2025-01-30 12:18:41 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
evolution-data-server: update to 3.44.4.
Evolution-Data-Server 3.44.4 2022-08-05
Bug Fixes:
I#407 - IMAPx: Unsubscribed folder always removed from the UI
ESoupAuthBearer: Check for token expiration in e_soup_auth_bearer_is_authenticated()
ESoupSession: Avoid downgrade of Bearer (OAuth2) auth for authentication
Check for non-zero value passed to g_flags_get_first_value()
alarm-notify: Use themed icon instead of file icon for notifications
Evolution-Data-Server 3.44.3 2022-07-01
Bug Fixes:
I#350 - LDAP: Conditionally use 'description' as Note
I#391 - Tests fail with libphonenumber 8.12.49
I#392 - Sanitize IPv6 proxy address before passing it to WebKitGTK
I#393 - Calendar: Correct UNTIL recurrence with midnight start
I#396 - Camel: Read message ID-s with multiple `@`
Disable hardware acceleration for WebKitGTK
ESource: Reconnect signal handlers when the D-Bus 'source' interface changes
Evolution-Data-Server 3.44.2 2022-05-27
Bug Fixes:
I#359 - CalDAV: Crash on calendar update
I#386 - e-webdav-discover: Fails to find Radicale calendars within collection \
I#388 - Google OAuth out-of-band (oob) flow will be deprecated
I#389 - IMAPx: Fails to create folder with NIL folder hierarchy delimiter
evo-I#1348 - WebDAVCollectionBackend: Removes sources on server error
ERemindersWidget: Allow width shrink for small screens
Fix few memory leaks discovered by Coverity scan
GOA module: Prevent ESource removal on D-Bus reconnect or registry reload
Evolution-Data-Server 3.44.1 2022-04-22
Bug Fixes:
I#380 - CalDAV: Free / Busy not working with Nextcloud
I#381 - EWebDAVSession: Correct extract of href from Location header
ESoupAuthBearer: Implement two more SoupAuth virtual methods
Evolution-Data-Server 3.43.3 2022-03-04
Bug Fixes:
I#377 - Camel: Use contact certificate unconditionally in S/MIME encryption
I#378 - Camel: Spool auto-refresh too aggressive
M!92 - CamelStoreSummary: Fix ref/unref annotations (Corentin Noël)
M!93 - Port to libgweather4 (Javier Jardón)
Camel: Thaw frozen folders on failed Maildir message transfer
CamelFolderSummary: Re-enable notifications on message info in summary_assign_uid()
Evolution-Data-Server 3.43.2 2022-02-11
Bug Fixes:
I#369 - IMAPx: Add an option to send client 'ID' during login phase (z-z-zoey)
I#372 - SMTP: Add option to not re-encode message on upload
I#374 - LDAP: Let open when server is offline and marked for offline work
M!79 - Add nullable annotations into developer documentation (Michael McClurg)
IMAPx: Avoid creating NOSELECT CamelFolder-s
CamelMimeFilterCRLF: Correct encoding part of the filter
CamelMimeParser: Correct body content parse when CRLF is used
Provide database file name in SQLITE_CORRUPT error message
camel-net-utils: Allow NULL string arguments in IDNA/ASCII functions
Evolution-Data-Server 2022-01-07
Correct install of the translation files (Corentin Noël)
Evolution-Data-Server 3.43.1 2022-01-07
Bug Fixes:
I#352 - LDAP: Claim capabilities change on "sync for offline" change
I#354 - LDAP: Listen for ESource changes
I#355 - Camel: Ignore empty output from "Pipe to program" filter
I#356 - LDAP: Consume departmentNumber
I#360 - WebDAVNotes: Recognize and prefer files with .md extension
I#361 - Camel: Understand non-standard "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \
I#364 - Camel: Add a missing header include into camel-hostname-utils.c
I#365 - Calendar: Crash on local calandar file change
I#366 - Calendar: Correct 'occur-in-time-range?' for zero-length events
I#368 - Calendar: X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE can be calculated incorrectly
I#371 - e-cal-util: Fix timezone clamp with DUE date only
M!76 - Fixups (Span->Spam, Eventually->Possibly) in a translatable string \
(Anders Jonsson)
M!78 - Remove dependency on intltool (Corentin Noël)
M!81 - Camel-SMTP: accept any 2xx code on MAIL FROM: as success (Дилян \
M!83 - Adjust .pc file not to expose used crypto library (Alexander Traud)
M!84 - Correct typos of doesnt/dont (Дилян Палаузов)
M!87 - Typo cvs2vcard -> csv2vcard (Дилян Палаузов)
M!88 - Camel: Add missing nullable annotations to Medium and MimePart (Corentin \
evo-I#1032 - alarm-notify: Add a way to disable sound notifications
evo-I#1621 - Prevent IDN homograph attacks
evo-I#1639 - Filter messages by condition if sender is in address book
evo-I#1645 - Tasks: Support ESTIMATED-DURATION
evo-I#1698 - Bundle legacy icons removed from adwaita-icon-theme
LDAP: Fix a memory leak when filling a contact address
book/cal-backend: Add some safety checks around pending_operations queue
Use `g_assert_true()` instead of `g_assert()` in the unit tests
ERemindersWidget: Incorrect value for last selected snooze time after open
Camel: Correct a copy&paste error in a function documentation
org.gnome.Evolution-alarm-notify.desktop: Add X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true
Install legacy icons into correct directory
LDAP: Some property changes do not update local cache properly
secret-monitor: Turn runtime warnings into debug prints
Camel: Use the same charset in all RFC2047-encoded words
WebDAVNotes: Let the user choose which extension is used for new notes
_libedataserverui_init_icon_theme: Test whether default GdkScreen exists
camel-docs.sgml.in: Add camel-hostname-utils documentation
e-cal-client: Correct non-NULL check in e_cal_client_create_objects_sync()
Calendar: Adapt to libical 3.0.12 change
ECalComponent: Add safety checks on get/set of DTEND/DUE properties
2024-12-27 09:21:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1055) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for pango requiring fontconfig 2.15
2024-11-17 08:17:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (944) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for default-on option of at-spi2-core
2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426) |
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
2024-08-25 08:19:21 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (575) |
Log message:
2024-06-01 20:07:53 by Patrick Welche | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
mail/evolution-data-server: Force c++17 for the latest textproc/icu
2024-05-29 18:35:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1929) |  |
Log message:
revbump after icu and protobuf updates
2024-05-16 08:15:47 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (692) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for gnutls p11-kit option
(existing installations need the bl3.mk included, but it's now only
optionally included)