pull request #225 from kulla/dir-some-fixes

    Little fixes in dir.lua
    dir.lua: Replace tab with whitespace in docstring.

    The tab characters create a strange format in documentatio (cf.

    dir.lua: Remove file execution permission.

    Merge pull request #224 from kulla/utils-doctring-fix

    Fix usage example of string_lambda().
    utils.lua: Fix usage example of string_lambda().

    Update docs for template.substitute
    Merge pull request #222 from urzds/feature/template-customisable-filename

    pl.template: Support customising the chunk "filename" (default: TMP)
    pl.template: Support customising the chunk name (default: "TMP")

    This can be used to aid debugging, e.g. when the template resides in an actual
    Fix handling of __index returning false in pl.strict

    Ref #223.
    Add a test for tablex.count_map
    Merge pull request #214 from urzds/feat/customisable-inline-escape

    pl.template: Support customising the inline escape character (default… faster delimiter guessing

    Don't count occurrences of potential delims, just use string.find.
    Fix error in tablex.count_map

    Regression introduced in @6123f9e.
    Remove unused localizations, update dependency lists
    Don't use globals in '' tests
    Fix stringx.splitlines

    Make stringx.splitlines more compliant with its Python

    * Recognize "\r\n" as a single line end.
    * Return an empty list for an empty string.
    * Implement `keep_ends` argument.
   2016-11-20 11:37:50 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update devel/lua-penlight to version 1.4.1.

Prompted by

## 1.4.1

### Changes

  - All functions that return instances of `pl.List`, `pl.Map` and
    `pl.Set` now require corresponding modules, so that their methods
    always work right away.

### Fixes

  - Fixed `dir.getallfiles` returning an empty array when called
    without `pattern` argument.

## 1.4.0

### Changes

### Fixes

  - `pl.path` covers edge cases better (e.g 'path.normpath` was broken)
  - `p.dir` shell patterns fixed
  - `os.tmpname` broken on modern Windows/MSVC14
  - (likewise for `utils.executeex` which depends on it)
  - `pretty.write` more robust and does not lose floating-point precision;
    saves and restores debug hooks when loading.
  - `pl.lexer` fixes: `cpp` lexer now filters space by default
  - `tablex.sortv` no longer assumes that the values are all unique
  - `` is now consistent with Python; `stringx.rfind` and
  `string.quote_string` fixed.
  - `data.write` had a problem with default delimiter, properly
    returns error now.
  - `pl.Set` `+` and `-` now have correct semantics

### Features

  - `pl.tablex` has `union` and `merge` convenience functions
  - `pl.lapp` understands '--' meaning end of parsed arguments
  - `utils.quote_arg` quotes command arguments for `os.execute`,
    correctly handling all special characters.
  - `utils.writefile` has optional `is_bin` argument
  - 'pl.lexer' supports line numbers with string argument
  - `stringx.endswith` may be passed an array of possible suffixes.
  - `` - in CSV mode, assume empty fields are numerical zero
   2016-01-30 11:52:43 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add devel/lua-filesystem dependency.
   2015-11-04 18:41:21 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (78)
Log message:
Remove duplicate SHA512 digests that crept in.
   2015-11-03 04:29:40 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (1995)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for devel category

Issues found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these distinfo files.

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
   2015-10-27 22:32:03 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Switch to GITHUB_PROJECT and update HOMEPAGE. No version update.

Thanks to Greg Troxel for pointing out a dead HOMEPAGE link.
   2015-06-13 19:22:53 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update devel/lua-penlight to 1.3.2.

## 1.3.2

### Changes

  - now works and passes tests with Lua 5.3
  - utils.import will NOT override global symbols (import 'math' caused global \ 
type() to be clobbered)
  - Updated pl.dir.file_op to return true on success and false on failure...
  - workaround for issues with pl.lapp with amalg.lua - will look at global \ 
LAPP_SCRIPT if arg[0] is nil

### Fixes

  - func was broken: do NOT use ipairs to iterate if __index is overriden!
  - issue #133 (naively) confused by unbalanced brackets
  - xml attribute underscore fix for simple parser
  - Fix path.normpath
  - lexer: fix parsing block comments/string. fix hang on empty string.
  -  Fixed utils.execute returning different values for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2
  - Issue #97; fixed attempt to put a month into a day
  -  problem with tablex.count_map with custom comparison

### Features

  -  Add Python style url module for quote and unquote.
  -  stringx.quote_string, which scans for embedded long-string quote matches \ 
and escapes them by creating a long-string quote.
  -  issue #117: tablex.range now works with decreasing numbers, consistent with \ 
numerical for loop
  -  utils.import will NOT override global symbols (import 'math' caused global \ 
type() to be clobbered)
  - issue #125: DOCTYPE ignored in xml documents as well
  - Allow XML tostring() function to customize the default prefacing with \ 
  - More Robust Quoted Strings
  - lapp: improved detection of unsupported short flags

## 1.3.0

### Changes

  - class: RIP base method - not possible to implement correctly
  - lapp: short flags can now always be followed directly by their value, for \ 
  - Date: new explicit `Date.Interval` class; `toUTC/toLocal` return new object; \ 
always returns ISO 8601 times for exact serialization.  `+/-` explicit \ 
operators. Date objects
are explicitly flagged as being UTC or not.

### Fixes

  - class: super method fixed.
  - Date: DST is now accounted for properly.
  - Date: weekday calculation borked.

### Features

  - All tests pass with no-5.1-compatible Lua 5.2; now always uses `utils.load` and
`utils.unpack` is always available.
  - types: new module containing `utils.is_xxx` methods plus new `to_bool`.
  - class: can be passed methods in a table (see `test=klass.lua`). This is
particularly convenient for using from Moonscript.
  - general documentation improvements, e.g `class`

## 1.2.1

### Changes

  - utils.set(get)fenv always defined (_not_ set as globals for 5.2 anymore!).
    These are defined in new module pl.compat, but still available through utils.
  - class.Frodo now puts 'Frodo' in _current environment_

### Fixes

  - lapp.add_type was broken (Pete Kazmier)
  - class broke with classes that redefined __newindex
  - Set.isdisjoint was broken because of misspelling; default ctor Set() now \ 
works as expected
  - tablex.transform was broken; result now has same keys as original \ 
  - xml match not handling empty matches (royalbee)
  - pl.strict: assigning nil to global declares it, as God intended. (Pierre Chapuis)
  - tests all work with pl.strict
  - 5.2 compatible load now respects mode
  - tablex.difference thought that a value of `false` meant 'not present' \ 
(Andrew Starke)

### Features

  - tablex.sort(t) iterates over sorted keys, tablex.sortv(t) iterates over \ 
sorted values (Pete Kazmier)
  - tablex.readonly(t) creates a read-only proxy for a table (John Schember)
  - utils.is_empty(o) true if o==nil, o is an empty table, or o is an empty \ 
string (John Schember)
  - utils.executeex(cmd,bin) returns true if successful, return code, plus \ 
stdout and stderr output as strings. (tieske)
  - class method base for calling inherited methods (theypsilon)
  - class supports pre-constructor _create for making a custom self (used in pl.List)
  - xml HTML mode improvements - can parse non-trivial well-formed HTML documents.
    xml.parsehtml is a parse function, no longer a flag
  - if a LOM document has ordered attributes, use these when stringifying
  - xml.tostring has yet another extra parm to force prefacing with <?xml...>
  - lapp boolean flags may have `true` default
  - lapp slack mode where 'short' flags can be multi-char
  - test.asserteq etc take extra arg, which is extra level where error must be \ 
reported at
  - path.currentdir,chdir,rmdir,mkdir and dir as alias to lfs are exported; no \ 
dependencies on luafilesystem outside pl.path, making it easier to plug in \ 
different implementations.
   2014-10-20 00:27:48 by Alexander Nasonov | Files touched by this commit (59) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump after lang/lua51 update.

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