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   2023-11-21 08:00:02 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.87.1

This is the 0.87.1 patch release of Nushell. In this hotfix we resolve two
issues with the file system commands rm and cp.

Nushell's cp command in 0.87.0 did not correctly handle changes to the directory
by the Nushell internal cd when invoked inside a block. Furthermore the rm
command was not able to correctly handle paths requiring expansion.
   2023-11-16 09:01:55 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.87.0

Learn more about this release and changes at:

The ChangeLog is too long to reproduce here.
   2023-10-25 00:11:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2298)
Log message:
*: bump for openssl 3
   2023-10-18 09:22:43 by pin | Files touched by this commit (7) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.86.0

Learn more about this release and changes at \

The ChangeLog is too long to reproduce here.
   2023-10-11 13:42:14 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
shells/nushell: enable trash feature
   2023-09-20 10:54:24 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.85.0

Themes of this release/New features
Nushell + Uutils = ❤️
he Nushell team is thrilled to announce 🥳 that we've begun working with the
uutils/coreutils team on integrating some of their foundational core utilies
into nushell. With this release, we've started with the coreutils cp command,
which we've temporarily named ucp. We're starting with ucp to allow broad
testing while the current nushell cp command remains the default.
We've already found one bug in the coreutils cp command and you might find
others. Once it stabelizes, probably with the 0.86.0 release, we'll remove the
nushell cp command and rename ucp to cp. In keeping with the nushell style,
we've only added a handful of parameters. We can, and probably will, add more
if the community determines we need them. We're so very excited and would like
to thank terts, from the coreutils team, for his excellent help and special
appreciation to dmatos2012 for the, very iterative, first uutils/coreutils
integration PR #10097 for the cp command. To read more about how this came to
be, checkout our blog post.

Read about the full list of changes at:
   2023-08-24 13:32:36 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shell/nushell: update to 0.84.0

Themes of this release / New features
*(Major Breaking Change!) str replace matches substring by default (kubouch)

str replace now matches a substring instead of a regular expression by default
and the -s/--string flag is deprecated (will be removed altogether in 0.85).
Matching a substring by default makes it more consistent with the rest of the
Nushell's commands.

Note! Since str replace is a widely used command, many scripts are going to
break. Fixing it is easy:
 - If you used str replace without the -s/--string flag, you used regex matching
   and you should add --regex flag to keep the previous functionality.
 - If you used str replace with the -s/--string flag, you will get a deprecation
   warning. To get rid of the warning, simply remove the flag.

*Constants from modules (WindSoilder, kubouch)

You can now use constants in modules and export them. Calling use on a module
will create record containing all module's constants. You can also import the
constants directly, for example with use const-name, without creating
the module's record.

The exported values are true constants which means that you can use them in some
scenarios where you cannot use normal variables.

*New options for more compact table display (@zhiburt, #9796)

To save screen space, you can now display tables with the header directly
displayed on the border through the $env.config.table.header_on_separator
Additionally you can now configure the padding left and right of the table cell
content either separately or all at once to adjust the layout for your
readability needs.

*More consistent format ... commands (@sholderbach, @WindSoilder)
With this release we moved several commands that serve to produce string output
from a particular data type as format subcommands.

   - date format has been renamed to format date (#9788).
   - into duration --convert was previously used to provide string
     representations of durations. This option has been removed and you should
     now use format duration. (#9902)
   - format filesize that was previously moved into the --features extra set is
     back in the core (#9978).

*scope commands enhancements (kubouch, kubouch)

scope commands received a significant amount of improvements making them more
useful for advanced introspection of Nushell's definitions.
   - scope externs now lists known externals (defined with extern)
   - scope aliases is now fixed and lists names and usages of the aliases, not
     of the aliased commands (this used to cause some confusion)
   - scope modules now lists all the exportable of the module, including
     submodules with their contents
   - all scope commands now list the definition's ID which can be used for
     reliable tracking of definitions. For example, a command foo imported from
     a module spam using use spam will be named spam foo, therefore, relying
     solely on names of the definitions can sometimes be misleading.
   - module_name field is no longer present
   - scope variables now denotes whether a variable is a constant or not

*http commands now handle headers better (@jflics6460, @ineu)
You can now pass headers directly as a record to the -H flag.
When running a http command with --full to get additional metadata about the
response you can now get both the request and the reponse header.

*Work on the optional dataframe features (@ayax79)
@ayax79 has been working hard to update our dataframe command to work again
with the stricter type check by consolidating internal logic (#9860, #9951).

Furthermore, dfr open now suppports the avro exchange format and a new dfr
to-avro command was added in #10019

*Changes to other commands
Since last release, some commands have changed, here is a list of some
interesting changed
 - @atahabaki in #9841, #9856 and #9940: Some refinement of the str expand
   command (it's a really cool command, i recommend you check it out 😃)
 - @fdncred in #9987: Allow select to take a variable with a list of columns
 - @fdncred in #10048: Allow int as a cellpath for select

*Command organization (@storm, @jntrnr)
In our efforts towards stabilization we moved several commands either behind
the --features extra build-flag or back into the core set of commands. The
special str *-case commands for example have been moved out of the core set,
while the bytes commands to deal with bytes in arbitrary encodings have returned
to the core set. Furthermore all commands in the core set should now have
helpful categories associated with them.

*Deprecation and removal of commands (@amtoine, @sholderbach)
We previously used the term "deprecation" pretty loosely to describe \ 
the removal
of commands while emitting a helpful error. We intend to now start to use
deprecation to warn you before the final removal of a particular option or
command. When we removed a command we will now properly refer to it as removal
and started adding warnings where appropriate (e.g. str replace --string). As
part of this update we removed some very old error helpers nudging you to
upgrade to new commands.

Thanks to @rgwood, @sholderbach, @kubouch and @fdncred the documentation has
become a bit better in #9961, #9996, #10004 and #10057.

*Notable bugfixes
  - A panic when parsing the context of let assignments has been fixed
    (@mengsuenyan in #9851)
  - Invoking --help on a script with a def main command will now report the
    script's name instead of a more confusing main (@jntrnr in #9948)
  - Serious bugs in parse that produced incorrect output when given a long
    input stream have been fixed (@panicbit in #9925, #9950)

*Breaking changes
  - #9902 date format has been renamed to format date for consistency.
  - #9788 The option into duration --convert to format durations has been
    removed. Use the format duration command instead.
  - #10038 str replace now by default matches to strings by default. If you
    want to use regexes you need to use the -r flag. The --strings flag has
    been removed
  - #9632 To be unambiguous the duration type now does not report months or
    years. The largest unit reported is weeks as they have a consistent length
    compared to months or years.
  - #9926 We moved some of the more exotic str case-commands behind the
    --features extra build-flag. This affects:
     - str camel-case
     - str kebab-case
     - str pascal-case
     - str screaming-snake-case
     - str snake-case
     - str title-case
  - #10053 make the charpage optional for std clip
  - #10023 The output of the scope commands has changed

*Internal breaking change only affecting plugin authors
  - #9927 Make Value::columns return slice instead of cloned Vec
   2023-08-01 10:04:27 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.83.1

Nushell 0.83.1 (hot-fix)

A few days ago, we released the 0.83 version of Nushell. As you can see in the
release notes, the release included a major upgrade to the type system as well
as wide-reaching breaking changes.

Extensive efforts were made before the release to mitigate these changes to
make them easier to adopt when 0.93 was released, and included:
 - quite a lot of command signatures have been updated to keep functionalities
   at the same level while adding better type checking
 - major integration scripts from 3rd-party applications have been fixed prior
   to the release

However, as you might have noticed and thanks to the feedback of you the
community, more issues and bugs have been found. Many commands needed additional
updates to play well with the updated type system. We decided to release a
hotfix release to address what had been found, and this is that release.
You can find out more about the hotfix in Tracking issue for 0.83.0 fixup #9812

What does the hot-fix release address?

Most of the type-system-related issues have been fixed, hopefully bringing most
of the command set of Nushell back to its previous feature level with the nice
addition of better input/output type checking and annotations. In a few places,
the type system itself was fixed, as with the case of $rest args now
type-checking correctly in a pipeline.

What will the hot-fix release NOT address?
Bring the let-env command back to life.

Thankfully, the community helped by updating their Nushell integrations and
releasing corresponding new versions.
Please, check your tools like starship for updates.
Fully fix the dataframe integration.

When upgrading the type system for the 0.83, we removed a semi-working system
that enabled the dataframe commands to run both in a lazy and eager mode, but
only if the types were known at parse-time. Due to the complexity of reworking
this and the dataframe support currently being a tier-two feature in Nushell,
we won't be able to fully fix this with this patch release. Thankfully @ayax79
started work in #9858 which promises to make the dataframe commands work again
within the general Nushell type system.

Breaking changes for plugin authors

With the type system changes in 0.83.0 any plugins that declared that their
signature "vectorizes_over_list": true were not able to automatically \ 
their operation for a type T (e.g. number) over a list<T> input. With this \ 
release, we removed this field from nu-protocol.

You need to add the list<T> signature if necessary. Also recompile your
plugins using nu-plugin 0.83.1 or remove the vectorizes_over_list field from
the signature information if you don't use nu-plugin (e.g. plugins not
implemented in Rust).

Breaking changes for plugin users

You may need to recompile or update your plugins and then re-register your
   2023-07-26 21:36:37 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.83.0

Themes of this release / New features

Since last release, some commands have changed and some have been created,
here is a list of some changes and what they mean:

 - amtoine in #9646
   : which returns the type of the command instead of only whether it is
   builtin or not and uses more explicit column names
 - atahabaki in #9750
   : str expand now allows empty member in brace expansion, e.g. A{,B,C} would
   expand to [A, AB, AC]
 - fdncred in #9669
   : keybinding listen gives more information about keys like home and end,
   namely their kind and state
 - NotLebedev in #9453
   : input listen allows to query for a single key press, e.g. the following
   will take a 4-char input 1..4 | each { input listen } |
   where key_type == char | get code | str join
 - kubouch in #9687
   : path commands lose the -c flag; instead, use update to update table columns

Command set refinement efforts

Again with this new release, we are continuing refining our set of core
commands. As part of this, another set of commands have moved to extra.
Thanks to folks who are helping our efforts on the road to 1.0!

    No command has been removed completely, they have just been moved in the
    extra feature of Nushell. simply use cargo ... --features extra to reenable

Math commands have been moved by @stormasm in #9674, #9657 and #9647 and the
following commands have been moved in #9404

: fmt, each while, roll, roll down, roll left, roll right, roll up, rotate,
update cells, decode hex, encode hex, from url, to html, ansi gradient,
ansi linkand format

Language improvements

Since last release, a few changes have happened to the Nu language itself.
Declaration and assignment of variables

Until now, declaration keywords such as let and mut have required the use of
parentheses around pipelines to assign the output of a chain of command to a
variable. Thanks to @jntrnr in #9658 and #9589, this syntax has been relaxed
for let and mut.

Another parser improvement has to do with the use of if and match in variable
assignment. In #9650, @Windsoilder

Input / output type checking and annotations (@jntrnr)

Nushell as a language is more strictly typed than other shell languages.
However, not everything was type-checked nor possible to annotate and this
new release tries to fill this gap a bit more.

First, #9686 makes the input / output type signatures clearer in the help pages
of commands. Then, #9690 and #9680 enable input / output type annotations on
custom commands and enforce a strong type checking on the input and output of
commands. This means a few things:

 - the input / output of custom commands can be annotated
 - some type-invalid calls to commands are now parsed as an error,
   e.g. 123 | get foo gives the an error.

This is still a work in progress, so some commands might have incorrect or
missing input / output type annotations 😮 This is expected and we worked and
are working on this to fix all incorrect signatures (#9755, #9749, #9707,
#9706, #9695, #9683, #9775, #9741, #9742, #9739 and #9778)!

In between the two releases, @1Kinoti has worked on some nice improvements to
the language
 - match guards have been added to the match command in #9621
 - table types can now have parameters, just as records and lists can, thansk
   to #9613
 - structural subtyping has been improved in #9614 and allow to match
   structured types regardless of the orders of the fields

Configuration tweaks
Contributions have been made to give a more consistent and sensible default
experience in Nushell, both when using the config file or
when not having a config, e.g. with nu -n. A better right prompt has been
written in #9585 and #9581 and the default configuration has been polished
in #9676

The standard library

The biggest topic in this 0.83 release for the standard library has been the
test runner!

Thanks to @Yethal, the test runner of the standard library can now use
annotations to decide whether or not to run a command as part of the test
suite of a project: #9628, #9622, #9611 and #9406

and std testing run-tests would successfully run the addition test, no need to
define tests with test_ in their names!
Thanks to @Hofer-Julian (#9607), the standard library now also comes with a
pwd command that tells you were you are in the filesystem.

Breaking changes

PLEASE NOTE: there are some big breaking changes in this release. These include:

 - Removal of let-env (now use the $env.FOO = "BAR" form instead)
 - Stricter checking of input/output types
 - Transitioning of a set of commands to now be avialable via extra feature
   rather than default
   2023-06-28 10:57:14 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.82.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.82 of Nu. This release focuses on polishing
the user experience.

Note: Beginning with this release, Nushell is switching to a four-week release
For details see,

NOTE: The optional dataframe functionality is available
using --features=dataframe

This feature is not enabled by default on pkgsrc.
To compile with this feature add 'dataframe' to the list of features defined
(CARGO_FEATURES+=) in the package Makefile.

As part of this release, we also publish a set of optional plugins.

Themes of this release/New features:
 - Custom datetime format (@fnordpig)
Until now, Nushell did not allow changing the default format of dates and times,
leading quite often to undesired rendering, e.g. seeing 'A year ago' in the
output of ls when one wants to know the exact time.
#9500 introduces a new config option to change the default output of dates and

 - Support for comments in multiline pipes (@WindSoilder)
From now on, either in the REPL, in scripts or in modules, you can comment out
any line of a multiline pipe without breaking its execution. This hopefully
makes debugging and testing part of a pipeline much easier!

 - Continuing cratification effort
On the road to 1.0, we have started moving commands around to make place for
those which really matter. As this process involves the creation of some new
Rust crates, e.g. nu-cmd-extra, we call it cratification 😃
With this new release, the bytes commands have been moved behind the extra
feature (use cargo build --features extra to activate them back).
Apart from moving less stable or common ocmmands behind flag, this should also
improve compile times for everyone.

 - Splitting the $nu variable (@jntrnr)
Nushell 0.82 introduces a new familly of stat commands, the scope ... commands.
These commands allow you to access some information about the current Nushell
instance that were previously available in the $nu variable!
e.g. $nu.scope.commands now becomes scope commands.
On the other hand, $nu becomes much smaller and only holds simple paths and

 - Entering Linguist support (@hustcer)
With the efforts of @hustcer, Nushell is now an official language of Linguist,
allowing for better language support in GitHub.

 - REPL: Mark line entries as excluded from the history by leading with a space
In some situations you may want to avoid storing an entry inside your shell
history. For example if it includes a secret or running it again in a different
context could be dangerous. To stop nushell from storing a particular line in
its history you can now start with a space and it will be ignored. You can
still recall your last entry once by pressing the Up-Arrow but the command will
never be written to disk and disappear as soon as you submit another command.

 - New commands
     http options
     scope aliases
     scope commands
     scope engine-stats
     scope modules
     scope variables

 - Breaking changes
    #9509 Cratification moves the bytes commands to nu-cmd-extra. They are thus
     only accessible with --features extra
    #9496 Clean up config by removing legacy options that were previously
    #9487 Split $nu variable into scope commands and simpler $nu
    #9427 The filesize prefixes Z/Zi have been removed as their underlying
     values where not correctly representable.
    #9407 In the ls --long output the uid column has been renamed to user to be
     consistent with group
    #9368 Don't allow save command to save both stdout and stderr to the same

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