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CVS Commit History:
2014-12-17 23:02:10 by Olaf Seibert | Files touched by this commit (6) |
Log message:
Import agfl-3.2 as wip/agfl.
The AGFL formalism for the syntactic description of Natural Languages
has been developed by the Computer Science Department of the Radboud
University of Nijmegen. It is a formalism in which large context free
grammars can be described in a compact way. AGFLs belong to the family
of two level grammars, along with attribute grammars: a first,
context-free level is augmented with set-valued features for expressing
agreement between parts of speech.
The AGFL parser generation system for Natural Languages generates
efficient parsers from AGFL grammars. It includes a lexicon system
suitable for the large lexica needed in real-life NLP applications.
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