2025-03-04 07:06:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: updated to 0.25.2
scikit-image 0.25.2 (2025-02-18)
Bug Fixes
- Handle random degenerate case in ``skimage.graph.cut_normalized`` gracefully
- In ``skimage.feature.BRIEF``, copy ``keypoints`` if necessary to preserve \
- Revert a previous fix to ``skimage.segmentation.watershed`` that \
unintentionally changed the algorithm's behavior for markers placed at maxima in \
the image. We decided that the behavior originally reported as a bug (gh-6632), \
is not actually one
- Improve docstring of ``skimage.restoration.rolling_ball``
- Only run the job if the PR got merged (vs merely closed)
- Fix typo in GH workflow
- Refactor GitHub's CI config and helper scripts
- Use pytest config in pyproject.toml in CI
- Lower CI build verbosity
- Port testing on Windows from Azure CI to GitHub's CI
- CI cleanup
- Simultaneously resolve all dependencies; add pip caching
- Reenable graph reproducibility test
- Give milestone labeler necessary permissions
- Milestone labeler permission not needed
- Fix 313t wheel build
- Include a missing image in meson.build so they are included in the wheel
- Add zizmor to pre-commit; address GH workflow issues raised
2025-02-11 13:09:56 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: updated to 0.25.1
scikit-image 0.25.1
Bug Fixes
- Include ``centroid`` in ``__all__`` of the PYI file in ``skimage.measure``
- Improve numerical stability of ``blur_effect``
- Because under-determined fits are unreliable, ``skimage.measure.EllipseModel`` \
will now warn and return ``False`` (no fit) when fewer than 5 data points are \
- Explicitly upcast ``data`` with dtype ``float16`` to ``float32`` in \
``skimage.segmentation.random_walker``; this fixes passing ``float16`` on NumPy \
- Don't use removed ``QuadContourSet.collections`` in gallery example
- Change old import convention in the gallery examples
scikit-image 0.25.0 (2024-12-13)
New Features
- Add the new Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) properties \
"mean", "variance", "standard deviation" and \
"entropy" to ``skimage.feature.texture.graycoprops``
- Add the new ``skimage.morphology.footprint_rectangle`` supporting generation \
of rectangular or hyper-rectangular footprints in one function
API Changes
- Complete the deprecation of and remove ``skimage.feature.plot_matches``. Use \
``skimage.feature.plot_matched_features`` going forward
- Deprecate ``skimage.io.imshow``, ``skimage.io.imshow_collection`` and \
``skimage.io.show``. Please use ``matplotlib``, ``napari``, etc. to visualize \
- Remove deprecated ``skimage.morphology.skeletonize_3d``; use \
``skimage.morphology.skeletonize`` instead
- Deprecate ``skimage.io`` plugin infrastructure
- Switched to using the ``scipy.sparse`` array interface. For more details, see \
the note about the new ``scipy.sparse`` array interface \
- Deprecate ``skimage.morphology.rectangle`` in favor of the new function \
- Deprecate ``skimage.morphology.cube`` in favor of the new function \
- Deprecate ``skimage.morphology.square`` in favor of the new function \
- Improve numerical stability of ``skimage.morphology.local_minima`` for \
extremely small floats
- Allow passing a sequence of colors to the parameter ``matches_color`` in \
- Make sure that ``skimage.feature.plot_matched_features`` uses the same random \
colors, if ``matches_color`` isn't provided explicitly
- ``skimage.feature.peak_local_max`` will now skip unnecessary distance \
computations in the case of ``min_distance=1``. This results in performance \
improvements to functions like ``skimage.feature.blob_dog``, \
``skimage.feature.blob_log``, ``skimage.feature.blob_doh`` and \
``skimage.feature.corner_peaks`` that call ``peak_local_max`` internally
- In ``skimage.featurepeak_local_max``, skip unnecessary check for cases where \
``min_distance > 1`` is passed
Bug Fixes
- Ensure that ``skimage.morphology.remove_objects_by_distance`` doesn't fail if \
the given integer dtype cannot be safely cast to the architecture specific size \
of ``intp``, e.g. on i386 architectures
- Fix degeneracy in ``skimage.draw.ellipsoid_stats`` when all semi-axes have the \
same length
- Prevent ``skimage.morphology.thin`` from accidentally modifying the input \
image in case it is of dtype uint8
- Fix numerical precision error in ``skimage.measure.ransac``. In some cases, \
``ransac`` was stopping at the first iteration
- Fix numerical precision error in ``skimage.measure.ransac``; very small \
probabilities lead to -0 number of max trials
- Ensure that ``RegionProperties`` objects returned by \
``skimage.measure.regionprops`` can be deserialized with pickle
- Fix edge case where setting ``watershed_lines=True`` in \
``skimage.segmentation.watershed`` resulted in an incorrect solution
- Fix the behavior of ``skimage.segmentation.watershed`` when the markers don't \
align with local minima by making sure every marker is evaluated before \
successive pixels
- Fix dtype promotion in ``skimage.segmentation.join_segmentations`` if \
``numpy.uint`` is used with NumPy<2
- In ``skimage.morphology.skeletonize``, clarify the expected image dtypes and \
how objects of different intensities are handled
- Fix example section in docstring of ``skimage.feature.graycomatrix``
- Use conda-forge consistently in instructions for setting up the development \
- Use new ``CITATION.cff`` instead of ``CITATION.bib``
- Use correct ``spin test --coverage`` in contribution guide
- Tweak advice to new developers; remove AI warning
- Rework installation instructions
- Improve the description of the ``image`` parameter in \
- Account for empty arrays when counting segments per contour level in gallery \
example "Segment human cells (in mitosis)"
- Fix typo in morphology doc
- Change type description of parameter ``radius`` in \
``skimage.morphology.ball`` from ``int`` to ``float``
2024-10-14 08:46:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (325) |
Log message:
*: clean-up after python38 removal
2024-02-18 12:15:04 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: requires gcc 8 (configure time check)
2024-02-15 23:14:14 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: update to 0.22.0.
New Features
Add new image sequence skimage.data.palisades_of_vogt showing in-vivo tissue \
of the palisades of Vogt (#6858).
Add lazy loading to the skimage.feature module (#6983).
Add lazy loading to the skimage.graph submodule (#6985).
Add lazy loading to the skimage.measure submodule (#6999).
Add lazy loading to the skimage.transform submodule (#7009).
Add lazy loading to the skimage.restoration submodule (#7021).
Add lazy loading to the skimage.registration submodule (#7032).
Avoid unnecessary padding in skimage.measure.block_resize (#7092).
Bug Fixes
Add num_pixels and coords_scaled to regionprops_table (#7039).
Update video.rst (#7076).
For uniform intensity images, return intensity value as threshold (#7098).
Fix color conversion error (#7116).
Make phase_cross_correlation return ndarray when disambiguate=True (#7112).
Allow extra_properties of non equal lengths to be passed correctly to \
regionprops_table (#7136).
API Changes
Make PyWavelets an optional dependency which is only required for \
skimage.restoration.denoise_wavelet and skimage.restoration.estimate_sigma \
Remove deprecated skimage.filters.inverse. Use \
skimage.filters.filter_inverse instead (#7161).
Remove deprecated function \
skimage.filters.ridges.compute_hessian_eigenvalues. Use \
skimage.feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals on the results of \
skimage.feature.hessian_matrix instead (#7162).
Remove deprecated automatic detection of the color channel in \
skimage.filters.gaussian. channel_axis=None now indicates a grayscale image. Set \
the color channel with channel_axis=-1 explicitly (#7164).
Change number of returned arguments in \
skimage.registration.phase_cross_correlation. The function now always returns \
the 3 arguments shift, error, and phasediff (#7166).
Deprecate return_error in skimage.registration.phase_cross_correlation (#7174).
Don't test numpy prerelease on azure (#6996).
Drop Python 3.8 support per SPEC 0 (#6990).
Upper pin imageio (#7002).
Update core dependencies per SPEC0 (#7005).
meson: allow proper selection of NumPy, Pythran in cross builds (#7003).
Unpin imageio and add warningfilter (#7006).
Update to latest attach-next-milestone action (#7014).
Avoid deprecated auto-removal of overlapping axes in thresholding example \
Update lazy_loader (#7043).
Remove conflicting setuptools upper pin (#7045).
Remove future.graph after v0.21 release (#6899).
Cleanup from move to pyproject.toml (#7044).
Ignore new matplotlib warning (#7056).
Update spin (#7054).
Ignore SciPy 1.12.dev0 deprecation warning (#7057).
Include expected warning for SciPy 1.12 (#7058).
Mark NaN-related deprecation warning from np.clip as optional in tests (#7052).
Fix abs value function warnings (#7010).
Temporary fix for wheel recipe (#7059).
Temporary fix for wheel building (#7060).
Remove outdated comment (#7077).
Include py.typed file in distribution (PEP 561) (#7073).
Transition user guide to import skimage as ski (#7024).
Fix for NumPy 1.25 (#6970).
Pin sphinx until sphinx-gallery is fixed (#7100).
Cleanup old Python 3.11 tests (#7099).
Revert "Pin sphinx until sphinx-gallery is fixed (#7100)" (#7102).
MNT: Remove np.float_ alias; it is removed in NumPy 2.0 (#7118).
Fix for NumPy 1.26 (#7101).
Update meson-python (#7120).
We now require sklearn 1.1, as per SPEC0 (#7121).
Update for NumPy 2 namespace cleanup (#7119).
DOC: minor numpydoc syntax update (#7123).
Update for NumPy 2 namespace cleanup (#7122).
Temporary work-around for NEP 51 numpy scalar reprs + doctests (#7125).
Update lazy loader (#7126).
Fix PEP 8 issues (#7142).
Remove single-threaded dask usage in face detection gallery example which \
fixes issues with running the example on Windows and CI (#7141).
Update spin version to 0.6 (#7150).
Match pep8speaks and ruff line lengths to 88 (#7148).
Remove last reference to distutils in _build_utils/tempita.py (#7137).
Update sphinx, sphinx-gallery & sphinx_design (#7155).
Update minimal version of numpydoc to 1.6 (#7106).
Build wheels for py3.12 (#7082).
Update label and milestone workflows (#7163).
Update TODO (see #6899) (#7165).
Announce Python 3.12 support (#7167).
Remove pep8speaks config (#7172).
Filter out expected runtime warnings in registation.phase_cross_correlation \
when disambiguate=True (#7147).
Use pre-commit bot (#7171).
Fix missing warnings import in phase_cross_correlation (#7175).
Fix release notes error (#7177).
Use trusted publisher (#7178).
Use a more descriptive title for current inpainting example (#6989).
Fix URLs to the install page (#6998).
Fix equation for Wiener filter in restoration.wiener's docstring (#6987).
Fix missing links in INSTALL.rst and simplify language (#6984).
Edit installation and contributor guidelines (#6991).
Fix URLs that lead to 404 page (#7008).
Replace with correct reference to eigenvalues in ridge detection docstrings \
Last release to support Python 3.8
Unified API for PRNGs
New Features
Implement Fisher vectors in scikit-image (#5349).
Add support for y-dimensional shear to the AffineTransform (#6752).
With this release, many of the functions in skimage.measure now
support anisotropic images with different voxel spacings.
Many performance improvements were made, such as support for
footprint decomposition in skimage.morphology
Four new gallery examples were added to the documentation, including
the new interactive example "Track solidification of a metallic
This release completes the transition to a more flexible channel_axis
parameter for indicating multi-channel images, and includes several
other deprecations that make the API more consistent and expressive.
Finally, in preparation for the removal of distutils in the upcoming
Python 3.12 release, we replaced our build system with meson and
a static pyproject.toml specification.
This release supports Python 3.8--3.11.
2024-02-15 23:02:21 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: current version doesn't support Python 3.12 either
2024-01-12 13:03:16 by Jonathan Perkin | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: Ensure python is properly buildlinked.
2023-08-02 01:20:57 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (158) |
Log message:
*: remove more references to Python 3.7
2023-07-03 21:10:55 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: add test dependencies/target
2023-07-03 19:31:44 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-scikit-image: mark as not for Python 3.8