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CVS Commit History:

   2024-02-09 15:00:27 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.19.0

 No ChangeLog provided.
   2023-12-26 16:19:04 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.18.3

v0.18.3 (2023-12-24)
 - Potential undefined behavior in YAML handling. This version of xt upgrades
   to the latest version of the third-party unsafe-libyaml library, which plays
   a critical role in xt's YAML support. The upgrade fixes a memory safety bug
   on 32-bit platforms, which may have caused crashes, incorrect behavior, etc.
   64-bit platforms are not affected.
   2023-08-03 20:40:39 by pin | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: import package

xt is a cross-format translator for JSON, YAML, TOML, and MessagePack.

xt is built to do one thing well, and tries to maintain a minimal interface and
feature set.
The most common options are -t to specify an output format other than JSON, and
one or more files to read from rather than standard input.

Some of xt's notable features include:
 - Automatic Format Detection
   When the input format is not specified with the -f option, xt can detect it
   automatically by file extension, or by examining the content of the input
   stream itself.
 - Multi-Document Support
   With most output formats, xt can translate multiple input files, each
   containing one or more independent documents, to a single output stream.
   For example, a set of YAML files with documents separated by --- markers can
   translate to a single stream of newline-delimited JSON objects. With format
   detection enabled, xt can even translate input files in different formats to
   a single output.
 - Streaming Translation
   xt can translate multi-document inputs from unbounded sources like shell
   pipes with minimal buffering, while still supporting features like automatic
   format detection. Streaming is enabled automatically whenever it's required.

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