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CVS Commit History:

   2018-04-29 23:32:09 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (629) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump for boost-libs update
   2018-01-15 12:01:16 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (15)
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog* to 8.32.0.

- rsyslogd: add capability to specify that no pid file shall be
- ompgsql: considerable enhancements
- build system: removed --enable-rtinst configure option
- pmrfc3164: support for headerless messages
- omhiredis: add option to use RPUSH instead of LPUSH
- mmexternal improvements
- omprog: refactored, code shared with mmexternal moved to common
- logctl tool: refactor to support newer rsyslog standards
- imfile: added support for Solaris File Event notification (FEN)
- core/action: new parameter "action.errorfile"
- imfile: added new module parameter "sortFiles"
- imuxsock: improved status reporting: socket name received from
- build system: added new testbench configure switches
- mmpstrucdata: new parameter "sd_name.lowercase"
- omfile: add module-global option "dynafile.donotsuspend"
- testbench: add a capability to turn off libfaketime tests via
- testbench: name valgrind tests consistently
- RainerScript: add function parse_json()
- RainerScript: add function substring()
- RainerScript: add function http_request()
- RainerScript: add function previous_is_suspended()
- Patches from BSD projects have been imported
- script bugfix: invalid function names were silently ignored
- rainerscript: add int2hex() function
- rainerscript: add is_time() function
- RainerScript: add function script_error() and error-reporting
- testbench: fixed build problem of testbench tools under Alpine Linux
- added --enable-libsystemd configure option to enforce use of
- core/glbl: remove long-unused option $optimizeforuniprocessor
- core/queue: emit better status messages at rsyslog shutdown
- fixed a couple of build issues with gcc-7 (in less frequently used
- fixed a couple of build issues on the arm platform (actually
- impstats: fix invalid counter definitions for getrusage() reporting
- imudp bugfix: potential segfault in ratelimiting
- imptcp bugfix: access to free'ed memory
- mmanon bugfix: fix wrong ipv6 embedded recognition
- imfile bugfix: not detecting files in directory when wildcards are
- script bugfix: improper string-to-number conversion for negative
- core/action bugfix: 100% CPU utilization on suspension of output
- core/variables bugfix: bare $! cannot be used in set statement
- core bugfix: auto commit of actions improperly handled
- core bugfix: filename length limitation of 199 bytes
- core bugfix: undefined behavior due to integer overflow
- core bugfix: race on LocalHostIP property during startup
- bugfix: potential segfault on startup
- omhiredis bugfix: rsyslog segfault on startup if no template is
- omprog bugfix: argv[0] not set when using binary without arguments
- core: refactoring of rsyslog's cstr "class"
- parent directory creation function refactored
- mmsnmptrapd bugfix: potential misadressing
- imkafka: fix potential small ressource leak
- imkafka bugfix: do not emit error message on regular state
- omkafka: expose operational status to user where useful
- omkafka bugfix: potential message duplication
- omkafka: fix multithreading
- omkafka bugfix: potential misadressing
- omkafka bugfix: build fails with older versions of librdkafka
- omgssapi bugfix: fix compiler warnings with gcc-7
- dnscache bugfix: entries were cached based on IP AND port number
- omkafka bugfix: fixed memory leak
- mmdblookup bugfix: replace thread-unsafe strtok() by thread-safe
- pmnormalize bugfix: remove unsave "strcat" implementation
- rainerscript bugfix: ltrim() and rtrim function misadressing
- imklog bugfix: local host IP was hardcoded to
- cleanup: remove obsolete pre-KSI GuardTime signature interface
- cleanup: obsolete defintion SOL_TCP replaced by newer IPPROTO_TCP
- lookup tables: fixed undefined behavior detected by UBSan
   2018-01-01 22:18:57 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (629) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump after boost update
   2017-10-18 13:01:05 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog* to 8.30.0.

- CHANGE OF BEHAVIOUR: all variables are now case-insensitive by
- core: handle (JSON) variables in case-insensitive way
- imjournal: made switching to persistent journal in runtime possible
- mmanon: complete refactor and enhancements
  - add pseudonymization mode
  - add address randomization mode
  - add support for IPv6 (this also supports various replacement
  - in IPv4 address recognition
  - in IPv4 simple mode to-be-anonymized bits can get wrong
- imfile: add "fileoffset" metadata
- RainerScript: add ltrim and rtrim functions
- core: report module name when suspending action
- core: add ability to limit number of error messages going to stderr
- tcpsrv subsystem: improvate clarity of some error messages
- imptcp: include module name in error msg
- imtcp: include module name in error msg
- tls improvement: better error message if certificate file cannot be
- omfwd: slightly improved error messages during config parsing
- ommysql improvements
- ommysql bugfix: do not duplicate entries on failed transaction
- imtcp bugfix: parameter priorityString was ignored
- template/bugfix: invalid template option conflict detection
- core/actions: fix handling of data-induced errors
- core/action bugfix: no "action suspended" message during retry
- core/ratelimit bugfix: race can lead to segfault
- core bugfix: rsyslog aborts if errmsg is generated in early startup
- core bugfix: informational messages was logged with error severity
- core bugfix: --enable-debugless build was broken
- queue bugfix: file write error message was incorrect
- omrelp bugfix:  segfault when rebindinterval parameter is used
- omkafka bugfix: invalid load of failedmsg file on startup if
- kafka bugfix: problem on invalid kafka configuration values
- imudp bugfix: UDP oversize message not properly handled
- core bugfix: memory corruption during configuration parsing
- core bugfix: race on worker thread termination during shutdown
- omelasticsearch: avoid ES5 warnings while sending json in bulkmode
- omelasticsearch bugfix: incompatibility with newer ElasticSearch
- imptcp bugfix: invalid mutex addressing on some platforms
- imptcp bugfix: do not accept missing port in legacy listener
   2017-08-24 22:03:43 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (621) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump for boost update
   2017-05-18 15:27:44 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog to 8.27.0

Version 8.27.0 [v8-stable] 2017-05-16
- imkafka: add module
- imptcp enhancements:
  * optionally emit an error message if incoming messages are truncated
  * optionally emit connection tracking message (on connection create and
  * add "maxFrameSize" parameter to specify the maximum size permitted
    in octet-counted mode
  * add parameter "discardTruncatedMsg" to permit truncation of
    oversize messages
  * improve octect-counted mode detection: if the octet count is larger
    then the set frame size (or overly large in general), it is now
    assumed that octet-stuffing mode is used. This probably solves a
    number of issues seen in real deployments.
- imtcp enhancements:
  * add parameter "discardTruncatedMsg" to permit truncation of
    oversize messages
  * add "maxFrameSize" parameter to specify the maximum size permitted
    in octet-counted mode
- imfile bugfix: "file not found error" repeatedly being reported
  for configured non-existing file.
- imfile: in inotify mode, add error message if configured file cannot
  be found
- imfile: add parameter "fileNotFoundError" to optinally disable
  "file not found" error messages
- core: replaced gethostbyname() with getaddrinfo() call
- omkafka: add "origin" field to stats output
- imuxsock: rate-limiting also uses process name
  both for the actual limit procesing as well as warning messages emitted
- Added new module: KSI log signing ver. 1.2 (lmsig_ksi_ls12)
- rsylsog base functionality now builds on osx (Mac)
- build now works on solaris again
- imfile: fix cross-platform build issue
- bugfix core: segfault when no parser could parse message
- bugfix core: rate-limit internal messages when going to external log system
- bugfix core: when obtaining local hostname, a NULL pointer could be
- bugfix core: on shutdown, stderr was written to, even if alrady closed
- bugfix core: perform MainqObj destruction only when not NULL already
- bugfix core: memory leak when internal messages not processed internally
- bugfix imptcp: potential overflow in octet count computation
  when a very large octet count was specified, the counter could overflow
   2017-04-30 03:22:04 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (612) | Package updated
Log message:
Recursive revbump from boost update
   2017-02-14 17:36:59 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
Clear PKGREVISION after master package update
   2017-01-01 17:06:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (616) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump after boost update
   2016-10-20 12:05:11 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog to 8.22.0.

Version 8.22.0 [v8-stable] 2016-10-04
- ompgsql: add template support
  Thanks to Radu Gheorghe for implementing this.
- generate somewhat better error message on config file syntax error
  a common case (object at invalid location) has received it's own error
  message; for the rest we still rely on the generic flex/bison handler
- bugfix:omhiredis reconnects after failure
  previously it could loose messages under such conditions.
  Thanks to Bob Gregory for the patch.
- general cleanup and code improvement
  mostly guided by compiler warnings induced by newer opensuse builbot
Version 8.21.0 [v8-stable] 2016-08-23
  by default, internal messages are no longer logged via the internal
  bridge to rsyslog but via the syslog() API call [either directly or
  via liblogging). For the typical single-rsyslogd-instance installation this
  is mostly unnoticable (except for some additional latency). If multiple
  instances are run, only the "main" (the one processing system log \ 
  will see all messages. To return to the old behaviour, do either of those
  1) add in rsyslog.conf:
  2) export the environment variable RSYSLOG_DFLT_LOG_INTERNAL=1
     This will set a new default - the value can still be overwritten via
     rsyslog.conf (method 1). Note that the environment variable must be
     set in your **startup script**.
  For more information, please visit
- slightly improved TLS syslog error messages
- queue subsystem: improved robustness
  The .qi file is now persisted whenever an existing queue file is fully
  written and a new file is begun. This helps with rsyslog aborts, including
  the common case where the OS issues kill -9 because of insufficiently
  configured termination timout (this is an OS config error, but a frequent
  one). Also, a situation where an orphaned empty file could be left in the
  queue work directory has been fixed. We expect that this change causes
  fewer permanent queue failures.
- bugfix: build failed on some platforms due to missing include files

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