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CVS Commit History:

   2025-02-18 16:06:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-paramiko: bump PKGREVISION for bcrypt rust/non-rust support
   2025-02-18 16:05:41 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-paramiko: Switch to bcrypt versioned dependency.

From Jonathan Perkin <>
via drecklypkg commit f68e441dd3510f8f8e3e6dcfeb81f101b5239c3a
   2025-02-04 09:47:28 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-paramiko: updated to 3.5.1

3.5.1 2025-02-03
[Bug] 2490: Private key material is now explicitly ‘unpadded’ during \ 
decryption, removing a reliance on some lax OpenSSL behavior & making us \ 
compatible with future Cryptography releases. Patch courtesy of Alex Gaynor.
   2024-11-11 08:29:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (862)
Log message:
py-*: remove unused tool dependency

py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
   2024-09-16 10:20:43 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-paramiko: updated to 3.5.0

3.5.0 2024-09-15

[Feature]: Add support for AES-GCM encryption ciphers (128 and 256 bit \ 
variants). Thanks to Alex Gaynor for the report (& for cryptography review), \ 
Shen Cheng for the original PR, and Chris Mason for the updated PR; plus as \ 
usual to everyone who tested the patches and reported their results!

This functionality has been tested in client mode against OpenSSH 9.0, 9.2, and \ 
9.6, as well as against a number of proprietary appliance SSH servers.
   2023-12-18 22:16:05 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-paramiko: update to 3.4.0.

- :release:`3.4.0 <2023-12-18>`
- :feature:`-` `Transport` grew a new ``packetizer_class`` kwarg for overriding
  the packet-handler class used internally. Mostly for testing, but advanced
  users may find this useful when doing deep hacks.
- :bug:`-` Address `CVE 2023-48795<>`_ (aka the
  "Terrapin Attack", a vulnerability found in the SSH protocol re: \ 
treatment of
  packet sequence numbers) as follows:

    - The vulnerability only impacts encrypt-then-MAC digest algorithms in
      tandem with CBC ciphers, and ChaCha20-poly1305; of these, Paramiko
      currently only implements ``hmac-sha2-(256|512)-etm`` in tandem with
      ``AES-CBC``. If you are unable to upgrade to Paramiko versions containing
      the below fixes right away, you may instead use the
      ``disabled_algorithms`` connection option to disable the ETM MACs and/or
      the CBC ciphers (this option is present in Paramiko >=2.6).
    - As the fix for the vulnerability requires both ends of the connection to
      cooperate, the below changes will only take effect when the remote end is
      OpenSSH >= 9.6 (or equivalent, such as Paramiko in server mode, as of
      this patch version) and configured to use the new "strict kex" mode.
      Paramiko will always attempt to use "strict kex" mode if offered \ 
by the
      server, unless you override this by specifying ``strict_kex=False`` in
    - Paramiko will now raise an `SSHException` subclass (`MessageOrderError`)
      when protocol messages are received in unexpected order. This includes
      situations like receiving ``MSG_DEBUG`` or ``MSG_IGNORE`` during initial
      key exchange, which are no longer allowed during strict mode.
    - Key (re)negotiation -- i.e. ``MSG_NEWKEYS``, whenever it is encountered
      -- now resets packet sequence numbers. (This should be invisible to users
      during normal operation, only causing exceptions if the exploit is
      encountered, which will usually result in, again, `MessageOrderError`.)
    - Sequence number rollover will now raise `SSHException` if it occurs
      during initial key exchange (regardless of strict mode status).

  Thanks to Fabian Bäumer, Marcus Brinkmann, and Jörg Schwenk for submitting
  details on the CVE prior to release.

- :bug:`-` Tweak ``ext-info-(c|s)`` detection during KEXINIT protocol phase;
  the original implementation made assumptions based on an OpenSSH
  implementation detail.
   2023-12-18 17:25:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
py-paramiko: convert to

Update dependencies.

   2023-07-31 18:16:48 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-paramiko: updated to 3.3.1

3.3.1 2023-07-28
[Bug]: Cleaned up some very old root level files, mostly just to exercise some \ 
of our doc build and release machinery. This changelog entry intentionally left \ 
blank! nothing-to-see-here-move-along.gif

3.3.0 2023-07-28
[Feature] Add an explicit max_concurrent_prefetch_requests argument to \ 
paramiko.client.SSHClient.get and paramiko.client.SSHClient.getfo, allowing \ 
users to limit the number of concurrent requests used during prefetch. Patch by \ 
@kschoelhorn, with a test by @bwinston-sdp.
[Feature] Add support and tests for Match final … (frequently used in \ 
ProxyJump configurations to exclude the jump host) to our SSH config parser. \ 
Patch by @commonism.
   2023-07-18 17:54:43 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-paramiko: updated to 3.2.0

3.2.0 2023-05-25
[Feature]: PKey grew a new .fingerprint property which emits a fingerprint \ 
string matching the SHA256+Base64 values printed by various OpenSSH tooling (eg \ 
ssh-add -l, ssh -v). This is intended to help troubleshoot Paramiko-vs-OpenSSH \ 
behavior and will eventually replace the venerable get_fingerprint method.

[Feature]: PKey grew a new .algorithm_name property which displays the key \ 
algorithm; this is typically derived from the value of get_name. For example, \ 
ED25519 keys have a get_name of ssh-ed25519 (the SSH protocol key type field \ 
value), and now have a algorithm_name of ED25519.

[Feature]: PKey now offers convenience “meta-constructors”, static methods \ 
that simplify the process of instantiating the correct subclass for a given key \ 

For example, PKey.from_path can load a file path without knowing a priori what \ 
type of key it is (thanks to some handy methods within our cryptography \ 
dependency). Going forwards, we expect this to be the primary method of loading \ 
keys by user code that runs on “human time” (i.e. where some minor \ 
efficiencies are worth the convenience).

In addition, PKey.from_type_string now exists, and is being used in some \ 
internals to load ssh-agent keys.

As part of these changes, PKey and friends grew an identifiers classmethod; this \ 
is inspired by the supported_key_format_identifiers classmethod (which now \ 
refers to the new method.) This also includes adding a .name attribute to most \ 
key classes (which will eventually replace .get_name().

[Feature]: Enhanced AgentKey with new attributes, such as:

Added a comment attribute (and constructor argument); Agent.get_keys() now uses \ 
this kwarg to store any comment field sent over by the agent. The original \ 
version of the agent feature inexplicably did not store the comment anywhere.
Agent-derived keys now attempt to instantiate a copy of the appropriate key \ 
class for access to other algorithm-specific members (eg key size). This is \ 
available as the .inner_key attribute.
This functionality is now in use in Fabric’s new --list-agent-keys feature, as \ 
well as in Paramiko’s debug logging.
[Feature] Users of SSHClient can now configure the authentication logic Paramiko \ 
uses when connecting to servers; this functionality is intended for advanced \ 
users and higher-level libraries such as Fabric. See auth_strategy for details.

Fabric’s co-temporal release includes a proof-of-concept use of this feature, \ 
implementing an auth flow much closer to that of the OpenSSH client (versus \ 
Paramiko’s legacy behavior). It is strongly recommended that if this interests \ 
you, investigate replacing any direct use of SSHClient with Fabric’s \ 

This feature is EXPERIMENTAL; please see its docs for details.
[Feature]: Implement _fields() on AgentKey so that it may be compared (via ==) \ 
with other PKey instances.

[Bug]: AgentKey had a dangling Python 3 incompatible __str__ method returning \ 
bytes. This method has been removed, allowing the superclass’ (PKey) method to \ 
run instead.

[Bug] Since its inception, Paramiko has (for reasons lost to time) implemented \ 
authentication as a side effect of handling affirmative replies to \ 
MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST protocol messages. What this means is Paramiko makes one \ 
such request before every MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, i.e. every auth attempt.

OpenSSH doesn’t care if clients send multiple service requests, but other \ 
server implementations are often stricter in what they accept after an initial \ 
service request (due to the RFCs not being clear). This can result in odd \ 
behavior when a user doesn’t authenticate successfully on the very first try \ 
(for example, when the right key for a target host is the third in one’s \ 

This version of Paramiko now contains an opt-in Transport subclass, \ 
ServiceRequestingTransport, which more-correctly implements service request \ 
handling in the Transport, and uses an auth-handler subclass internally which \ 
has been similarly adapted. Users wanting to try this new experimental code path \ 
may hand this class to SSHClient.connect as its transport_factory kwarg.

This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and its code may be subject to change.

In addition:
minor backwards incompatible changes exist in the new code paths, most notably \ 
the removal of the (inconsistently applied and rarely used) event arguments to \ 
the auth_xxx methods.
GSSAPI support has only been partially implemented, and is untested.
Some minor backwards-compatible changes were made to the existing Transport and \ 
AuthHandler classes to facilitate the new code. For example, \ 
Transport._handler_table and AuthHandler._client_handler_table are now \ 
properties instead of raw attributes.
[Bug] The server-sig-algs and RSA-SHA2 features added around Paramiko 2.9 or so, \ 
had the annoying side effect of not working with servers that don’t support \ 
either of those feature sets, requiring use of disabled_algorithms to forcibly \ 
disable the SHA2 algorithms on Paramiko’s end.

The experimental ServiceRequestingTransport (noted in its own entry in this \ 
changelog) includes a fix for this issue, specifically by falling back to the \ 
same algorithm as the in-use pubkey if it’s in the algorithm list (leaving the \ 
“first algorithm in said list” as an absolute final fallback).

[Bug]: Fixed a very sneaky bug found at the apparently rarely-traveled \ 
intersection of RSA-SHA2 keys, certificates, SSH agents, and \ 
stricter-than-OpenSSH server targets. This manifested as yet another “well, if \ 
we turn off SHA2 at one end or another, everything works again” problem, for \ 
example with version 12 of the Teleport server endpoint.

This has been fixed; Paramiko tweaked multiple aspects of how it requests agent \ 
signatures, and the agent appears to do the right thing now.
   2022-11-14 10:28:16 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-paramiko: updated to 2.12.0

2.12.0 2022-11-04
[Feature] Add a transport_factory kwarg to SSHClient.connect for advanced users \ 
to gain more control over early Transport setup and manipulation. Thanks to Noah \ 
Pederson for the patch.

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