2025-01-29 22:39:39 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.55.8
4.55.8 (released 2025-01-29)
- [MetaTools] Fixed bug in buildUCD.py script whereby the first non-header line \
of some UCD text file was being skipped. This affected in particular the U+00B7 \
(MIDDLE DOT) entry of ScriptExtensions.txt
4.55.7 (released 2025-01-28)
- Shorten the changelog included in PyPI package description to accommodate \
maximum length limit imposed by Azure DevOps. No actual code changes since \
2025-01-25 12:17:53 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.55.6
4.55.6 (released 2025-01-24)
- [glyf] Fixed regression introduced in 4.55.5 when computing bounds of nested \
composite glyphs with transformed components
2025-01-24 09:58:20 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.55.5
4.55.5 (released 2025-01-23)
- [glyf] Fixed recalcBounds of transformed components with unrounded coordinates
- [feaLib] Allow duplicate script/language statements
4.55.4 (released 2025-01-21)
- [bezierTools] Fixed ``splitCubicAtT`` sometimes not returning identical \
start/end points as result of numerical precision
- [feaLib/ast] Fixed docstring of ``AlternateSubstStatement``
- [transform] Typing fixes
2024-12-11 09:34:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.55.3
4.55.3 (released 2024-12-10)
- [Docs] fill out ttLib table section
- [feaLib] More efficient inline format 4 lookups
4.55.2 (released 2024-12-05)
- [Docs] update Sphinx config
- [designspaceLib] Allow axisOrdering to be set to zero
- [feaLib] Don’t modify variable anchors in place
4.55.1 (released 2024-12-02)
- [ttGlyphSet] Support VARC CFF2 fonts
- [DecomposedTransform] Document and implement always skewY == 0
- [varLib] "Fix" cython iup issue?
- Cython minor refactor
2024-11-17 10:35:49 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.55.0.
4.55.0 (released 2024-11-14)
- [cffLib.specializer] Adjust stack use calculation (#3689)
- [varLib] Lets not add mac names if the rest of name doesn't have them (#3688)
- [ttLib.reorderGlyphs] Update CFF table charstrings and charset (#3682)
- [cffLib.specializer] Add cmdline to specialize a CFF2 font (#3675, #3679)
- [CFF2] Lift uint16 VariationStore.length limitation (#3674)
- [subset] consider variation selectors subsetting cmap14 (#3672)
- [varLib.interpolatable] Support CFF2 fonts (#3670)
- Set isfinal to true in XML parser for proper resource cleanup (#3669)
- [removeOverlaps] Fix CFF CharString width (#3659)
- [glyf] Add optimizeSize option (#3657)
- Python 3.13 support (#3656)
- [TupleVariation] Optimize for loading speed, not size (#3650, #3653)
2024-10-12 11:23:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.54.1.
4.54.1 (released 2024-09-24)
- [unicodedata] Update to Unicode 16
- [subset] Escape ``\\`` in doc string
4.54.0 (released 2024-09-23)
- [Docs] Small docs cleanups by @n8willis (#3611)
- [Docs] cleanup code blocks by @n8willis (#3627)
- [Docs] fix Sphinx builds by @n8willis (#3625)
- [merge] Minor fixes to documentation for merge by @drj11 (#3588)
- [subset] Small tweaks to pyftsubset documentation by @RoelN (#3633)
- [Tests] Do not require fonttools command to be available by @behdad (#3612)
- [Tests] subset_test: add failing test to reproduce issue #3616 by @anthrotype \
- [ttLib] NameRecordVisitor: include whole sequence of character variants' UI \
labels, not just the first by @anthrotype (#3617)
- [varLib.avar] Reconstruct mappings from binary by @behdad (#3598)
- [varLib.instancer] Fix visual artefacts with partial L2 instancing by @Hoolean \
- [varLib.interpolatable] Support discrete axes in .designspace by @behdad (#3599)
- [varLib.models] By default, assume OpenType-like normalized space by @behdad \
2024-08-10 08:58:01 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-fonttools: remove unused test dependenc
2024-07-07 16:40:41 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.53.1.
4.53.1 (released 2024-07-05)
- [feaLib] Improve the sharing of inline chained lookups (#3559)
- [otlLib] Correct the calculation of OS/2.usMaxContext with reversed chaining \
contextual single substitutions (#3569)
- [misc.visitor] Visitors search the inheritance chain of objects they are \
visiting (#3581)
2024-06-08 13:59:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.53.0.
4.53.0 (released 2024-05-31)
- [ttLib.removeOverlaps] Support CFF table to aid in downconverting CFF2 fonts \
- [avar] Fix crash when accessing not-yet-existing attribute (#3550)
- [docs] Add buildMathTable to otlLib.builder documentation (#3540)
- [feaLib] Allow UTF-8 with BOM when reading features (#3495)
- [SVGPathPen] Revert rounding coordinates to two decimal places by default (#3543)
- [varLib.instancer] Refix output filename decision-making (#3545, #3544, #3548)
4.52.4 (released 2024-05-27)
- [varLib.cff] Restore and deprecate convertCFFtoCFF2 that was removed in 4.52.0
release as it is used by downstream projects (#3535).
4.52.3 (released 2024-05-27)
- Fixed a small syntax error in the reStructuredText-formatted NEWS.rst file
which caused the upload to PyPI to fail for 4.52.2. No other code changes.
4.52.2 (released 2024-05-27)
- [varLib.interpolatable] Ensure that scipy/numpy output is JSON-serializable
(#3522, #3526).
- [housekeeping] Regenerate table lists, to fix pyinstaller packaging of the new
``VARC`` table (#3531, #3529).
- [cffLib] Make CFFToCFF2 and CFF2ToCFF more robust (#3521, #3525).
4.52.1 (released 2024-05-24)
- Fixed a small syntax error in the reStructuredText-formatted NEWS.rst file
which caused the upload to PyPI to fail for 4.52.0. No other code changes.
4.52.0 (released 2024-05-24)
- Added support for the new ``VARC`` (Variable Composite) table that is being
proposed to OpenType spec (#3395). For more info:
- [ttLib.__main__] Fixed decompiling all tables (90fed08).
- [feaLib] Don't reference the same lookup index multiple times within the same
feature record, it is only applied once anyway (#3520).
- [cffLib] Moved methods to desubroutinize, remove hints and unused subroutines
from subset module to cffLib (#3517).
- [varLib.instancer] Added support for partial-instancing CFF2 tables! Also, added
method to down-convert from CFF2 to CFF 1.0, and CLI entry points to convert
CFF<->CFF2 (#3506).
- [subset] Prune unused user name IDs even with --name-IDs='*' (#3410).
- [ttx] use GNU-style getopt to intermix options and positional arguments (#3509).
- [feaLib.variableScalar] Fixed ``value_at_location()`` method (#3491)
- [psCharStrings] Shorten output of ``encodeFloat`` (#3492).
- [bezierTools] Fix infinite-recursion in ``calcCubicArcLength`` (#3502).
- [avar2] Implement ``avar2`` support in ``TTFont.getGlyphSet()`` (#3473).
2024-04-07 23:16:35 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.51.0.
4.51.0 (released 2024-04-05)
- [ttLib] Optimization on loading aux fields (#3464).
- [ttFont] Add reorderGlyphs (#3468).